Minutes of the 9thMeeting of
Finance Committee (2016-17)
Central and Western District Council
Date / : / 29 June 2017 (Thursday)
Time / : / 2:30 pm
Venue / : / Conference Room
14/F, Harbour Building
38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong
Mr LEE Chi-hang, Sidney, MH*
Mr CHEUNG Kwok-kwan, JP / (start of the meeting – 3:17 pm)
Mr CHAN Chit-kwai, Stephen, BBS, JP / (2:42 pm – 5:00 pm)
Mr CHAN Ho-lim, Joseph / (4:00 pm – 4:34 pm)
Mr CHAN Hok-fung, MH / (start of the meeting – 3:17 pm)
Ms CHENG Lai-king / (2:34 pm – end of the meeting)
Mr HUI Chi-fung / (3:05 pm – 4:03 pm)
Mr KAM Nai-wai, MH*
Miss LO Yee-hang / (3:12 pm – end of the meeting)
Mr NG Siu-hong / (2:33 pm – end of the meeting)
Ms SIU Ka-yi*
Mr YEUNG Hoi-wing*
Mr YEUNG Hok-ming / (start of the meeting – 5:25 pm)
Mr YIP Wing-shing, BBS, MH, JP*
Remarks: / * Members who attended the whole meeting
( )Time of attendance of Members
In Attendance:
Mrs WONG HO Wing-sze, Susanne, JP / District Officer (Central and Western)
Ms YEUNG Wing-shan, Grace / Senior Executive Officer (District Council), Central and Western District Office
Ms LEE Chui-kuen, Joanne / Officer in charge (Western), Central and Western District Office
Ms HUI Pui-ting, Ashley / Executive Assistant (District Council)6, Central and Western District Office
Ms NG Wah-nui, Avis / Officer in charge (Central), Central and Western District Office
Ms WU Hoi-ki, Ellen / Executive Assistant (District Council)4, Central and Western District Office
Ms LEUNG Ying-dong / Secretary, The Association of the Hong Kong Central and Western District Limited
Ms CHONG Fuk-yu / Project Officer, The Hong Kong Island Federation
Ms CHAN Yuen-yee, Yuki / Executive Assistant (District Council)1, Central and Western District Office
Mr WONG Cheuk-him, Elton / Executive Assistant (District Council)5, Central and Western District Office
Ms Rowena SZETO / Manager, St. James’ Settlement Central and Western District Elderly Community Centre
Ms Cathy CHEUNG / Social Worker, St. James’ Settlement Central and Western District Elderly Community Centre
Ms Wing CHENG / Social Worker, St. James’ Settlement Central and Western District Elderly Community Centre
Ms WONG So-han / Social Worker, Hong Kong Y.W.C.A. Western District Integrated Social Service Centre
Ms WONG Hey-wei,Carly / Assistant Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Parents Resource Centre
Mr LAU Kwok-wai / Executive Director, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage
Ms HUANG Hsiao-ching, Yuki / Executive Officer (District Council)2, Central and Western District Office
Mr POON Wai-keung / Discipline Master, KCOBA Primary School No.2
Mr YAU Lik-yung / Welfare Worker, Caritas Jockey Club Integrated Service for Young People – Shek Tong Tsui
Mr YUEN Hin-sing / Social Worker, The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, Jockey Club Sheung Wan Children and Youth Integrated Services Centre
Ms Angela LEE / Secretary, Sai Ying Pun Kaifong Welfare Association
Mr HAU Kwun-lam / Social Worker, Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association Kwun Lung Lau Community Work Office
Mr LAU Sai-cheung / Secretary, Hong Kong Central and Western District Woman Association
Ms LAM Wai-sim, Jenny / Liaison Officer (Peak and University), Central and Western District Office
Ms MAK Wai-ying, Candace / Liaison Officer (Sai Ying Pun), Central and Western District Office
Ms LIU Kit-ling, Vivian / Secretary, Kennedy Town and Shek Tong Tsui Area Committee
Mr NG Kwok-hei / Liaison Officer, Central and Western District Sports and Recreation Association
Mr LIE Ngai-wa, Simon / Secretary, Central and Western District Fire Safety Committee
Ms LEUNG Ka-yee, Carol / Liaison Officer (Centre Street and Water Street), Central and Western District Office
Ms CHAK Lai-fong / Social Worker, Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association Central, Western & Islands District Youth Outreaching Social Work Team
