27th National Scout Regatta
Registration Form: Information

Your Application

The Application form to attend the 27th National Scout Regatta follows this information. Please complete the form, sign it as appropriate and pass it to your Section Leader or Contingent Leader as advised by them.

Note that:

  • All those who wish to attend the Regatta, whether or not they are members of Scouts New Zealand MUST complete a formal Application
  • Incomplete forms will be returned.
  • This is an application and confirmation of your acceptance will be sent to your contingent leader.
  • We are space limited at present so it will pay to make an early application.
  • Those not actively participating may not be able to be accommodated.
  • Scouts New Zealand shall have the right to decline an application without giving a reason.



  • Must be an invested Scout or Venturer aged between 10½ and 18½ on 27 December 2014.
  • Must have permission from your Parents/Caregivers and your Group Leader.


Adults may attend the Regatta either as Leaders with Contingents or as members of Regatta Staff. All adults must have permission from your Group, Zone or Region. Adults who are not warranted must complete anAdult Helper and Consent Form in time for a Police check to be carried out. Unless the check is completed in time you will not be able to attend the Regatta.

1. Leaders with Contingents

All adults wishing to attend as Leaders with contingents must hold a current warrant or have an exemption approved by your Zone or Region and the Regatta.

2. Regatta Staff

All Adults wishing to attend as Regatta Staff must be 18 years of age or older as at 27 December 2014. They will normally hold a warrant or be an invested member of a Rover Crew. The only exceptions being members of the B.P. Guild and persons specifically recruited by the Directors of the Regatta.

3. Other Attendees

Those not participating in the regatta may not be able to be accommodated on the site. There will be no family camp. Those who are accommodated on site will be with their contingent and subject to the same rules as all mebers of the contingent, including tent inspections by Regatta Staff.

Regatta Staff

Are adults who do not usually camp with the Regatta Contingents, and accept a full time task allocated to them by the Regatta Manager. At least 50 adults are needed to serve as staff, performing a variety of tasks essential to the success of the Regatta. Most will be required to arrive at the site on 27th December 2014 and depart on 6 January 2015. However some will be required a day or two earlier (no, not Christmas day) and may have to remain a day later.

Seconded Staff

For the regatta to function, some adults will need to help run activities.


The Fee includes all meals and activities during the event only. Travel between the Regatta site and the Airport will be provided as long as this requirement is notified by 15 June 2014.

The fees are:



Other attendees$350.00


Contingents/Zones are accountable for the fees from all applicants registered by the Contingent/Zone Regatta Organiser. This will include all Scouts, Venturers and Leaders who form Contingents. The regatta will accept fees only from your contingent, unless you are staff in which case individual payments will be accepted.

Payment Process:

A deposit of $100.00must be received by 15 June 2014. All deposits must be accompanied by Application forms relating to the deposit.

The balance must be received by 30 September 2014.


The regatta fee is based on attendance of 650. Should applications fall short of this number or the cost of supplies escalate to the extent that a loss may occur, Scouts New Zealand shall have the right to adjust the fee. In this event you may withdraw and receive a refund-less the $100 deposit.

Medical and Dietary Information

You, and one of your parents or guardians if you are aged less than 18 years at the time you sign the form, are required to sign the appropriate sections of the application form certifying the information is correct. These forms must in turn be signed by your Contingent Leader who will verify the information. You must do this even if you have no issues.

If there is any change to your Medical or Dietary situation before departure to Regatta, you must inform your Contingent Leader who must advise the Regatta by email or in writing.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation by the Regatta Organising Committee

If in the period 90 Days prior to the start of the Regatta the Scouts New Zealand cancels the Regatta, you will be entitled to a refund of any payments you have made. If the Regatta is cancelled you will be notified as soon as possible of the cancellation and the process for receiving a refund. Scouts New Zealand will not be responsible for refunding any costs you may incur in relation to the Regatta other that the amount of the Regatta Fee you have paid.

Cancellation by you

If you cancel a registration, whether you receive a refund of your fee or deposit is at the discretion of the Regatta Organising Committee, including a cancellation in the circumstances outlined below for extraordinary cases.


In compliance with the Privacy Act 1993 the following is bought to your attention.

a. This application collects information about you.

b. The information is collected: -

i) to decide whether you may be included in the 27th National Scout Regatta

ii) to make arrangements for your participation and welfare should you be included.

c. The information is being collected for the Scout Association of NZ and will be used by the organisers and managers of the Regatta.

d. You have the right of access to and correction of this information, subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act.

e. It is intended that your medical and dietary information is used by those responsible for your welfare, and access to it is restricted accordingly.

/ 27th National Scout Regatta
Registration Form: Personal Details
Attendee: / Gender / Age / Date of Birth
Family Name / Day Month Year
First Names / Personal Number
Preferred Name / Contacts (Adults only):
Street Address / Day
Suburb / Evening
Town/City / Mobile
Post Code / Email

Scouting Details Please tick

Scout / Venturer / Rover / Adult Leader with Contingent / Adult Leader on Staff / Other: Describe
Your Group / Your Contingent Name
Your Zone
Your Region

Staff Positions Please tick your preferences

Water programme / Beach assistant / Patrol Boat Crew / Start Boat / Sourcing and managing boats and equipment
Land Programme / Activity Manager / Activity Assistant / Off site co-ordinator
Site / First Aid / Site assistant / Driver / Security
Health and Hygiene
Catering / Team Leader / Team member

Emergency Contacts

Contact: / Attending Regatta / Yes / No
Family Name / Contacts
First Names / Day
Street Address / Evening
Suburb / Mobile
Town/City / Post Code / Email
Contact: / Attending Regatta / Yes / No
Family Name / Contacts
First Names / Day
Street Address / Evening
Suburb / Mobile
Town/City / Post Code / Email
/ 27th National Scout Regatta
Registration Form: Medical Information

Please Note:All sections must be completed. Note N/A if it does not apply. Incomplete forms will be returned.

Attendee: / Parent/Caregiver details:
Family Name / Name
First Names / Address
Address / Phone Numbers
Age: / Date of Birth: / Day
Contact phone numbers Adults only: / Evening
Day / Mobile
Evening / Signature
Do you have any medical issues we need to know about? / Yes / No
Contingent Leaderactually attending the event to sign to indicate they have checked these2 Medical Pages are complete and discussed any issues with the applicant and/or their caregivers.
Print Name / Contact Phone numbers
Role while at event / Day
Group/Contingent / Evening
Zone / Mobile
Date of last Tetanus Immunisation
Do you wear a Medical Alert? / Yes / No / Type: / Necklace – Bracelet - Tattoo - Other
Will you be carrying any medication at the Jamboree? / Yes / No / Do you normally take any medication for management of behavioural disorders?: / Yes / No
Indications: / Drug / Dose / Method of administration
Attendee Name
Do you have any allergies? / Yes / No
Allergy / Details / Reaction / Treatment
Do you use any medical aids? / Yes / No
Aid / Details
Do you have a medical action Plan? / Yes / No
Office Use only
/ 27th National Scout Regatta
Registration Form: Dietary Information

Please Note:All sections must be completed. Note N/A if it does not apply. Incomplete forms will be returned.

Attendee: / Parent/Caregiver details:
Family Name / Name
First Names / Address
Address / Phone Numbers
Age: / Date of Birth: / Day
Contact phone numbers Adults only: / Evening
Day / Mobile
Evening / Signature
Do you have any special dietary requirements for medical, religious or other reasons? / Yes / No / Please circle
Contingent Leaderactually attending the event to sign to indicate they have checked thisDietary Page is complete and discussed any issues with the applicant and/or their caregivers.
Print Name / Contact Phone numbers
Role while at event / Day
Group/Contingent / Evening
Zone / Mobile
Foods or food groups you must not have / What will be the consequences if you do have these foods. Eg, severe allergic reaction, rash, diahorrea / Suggested Alternatives
(attach a further sheet if necessary)
Office Use only
/ 27th National Scout Regatta
Registration Form: Consent
I agree to abide by the Rules of The Scout Association of New Zealand and the 27th New Zealand Regatta
PARENT’S/CAREGIVERS CONSENT (Must be completed if applicant is less than 18 years of age)
I (we) allow the applicant named above to attend the 27th New Zealand Regatta, and take part in the organised programme, including adventurous and water based activities. I also agree that he/she will be amenable to the instructions of the Activity Providers or Adult Leaders in whose charge he/she will be placed. I also agree that any photographs of Scouts undertaking activities during the event are the property of SCOUTS New Zealand and may be used for publicity purposes for this and future events.
Signature of Parent/Caregiver / Signature of Parent/Caregiver
Print name / Print name
Relationship / Relationship
Contingent Leaders and Regatta Officials are required to take great care that unsuitable adults do not have access to young people. For this reason we will require formal advice as to which parent(s) or caregiver(s) will have authority to take this youth applicant from the Regatta site in the event of sickness or family emergency. This will usually be the person(s) signing the consent above. Regatta Officials reserve the right to require to check the ID of any adult seeking access to any youth member during the Regatta.

Youth Applicants

Group Leader Recommendation
This applicant is a member of my Group and is recommended by me as suitableto attend the Regatta and I certify that he/she is eligible to attend.
Signature / Print Name
Group / Zone / Region

All Adult Applicants

Note to Zone and Regional Leaders
SCOUTS New Zealand expects that all Adults, who attend the Regatta will be responsible individuals whoare capable of abiding by our Code of Conduct and Regatta Rules. If you have any doubts about an individual’s suitability, please do notrecommend them. By exercising your discretion now, you can help avoid both embarrassment and potential problems at the Regatta.
Zone Leader’s, Regional Leader’s or Sponsor’s Recommendation
This applicant is a member of my Zone/Organisation and is recommended by me as suitable to attend the Jamboree and I certify thathe/she is eligible to attend.
Signature / Print Name
Group / Zone / Region