Using AMX & microphones in Space Odyssey

To give you maximum flexibility, we want you to know how to use the technology in Space Odyssey. If you need or want help, please ask your Guide Captain, another team member or a staff person.

Part One: Try out a laptop with an OCC

·  Pick one of the AMX control consoles with a laptop input and make sure it’s available, then grab a laptop. Make sure visitors aren’t engaged in watching anything on the screen controlled by the panel. If they are, try a different screen, there’s three places to try in the exhibit: Space Screen, Drop-down screen by Science On a Sphere, and the Planetarium Stage area.

·  Connect the laptop using the nine-pin connector (VGA), found on the laptop cart, to the input under the trap door or on the extension cord depending on the location.

·  Login to the AMX panel using the login, “2003,” and press “Done.”

·  Select “Manual” and then select “laptop input.” You may be asked which screen you want to use.

·  If no image appears within a couple moments, try closing the laptop, let it go to sleep briefly, then open it and “wake it up” using the space bar or click the mouse.

·  Try going on the MGG Portal and loading a Powerpoint or webpage, or to NASA TV.

·  When you’re done, login to the AMX panel, and investigate the other menu options available, some AMX panels allow you to load shows, or show NASA TV.

·  When you are done, go back to “manual” and tap “Return Space to Normal.” Ensure any lights you turned on are off and any show you started is also off.

·  Return the laptop to the storage room.

·  Please plug-in the laptop in to keep it charged.

·  Investigate the remaining control panels and note their capabilities as well as where to plug in a laptop.

Part Two: Try out a microphone on one of the OCCs

·  The microphones are found in the storage room (2003 room).

·  Microphones are assigned to “zones” in Space Odyssey and are labeled as such. For example, a “Galaxy Stage” microphone only works on the Galaxy Stage.

·  A microphone can be used from its assigned area to make an exhibit-wide announcement.

·  Now take some time to locate all the microphones. The Galaxy Stage microphones are found backstage in that area.

·  Find an AMX panel with a “mic input” that no one is using.

·  Grab a headset or handheld mic from the storage room for that location.

·  Turn on the mic and check the power level.

o  If it is down to “1 bar,” please change out the batteries.

o  They’re either 9V or AAs and located in the storage room.

o  If you need help changing the batteries, please ask.

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·  The mics are always “live” on the system.

o  Just turn on the mic and you’re good to go.

o  You can adjust microphone volume on AMX panel under “audio.”

·  Talk into the mic.

o  Someday, you may have to make an announcement for an emergency, a show or special event—especially helpful on Free Days!

·  When you are done, simply switch the mic off and logout of the AMX panel.

·  Talk into the mic again to make sure that the mic is off.

·  When you’re finished, return the mic to its proper storage area.

·  Please note that the headset microphone has a foam cover when you take it and when you return it. There are spare mic covers. Ask where they are a kept.

·  If you use a headset mic, use the alcohol spray bottle and paper towels found in the storage

room to clean the foam cover. Lightly spray some alcohol onto a paper towel and dab the foam mic cover with it to sanitize.