Research Awards Day Nomination Template


Review Committee for Basic and Clinical Research Awards

Wake Forest School of Medicine

Re: Candidate’s Name or Team Names

Dear members of the review committee:

General Information

Place basic information here to introduce the review committee to your candidate(s). You may mention how long you’ve known the candidate(s), when the candidate(s) came to the institution and other general information. You must indicate the specific award category for which you are nominating your candidate(s). Your candidate(s) must qualify and meet specific criteria.

Place one (1) check mark by the specific category below for which you are nominating your candidate(s). Note: You must choose between basic or clinical within the Early Career, Mid-Career and Established categories.

(Clinical Research is patient-oriented research, including epidemiologic and behavioral studies, outcomes research, and health services research. Patient-oriented research is research conducted with human subjects (or on material of human origin such as tissues, specimens, and cognitive phenomena) in which a researcher directly interacts with human subjects. It includes research on mechanisms of human disease, therapeutic interventions, clinical trials, and development of new technologies, but does not include in vitro studies that use human tissues that cannot be linked to a living individual.)


I. Early Career Investigator (Assistant Professor)

____a. Basic

____b. Clinical

II. Mid-Career Investigator (Associate Professor)

____a. Basic

____b. Clinical

III. Established Investigator (Full Professor)

____a. Basic

____b. Clinical

IV. Clinician Investigator (Assistant Professor or Higher)

V. Mentoring Award (Associate Professor or Higher)

VI. Team Science Award

In the following paragraphs elaborate on all of the specific criteria areas outlined in the invitation for nomination letter from the Dean. A nomination letter is incomplete and puts a candidate(s) at a disadvantage, risking disqualification by the committee, if all specific criteria areas are not elaborated upon, if a candidate(s) is nominated for a category for which he or she does not qualify, or if the nomination package is not received by the specified deadline.

Criteria for Early Career Investigator include:

Years at WFSM: minimum of 3 years

Assistant Professor level for at least 3 years

A significant contribution to the field

Originality and independence of thought

Outside recognition

Potential for an outstanding career as a scientist

Criteria for Mid-Career include:

Years at WFSM: minimum of 3 years

Associate Professor level for at least 3 years

Significance of contribution to the field

Originality of the work

Value of the work in shaping and furthering the field


National and international recognition

Contributions to the research environment of the school

Contributions as mentor and colleague

Criteria for Established Investigator include:

Years at WFSM: minimum of 3 years

Full Professor level for at least 3 years

Significance of contribution to the field

Originality of the work

Value of the work in shaping and furthering the field


National and international recognition

Contributions to the research environment of the school

Contributions as mentor and colleague

Criteria for Clinician Investigator include:

Years at WFSM: minimum of 3 years

Assistant Professor level or higher for at least 3 years

A significant contribution to the field

Originality and independence of thought

Outside recognition


More than 50% effort devoted to clinical duties

Criteria for Mentoring Award include:

Years at WFSM: minimum of 5 years

Associate Professor or higher level (no minimum # of years required)

We are seeking nominations of individuals who have played a significant role in mentoring faculty in their trajectory in attaining a highly successful status as a researcher in the biomedical sciences.

Criteria for Team Science Award include:

Must be a WFSM faculty member

Exemplary achievement

Include multi-disciplinary and multi-departmental team members

Demonstrate a remarkable scientific product that makes an impact


Here you can summarize your comments and acknowledge that you have enclosed all of the components required for a complete nomination package.

Package Components:

1.  A support letter or testimonial (required)

2.  NIH style Biographical Sketches (required)

3.  Teaching Dossiers (where appropriate)

4.  Abstracts (where appropriate)

5.  Any other specific items as outlined per category in the nomination memorandum


Department Chair or Faculty Nominating Candidate