Biology Midterm Review - Fall 2016

Cumulative Review – found in notes, worksheets, and book. Remember, this is meant to guide you through your review of the semester’s curriculum. Also, if you have questions ASK THEM !!!!!

Unit 1 – Introduction to Biology

Chapter 1 - Scientific Method

Vocabulary – biosphere, biodiversity, species, biology, organisms cell, metabolism, homeostasis, observation, data, hypothesis, experiment, independent variable, dependent variable, constant, theory,

·  What are the steps to the scientific method?

·  Be able to read a passage about an experiment and identify - variables, control groups, constants, etc.

·  Interpret line graphs, bar graphs, and pie charts (circle graphs)

·  Be sure you can list and describe each of the characteristics of living things

Chapter 2 - Chemistry

Vocabulary - Atom, element, compound, ion, ionic bond, covalent bond, molecule, hydrogen bond, cohesion, adhesion, solute, solvent, solution, acid base, pH, monomer, polymer, carbohydrates, lipids, fatty acids, proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids, chemical reaction, reactant product, bond energy, equilibrium, activation energy, exothermic, endothermic, catalyst, enzyme, substrate.

·  Be familiar with atoms and the make up of atoms and the three subatomic particles

·  Where are electrons located? Protons? Neutrons?

·  What are ions? How are ions formed?

·  Water chemistry – describe hydrogen bonds, what is cohesion, what is adhesion*

·  Make sure you can tell the difference between ionic and covalent bonds

·  Identify reactants and products in a chemical equation

·  Explain the difference between solute and solvents

·  What is the universal solvent? Why?

·  Be able to interpret a pH scale and tell what substance are acids and bases. What is the pH of water?

·  List the four macromolecules we discussed and define the roles/function of the four macromolecules in biology*

·  Provide examples of each of the macromolecules

·  How is an exothermic reaction different than an endothermic reaction?

·  Describe the effects of a catalyst on activation energy and reaction rate

·  What is the role of an enzyme in an organism*

·  Be able to label the enzyme substrate complex

Unit 2 - Cells

Chapter 3 - Cell Structure and Function

Vocabulary – cell theory, cytoplasm, organelle, prokaryotic cell, eukaryotic cell, cytoskeleton, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, Golgi apparatus, vesicle, mitochondrion, vacuole, lysosome, centriole, cell wall, chloroplast, cell membrane, phospholipid, fluid mosaic model, selective permeability, receptor, passive diffusion, concentration gradient, osmosis, isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic, facilitated diffusion, active transport, endocytosis, phagocytosis, exocytosis

·  Describe the tenants/principles of the cell theory.

·  What are the differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells? Please provide examples of each cell type*

·  Please recall the function of each organelle we discussed (see the list above, or your text, or your notes).

·  Be able to describe the differences between plant cells and animals cells

·  Be familiar with concepts of hypotonic, isotonic, hypertonic solutions. Where will solute move? Where will water move?

·  Be familiar with diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and active transport

·  Describe the difference between active and passive transport

·  Be able to describe differences between endocytosis and exocytosis

·  Describe the fluid mosaic model of cells*

Chapter 4 – Cells and energy

Vocabulary – ATP, ADP, chemiosmosis, photosynthesis, chlorophyll, thylakoid, light dependent reactions, light independent reactions, photo system, electron transport chain, ATP synthase, Calvin cycle, cellular respiration, aerobic, anaerobic, glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, fermentation, lactic acid

·  Where is energy stored in an ATP molecule? How are ADP and ATP related?

·  Describe how and where light is absorbed during photosynthesis?

·  What roles do H+ and e- play in the reactions of photosynthesis?

·  Why are the light independent reactions the synthesis part of photosynthesis?

·  Name the three metabolic pathways in photosynthesis and be familiar with their function including names of proteins and enzymes and electron carriers

·  Be able to recall the balanced equation of photosynthesis (big picture)

§  6C02 + 6H2O + SUNLIGHT -> C6H12O6 + 6O2

·  Know the structure of the chloroplast (thylakoid, grana, stroma) and be able to label a chloroplast

·  Know the products and reactants of aerobic cellular respiration

§  C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ENERGY

·  Name the three metabolic pathways in aerobic respiration

·  How does glycolysis contribute to cellular respiration?

·  What is the purpose of the Krebs Cycle? Describe products and what happens to them.

·  Explain the function of the e- transport chain. Why is oxygen needed for the electron transport chain?

·  Where does cellular respiration occur? Describe the structure of the mitochondria (inner and out membrane, cristae, matrix)

·  How many ATP are produced during aerobic cellular respiration?

·  Describe two types of fermentation. What is the purpose of fermentation in cells.

·  How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related?*

Chapter 5 – Cell Growth and Division

Vocabulary – cell cycle, mitosis, cytokinesis, chromosome, histone, chromatin, chromatid, centromere, telomere, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, growth factor, apoptosis, cancer, benign, malignant, metastasize, carcinogen, asexual reproduction, binary fission, tissue, organ system

·  What occurs during each stage of the cell cycle, G1, S, G2, M

·  Compare the rates of cell division between your skin cells and your neurons

·  What is the relation ship between a cells surface area and its volume

·  Describe how DNA is organized in your cells (chromatin -> chromosomes)

·  How do protein help condense/organize the long strands of DNA in your cells*

·  Describe what happens during each stage of mitosis

·  Describe internal and external growth factors (cyclins and kinases)

·  What are carcinogens?

·  Describe how uncontrolled cell growth can be dangerous in organisms (cancer)

Unit 3 - Genetics

Chapter 6 – Meiosis and Mendel

Vocabulary – somatic cell, gamete, homologous chromosomes, autosome, sex chromosome, sexual reproduction, fertilization, diploid, haploid, meiosis, crossing over, gametogenesis, sperm, egg, polar body, traits, genetics, purebred cross, law of segregation, gene, allele, homozygous, heterozygous, genome, genotype, phenotype, dominant, recessive

·  Each of your cell contains autosomes and sex chromosomes. What is the function of each of these?

·  Humans have 46 chromosomes in a diploid cell somatic cell. How many chromosomes are in a haploid gamete?

·  What are the products of each stage of meiosis?

·  Describe crossing over. How does crossing over lead to genetic diversity?*

·  How do the products of meiosis I differ from Meiosis II

·  Describe spermatogenesis and where/when it occurs in mammals.

·  Describe oogenesis and where/when it occurs in mammals

·  Describe what is formed at fertilization.

·  What are differences between mitosis and meiosis*

·  Who was Mendel, what did he do?

·  Describe the three components of Mendel’s first law.

·  What are alleles? How are they modeled in genetics?

·  What does homozygous and heterozygous mean? What is are dominant vs. recessive alleles?