Name: ______

ID: ______

Degree Requirements for Extended B.S. in Public Planning

Sustainable Development Focus (2009-2010 Catalog)

Liberal Studies (35 units total)

Foundations (7)

1a. ENG 105 or 4 or

1b. ENG 101/102 6

2. MAT 114 3

Lab Science (4)


Science/Applied Science (3-6units)



Social and Political Worlds (3-6units)



Aesthetic and Human Inquiry (3-6 units)



Cultural Understanding (3-6 units)



Diversity Requirement

Ethnic ____

Global ____

Liberal Studies Elective (3 units) (You take one additional elective course from any liberal studies requirements.)


Students must have a 2.5 or better overall grade point average to earn this degree and a C or better in all classes applied to the major. Also, at least 30 units of courses taken for the degree must be upper division, and 30 units must be taken at NAU.


Major Requirements (58 total credits)

Core Requirements (34 units)

Units Semester Grade

PL 201: Introduction to Planning (spw) 3 ______

PL 303: Design and Preservation 3 ______

PL 306: Public Participation in Planning 3 ______

PL 401: Planning Permitting and Review 2 ______

PL 406: Planning Data Analysis 3 ______

PL 421: Land Use Planning Law/Ethics 3 ______

PL 431: Computer Mapping for Planning 4 ______

PL 432: GIS for Planners 3 ______

PL 405C: Planning Capstone Studio 4 ______

PL 408*: Professional Internship (300 hrs) 6 ______

* Up to 12 units of PL 408 may be taken for credit, but only 6 units apply toward the

Core (the rest would be general electives). Internships for the Major must be relevant

to the program.

Other Program Requirements (9 units)

ENG 302W: Technical Writing

or ENG 305W: Disciplinary Writing

or ENG 310W: Advanced Writing

or PL 308W: Community Land Use Workshop

(or other advisor approved writing course) 3 ______

GGR 371: Urban/Economic Geography 3 ______

PRM 423: Recreation Fac. /Area Planning 3 ______

Sustainable Development Focus Area (15 units)

1. PL 376: Plan. For Sustainable Tourism 3 ______

PL 120: Building the Human Environment (cu)

or CM 120: Build. the Human Envn.(cu) 3 ______

2. Select 3 courses (9 units) from:

COM 150: Environ. Commun. (spw) 3 ______

ECO 325: Environmental Economics 3 ______

FOR 255: Internatl. Wildlife Issues (sasg) 3 ______

FOR 447: Human Forest Interactions 3 ______

HUM 395: Public Humanities (spw) 3 ______

PL 302: Environmental Planning 3 ______

PL 402W: Env. Impact Statements 3 ______

SOC 334: Sociology of Community 3 ______

Please be aware that some courses required for your degree may have prerequisites that you must also take. Check the courses in the appropriate subject. (You may be able to count these prerequisites towards your liberal studies or general elective credit.)

Updated November 2009