Your Name

Ms. Danner – English 301

Career Planning Report

October 24, 2017

Original Title

Introduction – Introduce the career that you have researched. Explain the field the job falls into, what the job entails and why it is an important job in society.

Explanation and Importance

Provide an explanation of what this career is and why it is important to the economy or to society. What are the benefits of having this job? Why are people drawn to this particular field or career? What makes this job appealing? Provide sufficient evidence for why this is an appealing career choice and the benefits of having it.

Career Training and Education

Explain the type of training and/or education required for this job. Provide details regarding the type of education required, where people can go to for education or training and the work involved in acquiring a position in this field. Explain the various standards and admission requirements to these schools/training facilities. Describe the prerequisites that are necessary for admission into the school or training facility people wanting to acquire a job in this field could/should attend in order to start this career. Be sure to include the number of years required and the cost involved in completing this education/training.

Acquiring a Position

Explain what a person must do after completing their training or education to acquire a position in this field. Is there additional training that is required? Are there standards that must be met? Tests that have to be taken? Is there a placement test that has to be taken? Boards that have to be passed? Is there a period the person must serve as an intern, or on probation or hours performing certain tasks that must be completed? Does a person move up the ranks in this job? Can they receive promotions? If so, how?

Career Location and Availability

Explain where the best locations are to find jobs in the field you researched. Why are these locations prime for this career? How many jobs are available? What is the salary or pay scale for this job in this particular location?


Use the “Citing a Website” sheet given to you to create a Works Cited document at the end of your report. All information from inside the box in the middle of that page should be included. When you finish typing in all of your citations, be sure to arrange them in alphabetical order by either the last name of the author, or the title of the website. Remember, titles of articles and websites need to be in quotation marks.