Mr Arthur James CHAN / Social Worker, Grace & Joy Integrated Family Service Centre, The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council
Ms LAM Sau-lan, Michelle / Secretary, Central & Western District Committee on Promotion of IT
Mr TSANG Yiu-tong / Vice-chairman (Finance), Central and Western District Road Safety Campaign Committee
Mr CHAN Chun-ping / Committee Member (Finance), Central and Western District Road Safety Campaign Committee
Ms SIN Tsui-mei / Staff member, Central and Western District Association for Culture and Arts
Mr LEUNG Kam-tong / Executive Member, Central and Western District Association for Culture and Arts
Ms HUI Po-yan / Vice-chairlady, Hong Kong Y.W.C.A. Tai Hon Fan Nursery School Parent Teacher Association
Ms YEN Lau-fan / Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Community Centre – Caine Road
Mr LUK Kai-fai / Welfare Worker, Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre
Mr CHAN Wah-tim / Committee Member, Friends of Mount Davis
Mr DING Pak-hei / President, Federation of Parent-Teacher Associations of the Central and Western District Ltd
Mr LEUNG Tin-ho / Vice President, Federation of Parent-Teacher Associations of the Central and Western District Ltd
Mr CHAN Ching-yuen / Chairman, Chi Yuen Education Fund Limited
Ms LI Mee-nar, Elina / Chairlady, Elina Cantonese Opera Association
Ms CHENG Yuk-lan / Administrative Assistant, Chinese Arts and Culture Association
Mr LEUNG Hon-yung / Chairman, The Hong Kong Youth of Chinese Opera College
Ms Manna CHOI / Chairlady, Yu Sum Chinese Opera Troupe
Ms WONG Wai-shan / Executive Officer, Tin Ma Music and Opera Association Limited
Ms LAI Yin-kit / Chairman, Yuet Sing Chinese Opera
Ms NG Po-kuen / Chairwoman, Raines Cantonese Opera Troupe
Ms CHENG Shuk-man / Chairlady, Cantonese Opera Art Study Association
Ms WONG Yuen-yee / Chairlady, The Standard Platform for Cantonese Opera
Mr WONG Fai / Director, Hong Kong Puppet and Shadow Art Center
Mr Alex LAM / Program Manager, Class 7A Drama Group Limited
Ms Ruby YUEN / Pogram Officer, Class 7A Drama Group Limited
Mr CHAN Shuk-fan, Bianca / Deputy District Leisure Manager (District Support) Central and Western, Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Mr Kenneth TSE / Director, Meta4 Design Forum Limited
Mr Steven CHU / Director, Meta4 Design Forum Limited
Ms Maggie CHOW / Assistant Commissioner for Tourism 3, Tourism Commission
Mr Brian TAM / Manager (Tourism) 32, Tourism Commission
Ms Belinda WONG / Museum Director (Museum of History), Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Mr MOK Chi-kin, Jiv / Senior Executive Officer (District Management), Central and Western District Office
Mr MAN Chi-Chiu, Eric / Executive Officer (District Management), Central and Western District Office
Absent with Apologies:
Mr CHAN Choi-hi, MH
Ms YIP Wing-yan, Sonia / Executive Officer (District Council) 1, Central and Western District Office
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
Item 1: Adoption of the agenda
  1. Mr KAM Nai-wai said that before the meeting, the Secretariat had asked Members for their views onthe discussion arrangementregarding “Dr Sun Yat-sen Historical Trial – Installation of the redesigned memorial plaques”, whereupon he replied that he opposed to holding a closed session for the discussion on introduction to the design of the memorial plaques. He considered it unreasonable and lacked transparencythat the final designs of the plaques were still not released to the public at the stage of granting fundingapproval. Mr KAM said if funding allocation was approved now whenthe designs of the plaques were not yet confirmed,then once this precedent was set, funding could be grantedbefore the design of a project was confirmed for all future projects, and such practice was extremely unreasonable. Hence,Mr KAMhoped that for the part concerningintroduction to the design of the memorial plaques, it would remain asan opensession so the publicwould be informed.
  1. The Chairman noted Mr KAM’s opinion. The Chairman said the Secretariat received an email from the company responsible for the design of the Dr Sun Yat-sen Historical Trail memorial plaques on 22 June, requestingthe Finance Committee (FC) to keepthe discussions on theplaque design confidential when considering the funding application in the meeting, and it was because the designers would need to fine-tune their designs, so they hoped the designs would not be released to the public before they were finalised. Regarding the designers’ request, according to the Standing Orders,Members’ advice had to be sought if any partof a meeting requireda closed-door discussion. Thus, FC sent letters to Memberson 23 June to obtain their opinions about holding a closed session for the part on the introduction of the memorial plaque design, while keeping the discussion of the fund application open. Subsequently, 12 replies were received, of which 10 Members agreed to the arrangement, 2 opposed which included Mr KAM Nai-wai, and 3 other Members did not reply. Consequently,the Chairman decided to respect the opinions of the designers and Members and helda closed session for the agenda item on introduction to the design of the memorial plaques. The Chairman admitted that this might not be the most ideal way of handling the matter. He hoped the designers would send the final designs to the Central and Western District Council (C&WDC) for record once they finished all the design work. He suggested that Members could impose conditionsfor the provision of funding,such as a deadline for the submission of the final designs, before endorsing the allocation.
  1. The revised agenda was adopted.
Item 2: Confirmation of the minutes of the eighth FC meeting and first special FC meeting in 2016-17
  1. The Chairman said the Secretariat had not received any proposed amendment before the meeting. The minutes of the 8th FC meeting in 2016-17 and the minutes of the 1st special FC meeting were confirmed by the Committee.
Item 3: DC Funds financial report (2017-18)
(C&W FC Paper Nos.122/2017 to 123/2017)
  1. Home Affairs Department (HAD) had allocated $19,440,000 to the C&WDC in the year 2017/18 for organising Community Involvement (CI) Projects. As at 23 June 2017, after deducting a total of $701,184.50 to be carried forward to the year 2017/18, the C&WDC had endorsed $12,192,739.7for CI Projects, which accounted for 62.72% of the $19,440,000 allocated by the HAD. The actual expenditure amounted to $3,749,216.07, accounting for 19.29% of the allocated funding.
  1. The Chairman reported that since the last meeting, the FC had endorsed 30 fund applications for CI Projects by circulation of paper, for details please refer to C&W FC Paper No. 123/2017.
Item 4: Fund applications of C&W DC as well as committees and working groups under C&W DC
(C&W FC Paper Nos.124/2017 to 150/2017)
  1. Mr YIP Wing-shingenquired whether the time allowed for each Member to speak would be restrictedas many papers were submitted at this meeting. The Chairman believed that Members’ questions would not be too long, and he hoped Members would keep theirspeaking time within 1 minuteas far as possible.
  1. The Chairman indicated that there were 73 C&WDC fund applications for consideration at the meeting, involving an allocation of $7,449,932.5, of which $5,536,312.5 was funding for the CI Projects of the C&WDC. If all the applications for CI Projects were endorsed, the total amount of funds allocated by the C&WDC FC in 2017/18 would be amounted to $17,749,052.2.
  1. The Chairman invited Members to refer to C&W FC Paper No. 124/2017 for 27 fund applications from the C&WDC, its committees and working groups. The Chairman reminded Members to declare interest prior to thediscussions of relevant applicationsif they had an interest in theorganisationsmakingthe applications.
