Bill #1- A Bill to Ban the Use of Drones by the United States

Be it enacted by this Congress here assembled that:

1.Section I: The use of all autonomous drones by all branches of the United States 2.Armed Forces and Central Intelligence Agency will hereby be deemed illegal; 3.whether drones are used in or outside of the territorial bounds of the United States of 4.America.

5.Section II: Autonomous drones will be defined as any unmanned, remotely operated, 6.or GPS guided military hardware in which a human pilot is not physically present 7.piloting.said military hardware. Military hardware is defined as any equipment or 8.vehicle utilized by the United States Armed Forces and CIA.

9.Section III: The Department of Defense will be in charge of cataloging and making 10.sure that drones are no longer combat operational and is responsible for transporting 11.all drones from overseas bases back to the US where they will be scrapped and 12.reused for spare parts. Funding for this legislature will be provided by a 0.05% 13.increase tax on all alcoholic beverages.

14.Section IV: This legislature will take effect January 1st, 2016.

15.Section V: All laws or portions of laws present in conflict with the provisions of this 16.legislature shall hereby be declared null and void.

Respectfully Submitted,

Senator Ryner

Canton High School

Bill #2- College Assessment Center Act

1.  Be it enacted by the congress here assembled that:

2.  Section 1: The U.S. Federal Government will hereby revise public college application

3.  processes to accommodate the use of assessment centers.

4.  Section 2: Assessment centers shall be defined as centers authorized by college

5.  personnel where trained evaluators may judge applicants in a wide variety of tests and

6.  interviews that explore personalities, professionalism, cognitive ability, potential, etc.

7.  according to the standards set by the college being applied to. That these assessment

8.  centers may be used in place of standard applications for students applying to these

9.  colleges. The tests themselves being administered in these locations are standard

10.  throughout the country for each year. That the results are open to permitted private

11.  colleges where the applicant applies to if he/she so chooses.

12.  Section 3: That funding and enforcement will be provided by state legislatures and

13.  public colleges.

14.  Section 4: Any and all laws conflicting with this bill will hereby be considered null and

15.  void.

16.  Section 5: That this bill be implemented December 31st, 2017.

Respectfully Submitted,

Matthew Kovoor

Livonia Churchill High School

Bill #3- A Bill Requiring Anyone Seeking a Gun Permit to First Obtain Mental Health Clearance

1.  Be it enacted by this Congress here assembled that:

2.  Section I: Purchasers of firearms must first obtain a mental health clearance.

3.  Section II: To be eligible to submit to a background check as part of the gun possession

4.  licensing process, purchasers must first obtain a mental health clearance through an

5.  appointed commission. Purchasers must authorize review of medical records by the

6.  commission. Section III: This bill will be implemented on January 1, 2015.

7.  Section IV: The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will establish a commission to

8.  establish the criteria for acceptance or rejection of applicants based on mental health

9.  issues. The commission will review medical records and make recommendations of

10.  clearance or non-clearance based on established criteria. The Michigan

11.  State Police shall enforce this bill. Anyone without mental health clearance will not be

12.  eligible tocomplete the process to obtain a firearm. Any costs associated with

13.  implementation of this bill will come from reallocation of funds in the existing health and

14.  human services budget.

15.  Section V: All laws or portions of laws in conflict with this legislation shall hereby be

16.  declared null and void.

Respectfully Submitted,

Anna Vento

Livonia Stevenson

Bill #4- Later Secondary School Start Times

1.  Be it enacted by this Congress here assembled that:

2.  Section I: All Michigan public secondary schools will start no earlier than

3.  8:00 AM and end no later than 2:30 PM.

4.  Section II: Secondary schools will be defined as middle and high schools with students

5.  grades 6-12. Public schools will be defined as institutions that are maintained at public

6.  expense for the education of the children of a community. Earlier start times will be

7.  accommodated by shortened lunches and passing times in a regular school day. With

8.  regards to public transportation, middle schools and high schools will run on the same bus

9.  schedules in the morning and in the afternoon. The same buses will be used in succession

10.  for primary schools (defined as schools with students grades K-5). In addition, all February

11.  breaks shall now only be four day weekends. If needed, a school district may also shorten

12.  the duration of the winter break.

13.  Section III: This law will take full effect by the start of the new school year next fall.

14.  Section IV: The Department of Education will take responsibility for the implementation

15.  of this bill. All necessary funding for this bill will come from a 2% tax increase on energy

16.  drinks and a 0.05% tax increase on tobacco products.

17.  Section V: All laws, bills, acts, or precedents in conflict with any section or clause of this

18.  bill shall be rendered null and void.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alice Wu

Salem High School

Bill #5- Bill to Decrease Customer Service Wait Time:

1.  Be it enacted by the Congress here assembled that:

2.  Section I: Every business must sign up with the American Customer Satisfaction Index and

3.  have their customer service immediately respond to a caller within 3 minutes.

4.  Section II: Customer Service shall be defined as any system of a business that provides

5.  assistance about its products over the phone. If a customer is not directed to a representative

6.  within 3 minutes, the phone call will automatically be redirected to a supervisor for help.

7.  Afterwards, the call will be forwarded to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)

8.  so the customer can file a complaint for wait time. The ACSI is a registered trademark that

9.  reports customer service feedback.

10.  Section III: To meet the needs of businesses, State governments will give funding for hiring

11.  to businesses making less than $700,000 annually. To figure out the amount of needed

12.  representatives, businesses will be given a 2 month immunity after implementation as a grace

13.  period to find solutions to prevent future complaints. The American Customer Satisfaction

14.  Index is in charge of reporting complaints and officially presenting them to each State

15.  government and business at the end of every month. They will charge $30 for the first

16.  complaint, $80 for every following complaint, and $100 for any misdemeanors.

17.  Section IV: This bill will be officially implemented on May 15th, 2015.

18.  Section V: All legislation found in conflict with this bill is hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully Submitted,

Raisa Zahir

Novi High School

Bill #6- A Bill to Normalize Relations with Cuba

1. Be it enacted by the Congress here assembled that:

2. Section I: Relations between the United States and the Republic of Cuba shall be

3. normalized.

4. Section II: All bills and treaties specifically enforcing the Cuban embargo will be

5. repealed. Examples include the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992, the Helms-Burton Act

6. of 1996, the Trade Sanction Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000, and the

7. Cuba Assets Control Regulations of 1963. The Republic of Cuba will be taken off the

8. United States State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism. Diplomatic

9. relations shall be restored.

10. Section III: This bill will be implemented one (1) month after passage by this

11. legislative body.

12. Section IV: The United States State Department will assume responsibility for

13. removing Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism and for building relations

14. with Cuba. Any necessary additional funding will be taken out of revenues from

15. commercial trade with Cuba.

15. Section V: All laws or portions of laws in conflict with the provisions of this

16. legislation shall hereby be declared null and void.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shunhe Wang

Northville High School

Bill #7- The Filibuster Reform Act of 2014

1. Be it enacted by this Congress here assembled that:

2. Section I: This bill shall establish new guidelines for the use of the filibuster in the United

3. States Senate, including all factors thereof.

4. Section II: Mandate:

5. 2. The senate will regulate the time of one(1) filibuster to 10 hours.

6. 3. after one(1) filibuster has ended the Senate will vote on whether or not to

7. permit the Senator to continue speaking on the grounds of pertinence to the debate.

8. 3. After a filibuster is ended the Senate will then vote on when the next filibuster can be

9. declared, the minimum time for the next filibuster is 15 hours and the maximum being

10. 36 hours limitation.

11. Section III: The responsibility of this reform shall bestowed on the President of the Senate,

12.the Vice President of The United States. Penalties for violating this reform will lead to an

13.investigation(s) of the Vice President and all other Senators or persons who may be

14. responsible for the obstruction of the work of the Senate.

15.Section IV: This Bill shall be implemented on January 1st, 2015.

16. Section V: All bills in conflict with this bill shall be declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted,

Senator Jack Swartzinski

South Lyon East High School

Bill #8- Ebola Mitigation Act

1.  Be it enacted by this Congress here assembled that:

2.  SECTION I: All non-essential travel to the West African nations of Liberia, Guinea

3.  and Sierra Leone has henceforth been banned.

4.  SECTION II: Non-essential travel is defined as the following:

5.  A) Any departures or arrivals between the United States and the previously mentioned countries

6.  performed for recreational or tourism purposes.

7.  B) The travel ban does not apply to: Non-profit organizations, the press, imports and

8.  exports and diplomatic missions.

9.  All arriving passengers, regardless of purpose of travel, will be examined at the airport at time of

10.  arrival for the presence of Ebola Zaire. If the examinee has tested positive they will be placed in

11.  a quarantine facility for 30 days.

12.  SECTION III: Federal discretionary spending allotted for this bill will be on an as-needed basis

13.  with an expenditure cap at $300 million. Oversight and staffing will be provided for by a joint

14.  commission of the Transportation Safety Administration, Department of Homeland Security and

15.  the Centers for Disease Control.

16.  SECTION IV: This bill will immediately take effect upon approval by a Congressional chamber.

17.  SECTION V: Parts of or the whole of any legislation or precedent, state, federal, or otherwise in

18.  conflict with this bill is hereby null and void. This bill will self-terminate upon declaration by the

19.  World Health Organization that the Ebola epidemic has ended.

Respectfully Submitted,

Senator Chander

Plymouth High School

Bill #9- Fair Wages Between Genders

1. Be it enacted by this congress here assembled that...

2. Section I: Men and women in the U.S. shall receive the same wages.

3. Section II: The definition of equal is: the same in quantity, size, degree or value. The

4. government will deduct the difference of the current amount men receive, from the amount

5. women receive. Then divide by two and add that to each wage; which leaves both equivalent.

6. Section III: This bill will be implemented on January 1, 2015.

7. Section IV: Currently, women get paid 78.3% of men's wages. This bill will change this to

8. men and women receiving equal wages; a 1:1 ratio. Men and women shall both have an equal

9. wage of $44,580 - which is the current wage men have deducted by the current wage women

10. have, divided by two and added to each one. Any objections to this bill, such as violations by

11. jobs, shall be fined a fee of $5,000; second offense, shall be fined $7,000. Also, if any type

12.of work/job/corporation does not wish to follow this law, they will be shut down and

13. will not be permitted to reopen their business. It will change from women receiving

14. 78.3% of what men receive, to 100%-equivalent.

15. SECTION V: Parts of or the whole of any legislation or precedent, state, federal, or otherwise conflict with this bill is hereby null and void.

Respectfully submitted by:

Senator Malak Elmokadam

Dearborn High School

Animal Safety Act of 2014

Be it enacted by this Congress assembled that:

1 Section I: The use of animals for testing in laboratories for all medical purposes will be

2 banned.

3 Section II: Mandates:

4 a. Cosmetics are defined as products or procedures meant to enhance the 5 natural beauty or physical appearance of any man, woman, or child. Cosmetics can also 6 include plastic surgery, botox, liposuction, and other similar procedures.

7 b. Certain enhancing products are defined as lipsticks, concealers, foundation,

8 eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, blush, lipliner, etc. Also, all creams that smooth the face,

9 clear the skin, or shape the face in a desired way.

10 Section III:The funding will be provided by a 2% tax on all beauty products.

11 Section IV: Enforcers of this bill will be the National Department of Health Services.

12 There will be a $20,000 fine for the first offense and it will increase by $5,000 each time

13 the offense is committed. Offenses in which the animal has been harmed (bruises,

14 scars, starved, etc.) will have an initial fine of $30,000 with a $5,000 increase with each

15 offense. This bill shall be implemented March 5, 2015.

16 All laws in conflict with this legislation will be declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted,

Senator Henry

South Lyon High School