Errata Sheet for

Sexton Essentials of Economics 2e


Chapter 2 Study Guide

Fill in the Blanks

13. Correct answer: rise, fall, positive, fall, rise, negative

Chapter 3 Study Guide


3. c. Correct answer: 10 units of food

Chapter 4 Study Guide

Fill in the Blanks

20. Correct answer: lower, right

Chapter 5 Study Guide


2. b. Starting from an initial equilibrium at E, what would happen if there were both a decrease in the price of a related product and an increase in income, if it is a normal good?

Correct answer: F; because it indicates an increase in supply and an increase in demand.

Chapter 7, Page 131

Exhibit 6 Welfare Effects of a Price Floor When Government Buys the Surplus

Caption should read:

After the price floor is implemented, the price rises to P2 and output falls to Q2; there is a loss in the consumer surplus of b + c but a gain in producer surplus of b + c + d. However, this is not the end of the story, because the cost to the government (taxpayers), c + d + f + g + h + i, is greater than the gain to producers, area d, so there is a deadweight loss of c + f + g + h + i.

Chapter 7 Study Guide

Multiple Choice

  1. If the price of DVDs is $20, the consumer surplus Fred receives from purchasing two DVDs would be
  2. $10.
  3. $15.
  4. $20.
  5. $55.
  6. $90.
  7. If the price of DVDs is $25, the consumer surplus Fred receives from purchasing two DVDs is
  8. $0.
  9. $5.
  10. $25.
  11. $55.
  12. $70.

Chapter 13 Study Guide

Multiple Choice

7. Correct answer: d

Chapter 14 Study Guide

Multiple Choice

36. Answer choice e should read: do both b and c.

Chapter 14 Study Guide


4. b. Correct answer: 1%; 0%

Chapter 17 Study Guide

Fill in the Blanks

11. Correct answer: increases; reduces; reduces

Chapter 18 Study Guide

Fill in the Blanks

3. Correct answer: increase; decrease

Chapter 18 Study Guide


6. c. Correct answer: The economy would end up at a long-run equilibrium at point E4.

6. e. Correct answer: The economy would end up in long-run equilibrium at E4.

Chapter 20 Study Guide


4. b. Correct answer:10 percent$36,000

15 percent$34,000

20 percent$32,000