Shudy Camps Parish Council
Annual Parish Meeting
9th May 2017 – 7.30pm
1.Election of Chair for the meeting
John Haine was proposed as Chair for the meeting by Tony Broscomb and seconded byMark Hows. John Haine was duly elected.
2.Open Forum
No items were presented.
Cllr John Haine (Chair), Cllr Tony Broscomb, Cllr Roger Lemon, Cllr Mark Hows, Cllr Paul Malins, District Cllrs Andrew Fraser and Richard Turner, County Cllr Henry Batchelor
Mrs E Gladman (Clerk)
4.Approval of Minutes of last meeting16th May 2016
Cllr Haine approved these as a true record of last year’s APM meeting.
5. Chair’s Review of the Year (attached)
Cllr Haine presented his review of this year. This is attached.
- Nosterfield End
- Roads and Traffic
- Planning
- Drainage
- Parish Communications
- The Council
6.Annual Reports from Castle Camps School and Linton Village College
Reports were not available for the meeting. However, their value as we have received them in previous years was questioned and it was noted that the schools regularly contribute to the Linton News and also to the Camps Review. Going forward, it may be more useful to have updates from the Chairs of Governors. Cllr Batchelor would speak to John Batchelor who is the Chair at LVC.
7.Presentation of Annual Reports from District and County Councillor
Cllr Batchelor was welcomed to the meeting as our new County Councillor. He currently represents 13 parish and is keen to see the continuation of the combined parish meetings as there are many common issues.
Consultations continue regarding road improvements to the A1307 with the consultation now postponed until September 2017 at the earliest.
8.Presentation of Annual Reports
- Finance – presented by the Clerk. Finances were straightforward and the Clerk could not foresee any problems with the 2016-17 audit. The movefrom HSBC to Lloyds is ongoing and funds will only be transferred once the Lloyds accounts are properly up and running.
- Tree Warden – presented by Cllr Hows
- Parish Paths – presented by Cllr Lemon. There are 2 to 3 cuts a year as needed. Cllrs Malins and Haine are now part of the mowing team. Cllr Haine has offered to maintain the mower.
- Manages Fund – presented by Cllr Broscomb. Nikki Grant has taken over as the Administrator for the fund following Cllr Broscomb’s move. The fund supports the village warden scheme and has also made two charitable donations. There have been no specific requests for assistance.
- Neighbourhood Watch – sent previously to the Clerk in Mrs Fear’s absence.
Cllr Haine specifically thanked Cllr Broscomb for all his hard work and dedication to the Parish Council and to the village. His knowledge and expertise, particularly with historic buildings, will be greatly missed. On behalf of the Parish Council, Cllr Haine wished Cllr and Mrs Broscomb happiness in their new home.
All reports referred to above are available from the Clerk on request.
The meeting finished at 8.30 pm