(C&W FC Paper No. 125/2017)
  1. Regarding the fund application of “New Year's Eve Countdown in Central & Western District 2017”, Ms CHENG Lai-king said some elderly volunteers expressed that the weather would be cold on the day of the activity, and the meal boxes provided would already be cold when they received them. Ms CHENG said the volunteers knew that if an activity had provided meals, then they would not receive the volunteer allowance; and soshe suggested distributing the allowance to the volunteers at reporting time for them to buy meals first, and then let them report for dutyat the venue. Ms CHENG also suggested the Member responsible for thisNew Year’s Eve activity improved the quality of meals provided for the volunteers. Ms LEE Chui-kuen, Officer in charge (Western) of the Central and Western District Office (C&WDO), said she would review the meal arrangement for volunteers. The Chairman supplemented that the current C&WDC Manual on the Use of DC Funds (the Manual) stipulated that for any activity, only mealsandactual travelling expensespaid on reimbursement basis could be provided to the volunteers,and paying cash allowance was not allowed, so the problem could only be tackled by improving the quality of the meals. Mr YIP Wing-shingsaid the Working Group on Central & Western District Council Affairs had notedthecomments,and considered that improvement should be made. He believed that the organising team would make appropriate arrangement,so that hot meals would be provided for the volunteers on the day of the activity.
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $643,000 to Working Group on Central & Western District Council Affairs for implementing “New Year's Eve Countdown in Central & Western District 2017”.
(C&W FC Paper No. 126/2017)
  1. Regarding the fund application of “2017/2018 Fall/Winter Sheung Wan Promenade (venue enhancement, performances and publicity items)”, Mount Davis Kaifong Welfare Association was the co-organiser, and the Vice-chairman declared that he was its honorary legal advisor, Mr CHAN Hok-fung declared that he was its vice-chairman and Mr YEUNG Hoi-wing declared that he was its secretary. Mr KAM Nai-wai said some residents reflected that the stage construction and sound testing work for the activity would be carried out in the morning, which would cause noise nuisance. Mr KAM suggested testing the stage audio effects in the afternoon and keeping the volume as low as possible. He also hoped that the loudspeaker would not face Harmony Court, as its residents had complained about the excessive noise created before.
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $229,380 to Working Group on Central & Western District Council Affairs for implementing “2017/2018 Fall/Winter Sheung Wan Promenade (venue enhancement, performances and publicity items)”.
  1. Mr CHAN Hok-fung said Mount Davis Kaifong Welfare Association,being the co-‍organiser of the activity, had not applied for DC funds. The Chairman said he knew all the four co-organisers, namely Mount Davis Kaifong Welfare Association, Central District Kaifong Welfare Association, Sai Ying Pun Kaifong Welfare Association and Sai Wan Kaifong Welfare Association, had not applied for DC funds for thisactivity, as they only provided volunteers to assist in the activity. But since the four Kaifong Welfare Associations were co-organisers, there was no harm for Members to declare their interest in them.
(C&W FC Paper No. 127/2017)
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $40,620 to Central District Kaifong Welfare Association for implementing “2017/2018 Fall/Winter Sheung Wan Promenade (stall items)”.
(C&W FC Paper No. 129/2017)
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $226,240 to Central & Western District Coordinating Working Group for the Celebration of the 68th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China under the Working Group on Central & Western District Council Affairs for implementing “Children Carnival of the Central & Western District in Celebration of the 68th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China”.
(C&W FC Paper Nos. 130/2017 to 131/2017)
  1. The Committee endorsed the following two fund applications submitted by National Day Celebration Committee of the Central and Western District:
(i)an allocation of $115,000 for implementing “National Day Carnival of the Central & Western District (Western District) in Celebration of the 68th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China”; and
(ii)an allocation of $115,000 for implementing “Gala Evening of the Central & Western District in Celebration of the 68th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China”.
(C&W FC Paper No. 132/2017)
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $50,000 to Hong Kong Island Federation for organising “National Day Celebration Concert on Hong Kong Island in Celebration of the 68th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China”.
(C&W FC Paper No. 133/2017)
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $20,000 to Steering Committee on Healthy City in the Central and Western District for implementing “Publicity campaign of Steering Committee on Health City in the Central and Western District”.
(C&W FC Paper No. 134/2017)
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $400,000 to Steering Committee on Healthy City in the Central and Western District for implementing “Central and Western District Health Festival 2017/18”.
(C&W FC Paper No. 135/2017)
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $8,930 to Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui(HKSKH) Western District Elderly Community Centre for implementing“‘Body and Mind Booster’ Community Health Education Programme”.
(C&W FC Paper No. 136/2017)
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $50,300 to St. James’ Settlement Central & Western District Elderly Community Centre for implementing “‘Health and Happy Life’ – Holistic Health Promotion Project for the Elderly 2017-2018”.
