The Academic Job Market

American Anthropological Association

ndAnthropology Newsletter. Published ten times a year. The major source for academic jobs in Anthropology

ndGuide to Departments of Anthropology. Published yearly.

ndNAPA Directory of Practicing Anthropologists

1982Getting a Job Outside the Academy

Caplan, Paula J.

1994Lifting a Ton of Feathers: A Woman*s Guide to Surviving in the Academic World. U. of Toronto Press.

Committee on the Status of Women.

1992Guide to the Perplexing: A Survival Manual for Women in Religious Studies. Scholars Press.

DeNeef, A. and C Goodwin, eds.

1993The Academic*s Handbook. Duke U. Press.

Fowler, Don D. and D. L. Hardesty, eds.

1994Others Viewing Others: The Ethnographic Career. Smithsonian

Givens, David B.

1986State Job Opportunities for Anthropologists. Amer. Anth. Ass*n.

Goodman, C and L. Rosenblatt

1991Applied Anthropologists and the job market: Strategies for attaining employment. Paper delivered at AAA conference

Gufstason, M., ed.

1991Becoming a Historian: A Survival Manual for Women and Men. American Historical Association.

Hanson, K.J., et. al., eds.

1988Mainstreaming Anthropology: Experiences in Government Employment. NAPA Bulletin No. 5.

Heiberger, M.M. and J. Miller Vick

1996The Academic Job Search Handbook. U. of Pennsylvania Press.

Heller, Scott

1988From selling Rambo to supermarket studies: Anthropologists are finding more non-academic jobs. Chronicle of Higher Education 34(38).

Hoopes, John

1997Mayfield*s Quick Guide to the Internet for Students of Anthropology. Mayfield.

Hyland, Stanley, ed.

1994Guide to Training Programs in the Applications of Anthropology. SfAA.

Institute for Food and Development Policy.

1991Education for Action: Graduate Studies with a Focus on Social Change. Food First Books.

McCurdy, D.W. and D.F. Carlson

1984The shrink-wrap solution: Anthropology in business. In J. Spradley and D. McCurdy, eds. Conformity and Conflict. Little Brown.

Modern Language Association

1994Special topic on the job market (eight articles). Profession, 94.

Omohundro, John

1998Careers in Anthropology. Mayfield

Phillips, G. et. al.

1994Survival in the Academy: A Guide for Beginning Academics. Hampton.

Rheingold, Harriet

1994The Psychologist*s Guide to an Academic Career. American Psychological Ass*n.

Rose, Suzanne, ed.

1986The Career Guide for Women Scholars. Springer.

Showalter, English

1985A Career Guide for Ph.D*s and Ph.D. Candidates in English and Foreign Languages. Modern Language Association.

Smithsonian Instution

ndMuseum Studies International: A Directory of Museum Training Programs in the U.S. and Abroad.

Schwimmer, B.E. and D.M. Warren

1993Anthropology and the Peace Corps: Case Studies in Career Preparation. Iowa State U. Press.

Singer, Merrill, ed.

1994Anthropologists at Work: Responses to Student Questions about Anthropological Careers. AAA.

Van Willigen, John,, eds.

1989Making our Research Useful: Case Studies in the Utilization of Anthropological Knowledge. Westview.

Verba, Cynthia

1987Scholarly Pursuits: A Practical Guide to Academe. Office of Career Services, Harvard U.

Wulff, Robert and Shirley Fiske

1987Anthropological Praxis: Transmitting Knowledge into Action. Westview.

Zanna, M. and J. Darley, eds.

1987The Compleat Academic: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Social Scientist. Random House.

Non-Academic Employment and General Career Development

Asher, Donald

--From College to Career: Entry Level Resumes for any Majors. Ten Speed Press

Azrin, N. and V. Besalel

1988Job Club Counselor*s Manual: A Behavioral Approach to Vocational Counseling. Pro-Ed.

Berk, Diane

--Preparing for Your Interview. Crisp Publications

Blanchard, Tim

1983A Practical Guide to Finding and Using your Spiritual Gifts. Tyndale House.

Bolles, Richard N.

ndWhat Color is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers. Ten Speed Press. (Updated annually. One of the most widely used career books on the market.)

1981The Three Boxes of Life (and How to Get Out of Them): An Introduction to Life/Work Planning. Ten Speed Press.

Buford, Bob

1994Half-Time: Changing your Game Plan from Success to Significance. Zondervan.

Chin-Lee, Cynthia

--It*s Who You Know. Pfeiffer & Co.

Crystal, J. and R. Bolles

1974Where Do I Go from Here with My Life? Ten Speed Press.

Dixon, Pam and Sylvia Tiersten

--Be your Own Headhunter Online. Random House.

Drake, John D.

--The Perfect Interview. AMACOM.

Figler, Howard E.

1988The Complete Job-Search Handbook: All the Skills you Need to Have any Job... Henry Holt & Co.

Foxman, Loretta D.

--Resumes that Work. John Wiley & Sons.

Gaither, R. and J. Barker

1995The Wizard of Work: 88 Pages to Your Next Job. Ten Speed Press.

Gonyea, James C.

--On Line Job Search Companion. McGraw Hill.

Hadley, Joyce

--Where the Jobs Are. Career Press.

Haldane, Bernard

1988Career Satisfaction and Success: How to Know and Manage Your Strengths. Wellness Behavior.

Jackson, Tom

1992Not Just Another Job: How to Invent a Career that Works for You. Random House.

1991Guerilla Tactics in the New Job Market. Bantam.

Kalt, Neil

1996Career Power: A Blueprint for Getting the Job You Want. Career Power Books.

Kaplan, Robbie Miller

--Sure-Hire Cover Letters. AMACOM

Kennedy, Joyce Lain

--Job Interviews: How to Win the Offer. Sun Features

--Electronic Resume Revolution.

--Hook Up, Get Hired. John Wiley & Sons.

Kennedy, Joyce Lain and K. Morrow

--Electronic Job Search Revolution John Wiley & Sons.

Kocher, Eric

--International Jobs. Addison Wesley

Krannich, Ronald

1994Change Your Job, Change Your Life: High Impact Strategies for Finding Great Jobs in the 90's.

Krannich, Ronald and Carol Krannich

--Dynamite Cover Letters. Impact Publications.

--The Complete Guide to International Jobs and Careers. Impact Publications

Kreinberg, Luke

1994The Book of Goals. First Step Publishing.

Lathrop, Richard

ndThe Job Market. National Center for Job Market Studies.

Lauber, Daniel

1994aProfessional*s Private Sector Job Finder. Planning/Communications, River Forest, