CHAIRMAN …………………………………


The Horam Centre

3 Bank Buildings

High Street, Horam

TN21 0EH

Tel: 07900 576236

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting

held on Wednesday 13th August 2014 at 7.30pm in The Horam Centre

Janet Fairweather

Janet Fairweather - Clerk

In Attendance: Cllr M Bustard (Chair), Cllr D Bashford, Cllr D Belasco, Cllr K Dudley, Cllr G Knight, Cllr A Lock, Cllr L Parkyn, Cllr V Roberts, Cllr J Stanbridge, Cllr S Stedman, Cllr J Webb.

PUBLIC SESSION – 7.30pm. No Attendees

Cllr Bustard informed the members of the death of Harry Tomlinson, ex councillor and resident of Vines Cross. A minutes silence was held to reflect on his life. Cllr Parkyn will inform HPC of the funeral arrangements.


026/08/14: APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received and accepted from County Councillor Chris Dowling.

027/08/14: DECLARATION OF INTEREST – none.

028/08/14: MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 9th July 2014 (previously circulated) were confirmed and signed as a true record.

029/08/14: MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (not included elsewhere in the Agenda) - none

030/08/14: CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED (for information): Post Office – move to 2 Bank Buildings 3rd September 2014- noted


·  Planning, Highways & Rights of Way: Cllr Bustard reported:

1.  Minutes of all meetings published independently.

2.  Cllr Dudley will resume his duties as Chair of Planning as from August 27th 2014

3.  Steve Knott of Beech Homes Ltd has advised that hoarding for the site is due to be erected in the next two weeks. One panel will be left blank for use by HPC and for signing the Horam Manor facilities. They are currently in discussion with WDC with regard to the affordable housing and its funding, as they fully intend to deliver the affordable housing, but need to ensure that it is financially viable. They are intending to make some minor changes to the layout which will not increase in numbers in any way, but will suit the Housing Association in terms of future management.

4.  The Horam Inn application WD/2014/1316/F will be considered at WDC Planning Committee South on 21st August 2014. Cllr Bustard will attend and speak in favour of the Horam Inn as an existing public house. The alarm at the property is regularly sounding – the Clerk to look into.

·  Finance: Cllr Stanbridge

1.  Proposal to open Nationwide Savings account – following the Finance committee’s recommendations that a Nationwide Savings Account, currently paying 1% interest HPC unanimously agreed that the account should be opened (Proposed by Cllr Roberts, seconded by Cllr Belasco). Best practice security recommendations to be adhered to – the Clerk to deal.

2.  Electronic Banking (payments) update: System to be implemented after adoption of amendment Financial Regulations:

i.  Obtain tokens from bank(s) for payments transfers between accounts.

ii.  One of token(s) held by Clerk, second by members of Finance sub-committee on three month rotation. Other HPC members added as necessary.

iii.  Clerk/RFO to hold Register of token holders.

iv.  If current token holder unable to hold token for total period, pass to next named person.

v.  At Full Council meeting, Clerk to highlight items on approval of payments, whether cheque or electronic payment. Also transfers between banks.

vi.  Day following Full Council meeting, both token holders to meet at Horam Centre to make approved transfers.

3.  Financial Statements for year ended 31st March 2014 approved and signed by Chairman and RFO (proposed Cllr Stanbridge, seconded Cllr Belasco).

4.  Bank of Ireland closure confirmed, confirmation of Precept payment to Barclays received from WDC.

5.  The date of the Public Finance Meeting as proposed by the Finance Committee was to be 6th September. As HPC are still waiting for the certificate to be issued by PKF Littlejohn, it was agreed to set a new date on receipt of the certificate. The Clerk to organise the purchase of a “visitors” book to use at relevant meetings.


·  Horam Centre Cllr S Stedman – No issues apart from possible change of plan re: WDC toilet scheme. Not as practicable as first thought, decision to be made at their next meeting.

·  Emergency Officer Cllr L Parkyn - updated procedures under consideration

·  Press Officer Cllr D Bashford - nothing to report

·  Merrydown Development Cllr Bustard- reported above item 031/08/14

·  Views of the Elderly Cllr V Roberts -nothing to report

·  Views of the Youth Cllr J Stanbridge – waiting to meet with Village Hall committee

·  Risk Assessment Cllr D Belasco - to advise Clerk which benches need surrounding vegetation cut back.

·  WDALC Cllr A Lock - has familiarised with web-site and waiting for October meeting.

·  Village Hall inc Allotments Cllr L Parkyn – meeting cancelled at short notice, condition of grounds giving cause for concern. Clerk to remind Village Hall committee that joint HPC and VH meeting overdue.

·  Maynards Green School Cllr L Parkyn – it is understood that some parents are already looking at school for September 2015 intake.