(C&W FC Paper No. 138/2017)
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $48,850 to St. James’ Settlement Central & Western District Elderly Community Centre for implementing “Healthy Eating for the Elderly”. This allocation was provided by the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food.
(C&W FC Paper No. 139/2017)
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $103,000 to Caritas Rehabilitation Service Parents Resource Centre for implementing “International Day of Disabled Persons in the Central and Western District 2017”. This allocation was provided by the Labour and Welfare Bureau.
(C&W FC Paper No. 140/2017)
  1. Regarding the fund application of “Culture in the District 2017-18: ‘Show of newly arranged ancient Chinese opera in the Central & Western District’”, Mr CHAN Chit-kwai declared that he was a director of the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe). The Chairman indicated that Mr CHAN could stay in the meeting during the discussion concerned, but could not vote if voting was required. Mr KAM Nai-wai said there were two items of performer’s allowances on the application form, namely “The Gong Strikes One” with a total of 13 persons for $17,000, and “Miss CHAN Wai-sze” with 1 person for $9,000. He enquired whether the Manualhad set any limit on performer’s allowance. The Chairman said the same question had been raised in the special meeting previously held, in which it was pointed out that the Manual did not set any limit on the allowance for performers or musicians; the amount of an allowance was subject tothe consent of Members. Mr LAU Kwok-wai, Executive Director of CACHe, said Miss CHAN Wai-sze had performed for CACHe before and the rate charged then was about the same as the current one, which was already lower than that charged by her for other organisations. Mr KAM said he did not grasp the nature of the activity and enquired whether the roles of the above two performers were in the nature of performing or teaching; if a performer was actually “teaching” in the activity, then charging a performer’s fee was trickery. In response to Mr KAM’s question, the Chairmansaid that this activity had been discussedin the last special meeting and at the time, the application was for organising a workshop, with a target number of participantsof about 90 persons; but CACHe had now changed the activity into a performance, with a target number of participants of about 200 persons. Hence, both units that would receive the allowance for performers would perform in the activity. The Chairman said it would be difficult for FC to set an upper limit for performer’s allowance in the Manual. Ms CHENG Lai-king said Members might not know whether the fee charged by a professional Cantonese opera performer or performing group was reasonable. She suggested setting the criteria for considering these types of applications in the Manual. The Chairman concurred with Ms CHENG’sview and considered that an appropriate review could be conducted, and different factors must be considered in drawing up the criteria. The Chairman suggested consulting with HAD on the ways to handle this kind of issues after the meeting, and hoped that the Manual could be amended accordingly before the start of the next financial year. Mr CHAN Chit-kwaipointed out that in the last special meeting, it was undertakenthat a review would be conducted on both the Culture in the District activities and district arts and cultural activities in September. He also saidMs CHENG’s suggestion could be included as one of the review items and invited Members to give comments then. The Chairman responded that the Culture in the District funding criteria and the FC funding criteria were two different aspects; however, he did not object to reviewing them both. Mr CHAN Chit-kwai further said that the criteria for endorsing a fund application of Culture in the District activity was more flexible, and he looked forward to a review as soon as possible. Mrs WONG HO Wing-sze, District Officer (Central and Western),agreed that the Manualshould be reviewed regularly; nevertheless, market prices varied with different performers and HAD might not be able to provide an actual figure forcapping the performer’s fee. Despite this, Mrs WONG concurred with the Chairman’s suggestion about reviewing the Manual, so asto establishrelevant criteria or referential factors to help Members considered the applications. Ms CHENG Lai-kingenquired that regardingthe performers’ allowance, the quantity “one performing unit” referred tohow many hours. Mr LAU Kwok-wai, Executive Director of CACHe, replied that “one performing unit” referred to a performing group consisting of 13 people and they would give performance for one to two hours.
  1. The Committee endorsed an allocation of $29,930 to the Culture, Leisure & Social Affairs Committee(CLSAC) for organising “Culture in the District 2017-18: ‘Show of newly arranged ancient Chinese opera in the Central & Western District’”.
(C&W FC Paper No. 141/2017)