A brief narrative report on

Vocational TrainingCenter for Afghan Women

Kabul, November2013

Congratulations on graduation of70 students from English Course for the Second time in Vocational Training Center.

This is the biggest achievement for the poor and forlorn girls and women of Afshar District.

OPAWC would like to express its deepest thanks to our supporters for bearing humanitarian feelings and supporting their lonely sisters in Afghanistan.

Date of writing the report: November2013

Organization for Promoting Afghan Woman Capabilities (OPAWC)

Registration No. In Afghanistan: 288/2005 - in Pakistan: F.5(5)-AR-II/2005


Main Office


Sector A, Khoshal Khan Mina



Phone: +93-706399783

Digital: +93-572055719

General Information

Project Title: Vocational TrainingCenter for Women (English Course)

Project Location: Afshar District, Kabul

Donor: Dak Foundation- Australia- Child Victim of War- UK

Allocated Budget:$15,000

Beneficiaries: 70 women and young girls

Allocation Period: October2012 until October2013

Reporting Period November 2013

1- Brief information:

As OPAWC”S activities mostly focuses on the most needy and suffered women.

We gained experienced since the establishment ofVocationalTrainingCenter for women in Kabul in 2008, that if chances be given to the women, if situation be ready for to learn or to work, nothing is impossible for the women to show even better result than men of the society.

Literacy and English learning is the approval of our talks. Women who were just kept in a four wall of the house, who were illiterate, now a day they become educated and can talk a foreigner language with in a short period of time. That is surprising for the Ministry of Education, as in the beginning of this course they claimed that how illiterate women can learn English. But the hard working and courageous women of our center give them a positive respond by completing the program of English Course.

OPAWC experienced that women are mostly being disturbed and worried about their depends to male members of the family and all violence they faces is because of illiteracy and depends to men in financial field. For this reason OPAWC considered this problem and aimed to support these women in any field to stand on their own feet and be independent financially.

English Learning was one of the ways to help women to come out of this problem. Also it was students desire to attend such course since beginning of VTC.

Establishment of English course brought new phase in the VTC. As in our plan, we decided to give the priority to women participated in Literacy and handicrafts of VTC.

As the course started itshowered with the request of more than 500 women and girls from VTC and out side. But we gave the chance to women of VTC. At the result of taking examination we established two shiftsclasses for 70 students.

After completion of one year they graduated from this section and joined the Computer Class. OPAWC replaced new students in this section soon.These women graduated on 28th of October2013.

OPAWC is not sure if it can find some money to continue its English course or not? This is the reason that it did not register women for this section yet. Day by day women come and ask for the computer course, but OPAWC told them we are trying. If the donor agency supports this section, soon the class will reopened to women.


The objective of the this Course was to help women of Vocational Training Center to learn a new language beside their learned skills and become familiar with some useful common communicated points to help them to find job or while selling their products, they could communicate with the foreigners. This is to support them to stand on their own feet and earn independently and feed their children.


English Course was one year program and the result has been fruitful.

Students are able to communicate with each other, they are happy to learn the basic skills for a new language.

The outcome of the project is fruitful in two fields, OPAWC have foundtwo good results with in one year project, firstly around 70 women and girls learned how to read and write and arefamiliar with a new language, it brought good changes in their lives.

Secondly these women became good teachers at their home and could teach their children, as attending private English Course is too expensive, so they can teach their children at home as they can’t afford to send them to Private courses. This is the biggest support for these women.

Result of two years of study in Computer and English Courses:

.Contrary to the claims of Deputy of Literacy of Ministry of Education that the illiterate women cannot learn English and Computer skills, a number of women and girls who have been graduated form these courses, they learned and reached to a level to work in different places. They worked as Receptionist, teacher and assistance in different places.

Their lives have changed and they are happy and express their thanks to all supporters, sometimes they visit the centres and offer their times. Their stories will be sent.

4-Students Requests:

Students requested to continue the course and teach them higher level, but we told students that we can not continue the high level teaching because we have a list of students for whom we promised in the beginning of the project to give them chance after the first term. We hope we could give a positive respond to those students.

Some Photos: