Kewill Imaging Storage Plan

Kewill Imaging

Storage Plan

Publication Date: August, 2008

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Kewill Imaging Storage Plan

Storage Plan

Procedure for Creating & Using New LOB Tables for Import Imaging

Kewill Imaging Storage Plan

Introduction / To facilitate database management in Import Imaging for the long term, a storage strategy is needed for the large binary objects (LOBs) that are permanently stored in the Import Imaging database.
Those LOBs are:
  • Indexed document images
  • Images (e.g. TIFFs) of indexed documents
  • Text of indexed document images
  • The text of specific types of indexed documents: Rendition Bills, Other Bills, Memo Bills, migrated Memo Bills.
  • User notes of indexed document images
  • Notes associated with indexed documents
  • Memo Bill lists of indexed Memo Bills
  • Lists of File Numbers associated with Memo Bills.
Import Imaging has the ability to store each kind of LOB in more than one database table, so that over time, the LOBs can be partitioned according to their age and moved out of main storage into accessible ancillary storage.
In the Import Imaging database, four (4) database tables define the tables in which the LOBs are stored:
  1. ImImagesDocumentImageTables - Defines tables in which images of indexed documents are stored. In Imaging System Manager, this table is managed in screen Import/Document Image Tables.
  2. ImImagesDocumentTextTables - Defines tables in which the text of specific types of indexed documents are stored. In Imaging System Manager, this table is managed in screen Import/Document Text Tables.
  3. ImImagesNotesTables - Defines tables in which notes associated with indexed documents are stored. In Imaging System Manager, this table is managed in screen Import/Notes Tables.
  4. ImImagesMemoBillListTables - Defines tables in which lists of File Numbers associated with Memo Bills are stored. In Imaging System Manager, this table is managed in screen Import/Memo Bill List Tables.
The default set of LOB tables used by Import Imaging to store new indexed documents introduced by the Imaging Client and Imaging processes is configured in database table ImSystem. In Imaging System Manager, this table is managed in screen Sub-Systems/Import System.
Over time, new LOB database tables will be added to the Import Imaging database, recorded in the LOB table definition tables, and the default set of LOB tables changed in the ImSystem table to partition the LOBs by age.
Access to current and historical documents is transparent to the Imaging user via GRANTs and SYNONYMs.
The physical locations of the LOB tables are managed by Oracle.
All of the Imaging software (both client and backend processes) are designed to work with this storage strategy.

Storage Plan

Overview / At the time of Kewill Imaging installation, the customer must decide on the storage periodicity: yearly, semi-yearly, or quarterly. The hibernate.cfg.xml files for the Imaging Web Service and the Java-based Imaging services must be configured accordingly before Kewill Imaging is used.
On either a yearly, semi-yearly, or quarterly basis, LOB tables will be created to contain that time period’s documents, and the LOB table definition tables will be updated to include the new LOB tables. Import Imaging supports time range 2001 through 2025.
At the start of the time period, the default set of LOB tables defined in the ImSystem table will be changed to reflect the new LOB tables created for that time period.
In the Oracle database, the LOB tables that are not the current defaults for new indexed documents will be moved out of main storage to a logical partition or partitions. The documents in the logical partitions will be accessible by Imaging.

