Misty Optic

Our students wear 4D lenses when they view reality via a Biblical worldview. 3D perception is blurred by sin, when pupils put on the 4D lenses revelation, light, and heightened understanding of spiritual dimension occurs. Christian education transcends the third dimension limitations. Restrictions are overcome. Eyes of the heart begin to allow processing of a greater and more fundamental reality, (Eph 1:18). As a Christian teacher we point beyond the findings of the experimental results achieved in our science laboratory classes. Maths leads the way into truth, but alone it doesn’t usher the student into The Truth. Logic and rational deduction are pavement stones, but so too are tools like intuition, imposition of meaning on data, extrapolation and imagining outcomes and solutions. But these all in concert keep us earth bound and too close to the raw data.

A revelation, a perspective that is supernatural, is required.

This can’t come from the human mind or its creative heart. It is transcendental and so outside an individual and a community of seekers. They are not the ultimate meaning makers, they are the meaning recipients. The Truth comes from exploration and relationship. “Taste and see” God challenges. Take a risk, and exercise faith to believe in the possibility of intelligence and creativity beyond self, beyond humanity, (Ps 34:8). It is in the quest to know God and His ways, particularly through a study of revelation in the Bible, from within this honest relationship our minds are changed .For the mind without God, this mind that rejects Him, is darkened, (Rm 1:28, 8:6-7). It is turned on itself and dependent on the conceit of self. It is a prisoner to the senses, and the senses can be so easily fooled by mirages, illusions, siren calls from the self serving, and ideology which is partial in excluding evidence that might challenge its hegemony.

Faith is not anti -rational, it is supra- rational. It is complementary to logic and a genuine desire to know and understand. Sin pervasively affects perception and understanding; we need a plumb line outside of a world that is affected by the Fall. Reason can enthrone itself as a god, it resists the notion that there is a world beyond the world we can calibrate and discern by our senses. The real world does have spiritual foundations and the 4th dimension of spiritual realities like sinews running through the other three dimensions. Christian education does not omit this realm; it is not a prisoner of an education, which restricts itself to the mere three dimensions. Christian education professes that behind the teacher stands The Teacher, who will reveal truth and the best lifestyle choices that are consequent on this revelation.

Otasteandseethat the God is good: blessed is the person who trusts in him. (Ps 34:8)

I am the way, the truth and the life. (Jn 14:6)

We have themindof Christ. (I Cor 2:16)

Themindof sinful man is death, but themindcontrolled by the Spirit is life and peace. (Rm 8:6)

The sinfulmindis hostile to God, (Rm 8:7), and there is constant friction between men of corruptmind, who have been robbed of the truth.(1 Tim 6:5)

Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depravedmind, to do what ought not to be done. (Rm 1:28)

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of yourmind. (Rm 12:2)

Ipray also thattheeyesofyourheartmay be enlightened in order that you may knowthehope to which he has called you,therichesofhis glorious inheritance inthesaints. (Eph 1:18)


We must ever believe a lie

When we see with and not through the eye

William Blake

Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

We know the truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart.

Blaise Pascal

The Greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.

Stephen Hawking