·  St Mary’s School Cllr D Bashford – nothing to report

·  Website Clerk - please advise of news items for inclusion


·  District Councillor Cllr S Stedman reported:

i.  The Horam Inn application for the restaurant extension will be heard at the Planning Committee South on 21st August. It is hoped that more information regarding the owner’s intentions will become evident.

ii.  It is likely that the Merrydown planning application will go to committee on 18th September.

iii.  Minerals and Waste: Having liaised with Cllr Chris Dowling as requested, ESCC have confirmed that the Waste and Minerals Sites Plan 8 seeks to safeguard existing mineral sites. Horam Brickworks is included in the list of clay sites to be safeguarded. There are no proposals in the Sites Plan for Horam Brickworks to be used for any waste management activities, including landfill.

iv.  Enhancing Horam: merchandise regarding the Tour of Britain is on order.


·  Conflict of Interest – Cllr Bustard reported that his wife provides catering for AIRS and SALC on a commercial basis from time to time, and that occasionally he assists. To ensure that there is no conflict of interest he will stand aside when a forthcoming AIRS or SALC conference is discussed in which either he or his wife is involved as Caterers.

·  Acceptance of Gift – as a result of the Clerk advertising a forthcoming event at Hicksted in the Horam Centre, she received tickets to the value of about £100. These were passed to Cllr Bustard as she was unable to use them.

034/08/14: CLERK'S REPORT:

·  Lap top purchased and in use.

·  Proposal to change office opening hours to 9am to 12 from September - agreed

·  Property marking – The Horam Centre August 21st 10am – PCSO Alison Shadbolt to be in attendance. Arrangements can also be made for home visit to mark larger items.

035/08/14: FINANCE:

1.  Payments as shown below approved and authorised for signing of cheques as listed.

Payee £ cheque number

J Fairweather salary 200904

P Carter salary 200905

The Horam Club Rooms 160.00 200906

SBG Computers

Laptop incl. Bullguard & installation £590

Microsoft Office and Bullguard annual subs

(main computer) £129.99 719.99 200907

Viking – ink 65.36 200908

Malcolm Curtis – grass cutting bank/old station 60.00 200909

J Fairweather – (postage 23.06,

business cards £26.37, PDF software £19.82) 69.25 200910

WDC dog and waste bins 381.78 200911

Maynards Green School Grant 1000.00 200912

Horam Pre-School Grant 500.00 200913

SSALC Ltd – Good Cllr Guide(£6)

Legal & Finance Day (£210) 216.00 200914

CPRE subscription 36.00 200915

2.  Bank Reconciliation for previous month approved.

3.  Clerk’s additional six hours in respect of Legal & Finance course attended approved.



Old Station: WDC have disposed of the cuttings. HPC discussed using the Pay Back Team for keeping the vegetation cut back. This would be at a cost £115 per day and a contract of agreement would have to be signed. It was agreed that their use was not ideal and HPC would be better served to utilise Malcolm Curtis, who had his own liability insurance and worked without supervision.

Enhancing Horam: Cllr Bustard reported that the first meeting had gone well. It was hopeful that there would be a Christmas event. WDC have been asked for a grant of £500 towards the Horam brand and website. It was hopeful that the car park behind the chapel could be used as a car park for traders to ease parking in the High Street.


HPC agreed that the plans would probably result in a downgraded service. It appeared that the main effect on Horam was the removal of the 18.30 and 19.15 Saturday evening journeys on the 252 bus from Heathfield to Tunbridge Wells.

039/08/14: COMMENTS ON SOUTH DOWNS AND BRIGHTON & HOVE WASTE AND MINERALS SITES PLAN (deadline 5th September) – See Cllr Stedman comments under 032/08/14 above. HPC were pleased to hear that that the Horam Brickworks site was to be protected. The clerk to respond to the consultation accordingly.



After discussion HPC agreed that the Village Hall would be the most appropriate location. The Clerk to write to the Chairman of the Village Hall committee.

042/08/14: COMMENTS ON WDC PUBLIC CAR PARKING CONSULTATION (deadline 31st October 2014)

After studying the document HPC agreed that there appeared to be no changes to the WDC car park in Horam.

043/08/14: COMMUNITY DIVIDEND – Money for community scheme as a result of problems with waste collection.

Cllr Stedman provided details of two picnic benches, made from sustainable wood and was still looking into costings for a memorial plinth. HPC agreed that Cllr Stedman, Cllr Knight and the Clerk would form a working party to agree the style and supplier of the benches. The purchase and position of the plinth to be referred to September Agenda.

044/08/14: INFORMATION FOR/FROM COUNCILLORS (for noting or inclusion on future agendas):

September Agenda to include:

i.  adoption of amended Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

ii.  WWI exhibition final comments


The next Full Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday September 10th at 7.30pm, preceded by a Planning/Highways & Rights of Way meeting at 7pm in The Horam Centre, High Street, Horam

There being no further business Cllr Bustard thanked everyone for coming and the meeting closed at 9.08pm.