Procedure for Creating & Using New LOB Tables for Import Imaging

Procedures / The following steps outline the procedure for creating and using new LOB (Large Binary Objects) tables for Import Imaging:
Step / Action / Comment
1 / Shut down all Imaging processes, both interactive and background.
2 / Using a tool such as Oracle SQL Developer, create a new empty table for storing indexed document images using table ImImagesDocumentImageas a template. / The naming convention for the new table should be as follows:
Yearly: ImImagesDocumentImages_ccyy
where ccyy is the four-digit year, e.g., for 2008 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentImages_2008, and for 2010 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentImages_2010.
Semi-Yearly: ImImagesDocumentImages_ccyyHh
where ccyy is the four-digit year and h is the half-year number (1 or 2), e.g., for 2008 H2 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentImages_2008H2, and for 2010 H1 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentImages_2010H1.
Quarterly: ImImagesDocumentImages_ccyyQq
where ccyy is the four-digit year and q is the quarter number (1, 2, 3, or 4), e.g. for 2008 Q3 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentImages_2008Q3, and for 2010 Q1 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentImages_2010Q1.
3 / Using a tool such as Oracle SQL Developer, create a new empty table for storing the text of indexed document images using table ImImagesDocumentText as a template. / The naming convention for the new table should be as follows:
Yearly: ImImagesDocumentText_ccyy
where ccyy is the four-digit year, e.g., for 2008 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentText_2008, and for 2010 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentText_2010.
Semi-Yearly: ImImagesDocumentText_ccyyHh
where ccyy is the four-digit year and h is the half-year number (1 or 2), e.g., for 2008 H2 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentText_2008H2, and for 2010 H1 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentText_2010H1.
Quarterly: ImImagesDocumentText_ccyyQq
where ccyy is the four-digit year and q is the quarter number (1, 2, 3, or 4), e.g. for 2008 Q3 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentText_2008Q3, and for 2010 Q1 the new table name would be ImImagesDocumentText_2010Q1.
4 / Using a tool such as Oracle SQL Developer, create a new empty table for storing User notes of indexed document images using table ImImagesNotes as a template. / The naming convention for the new table should be as follows:
Yearly: ImImagesNotes_ccyy
where ccyy is the four-digit year, e.g., for 2008 the new table name would be ImImagesNotes_2008, and for 2010 the new table name would be ImImagesNotes_2010.
Semi-Yearly: ImImagesNotes_ccyyHh
where ccyy is the four-digit year and h is the half-year number (1 or 2), e.g., for 2008 H2 the new table name would be ImImagesNotes_2008H2, and for 2010 H1 the new table name would be ImImagesNotes_2010H1.
Quarterly: ImImagesNotes_ccyyQq
where ccyy is the four-digit year and q is the quarter number (1, 2, 3, or 4), e.g., for 2008 Q3 the new table name would be ImImagesNotes_2008Q3, and for 2010 Q1 the new table name would be ImImagesNotes_2010Q1.
5 / Using a tool such as Oracle SQL Developer, create a new empty table for storing Memo Bill lists of indexed Memo Bills using table ImImagesMemoBillList as a template. / The naming convention for the new table should be as follows:
Yearly: ImImagesMemoBillList_ccyy
where ccyy is the four-digit year, e.g. for 2008 the new table name would be ImImagesMemoBillList_2008, and for 2010 the new table name would be ImImagesMemoBillList_2010.
Semi-Yearly: ImImagesMemoBillList_ccyyHh
where ccyy is the four-digit year and h is the half-year number (1 or 2), e.g. for 2008 H2 the new table name would be ImImagesMemoBillList_2008H2, and for 2010 H1 the new table name would be ImImagesMemoBillList_2010H1.
Quarterly: ImImagesMemoBillList_ccyyQq
where ccyy is the four-digit year and q is the quarter number (1, 2, 3, or 4), e.g. for 2008 Q3 the new table name would be ImImagesMemoBillList_2008Q3, and for 2010 Q1 the new table name would be ImImagesMemoBillList_2010Q1.
6 / Run Imaging System Manager.
7 / Select menu item Import Document Image Tables.
8 / Click the Add button to add the new table for storing indexed document images to the list. / The Import Document Image Tables screen will display (see below).
Import Document Image Tables screen:

Step / Action / Comment
9 / On the Import Document Image Tables screen: In the ID box, enter a unique number (not in the Table ID column in the list). / The numbering convention for the ID should be as follows:
Yearly: yy7
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year, e.g. for 2008 the ID would be 87, and for 2010 the ID would be 107.
Semi-Yearly: yyh
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year and h is the 5 for the first half of the year and 6 for second half of the year, e.g., for 2008 H2 the ID would be 86, and for 2010 H1 the ID would be 105.
Quarterly: yyq
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year and q is the quarter number (1, 2, 3, or 4), e.g., for 2008 Q3 the ID would be 83, and for 2010 Q1 the ID would be 101.
10 / In the Table Name box, enter the name of the new table.
11 / Click the OK button.
12 / Select menu item Import Document Text Tables.
13 / Click the Add button to add the new table for storing the text of indexed document images to the list. / The Import Document Text Tables screen will display (see below).
Import Document Text Tables screen:

Step / Action / Comment
14 / On the Import Document Text Tables screen: In the ID box, enter a unique number (not in the Table ID column in the list). / The numbering convention for the ID should be as follows:
Yearly: yy7
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year, e.g. for 2008 the ID would be 87, and for 2010 the ID would be 107.
Semi-Yearly: yyh
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year and h is the 5 for the first half of the year and 6 for second half of the year, e.g., for 2008 H2 the ID would be 86, and for 2010 H1 the ID would be 105.
Quarterly: yyq
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year and q is the quarter number (1, 2, 3, or 4), e.g., for 2008 Q3 the ID would be 83, and for 2010 Q1 the ID would be 101.
15 / In the Table Name box, enter the name of the new table.
16 / Click the OK button.
17 / Select menu item Import Notes Tables.
18 / Click the Add button to add the new table for storing the text of indexed document images to the list. / The Import Notes Tables screen will display (see below).
Import Notes Tables screen:

Step / Action / Comment
19 / On the Import Notes Tables screen: In the ID box, enter a unique number (not in the Table ID column in the list). / The numbering convention for the ID should be as follows:
Yearly: yy7
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year, e.g. for 2008 the ID would be 87, and for 2010 the ID would be 107.
Semi-Yearly: yyh
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year and h is the 5 for the first half of the year and 6 for second half of the year, e.g., for 2008 H2 the ID would be 86, and for 2010 H1 the ID would be 105.
Quarterly: yyq
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year and q is the quarter number (1, 2, 3, or 4), e.g., for 2008 Q3 the ID would be 83, and for 2010 Q1 the ID would be 101.
20 / In the Table Name box, enter the name of the new table.
21 / Click the OK button.
22 / Select menu item Import Memo Bill List Tables.
23 / Click the Add button to add the new table for storing the text of indexed document images to the list. / The Import Memo Bill List Tables screen will display (see below).
Import Memo Bill List Tables screen:

Step / Action / Comment
24 / On the Import Memo Bill List Tables screen: In the ID box, enter a unique number (not in the Table ID column in the list). / The numbering convention for the ID should be as follows:
Yearly: yy7
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year, e.g. for 2008 the ID would be 87, and for 2010 the ID would be 107.
Semi-Yearly: yyh
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year and h is the 5 for the first half of the year and 6 for second half of the year, e.g., for 2008 H2 the ID would be 86, and for 2010 H1 the ID would be 105.
Quarterly: yyq
where yy is the last two digits of the four-digit year and q is the quarter number (1, 2, 3, or 4), e.g., for 2008 Q3 the ID would be 83, and for 2010 Q1 the ID would be 101.
25 / In the Table Name box, enter the name of the new table.
26 / Click the OK button.
27 / Select menu item Sub-Systems/Import System.
28 / Select the record in the list.
29 / Click the Modify button to edit the record. / The Import System Settings screen displays (see below).
Import System Settings screen:

Step / Action / Comment
30 / On the Import System Settings screen: In the Doc Image Table box, enter the Table ID of the new table for storing indexed document images. / For example: You would enter 83 in the example in step 9 above.
31 / In the Doc Text Table box, enter the Table ID of the new table for storing the text of indexed document images. / For example: You would enter 83 in the example in step 14 above.
32 / In the Memo Bill List Table box, enter the Table ID of the new table for storing Memo Bill lists of indexed Memo Bills. / For example: You would enter 83 in the example in step 24 above.
33 / In the Notes Table box, enter the Table ID of the new table for storing User notes of indexed document images. / For example: You would enter 83 in the example in step 19 above.
34 / Click the OK button to save the record. / At this point, LOBs of indexed documents added to Import Imaging will be stored in the new tables.
35 / Move the old LOB tables to ancillary storage in Oracle. / The requirements for the move are that the IDs and Names of the old LOB tables must not be changed and the old LOB tables must be visible to all Imaging processes, both interactive and background.
36 / Start all processes in Imaging, both interactive and background.

Copyright © 2008by Kewill plc[last revision date: 08/06/08]


Copyright © 2008 Kewill plc