Workbook: Finding Talent


Searching Groups for Talent

Search for groups that the type of person you’re looking to hire would likely be a part of.

Review group membership for candidates that fit your criteria.

Consider reaching out to people that seem like a great fit, via a direct message.

LinkedIn Answers

Find people that have positioned themselves as experts in their field.

Easy to find people based on categories (see right sidebar).

Join a group that the candidate is a part of, in order to send a direct message.

Or, you could ask for an introduction if they are a 2nd degree connection

Another great tactic to use within LinkedIn Answers is to ask your own question! This will generate responses from qualified individuals who might be interested in working with you.

Status Updates for Talent Mining

Post status updates related to what you’re looking for.

Post a couple times each day, and automate process via Hootsuite. (

Look for your connections to respond to you.

Company Search

Search “Companies” for the type of position you’re looking to fill.

Find reputable companies and take a look at their people.

You can also do competitive analysis to look for strong employees that may be interested in your position.

Posting Your Job Description

Post job description to status updates, as previously stated.

Consider posting to appropriate groups.

Post the job to LinkedIn’s Jobs section. There is a cost involved, but it’s a great way to get qualified candidates.

Talent Finder

Consider upgrading account to Talent Finder option.

Gives you more InMail to contact candidates.

Allows for “talent filters” in advanced search.

Also, you can consider the Corporate Recruiting Solutions option. Typically this option is for larger companies with ongoing recruiting needs.


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