The Rainbow Fish

Marcus Pfister

Academic Objectives:

·  MKN1a: The students will connect numerals to the quantities they represent. Students will count a number of objects to 30.

·  MKD1: Students will pose questions, collect data, organize, and record results using objects, pictures, and picture graphs.

Brilliant Star Objectives:

·  Cognitive/Thinking:

o  Classification: Students will be able to organize given elements into sets according to a specified rule or common attributes.

Readability: 3.3

Essential Question(s):

·  What is a graph and how do we use it?

Activating Strategies:

·  Read the book The Rainbow Fish.

·  Display a teacher-made graph similar to the one student’s will create.

·  Have students identify attributes of the graph.

·  Create chart of attributes identified by students.

Acquisition Lesson Activities:

·  Display a jar of gummy fish.

·  Sort the fish as a class.

·  Create a floor graph using colored circles or beanbags to represent each of the colored gummy fish.

·  Create class graphs using large box graph paper – teacher modeling, students copying.

·  Create a class graph – give each student a white circle to color their favorite color, record on class floor graph chart.

·  Discuss findings of graph.

Extend/Refine Activities:

·  Observation: Students create individual graphs using individual gummy bears/fish packets and record results on graph paper.

·  Inference: Write/Record one sentence about their graph related to the information on each individual’s graph.

·  Inference: Students will pick one other student’s graph to compare to their own and tell one thing that was the same or different about their graph and the other student’s graph.


·  Student Graph paper samples:

·  Graphing activities:

·  Varying Types of Graphs:

·  Sort/Graphing Activities:

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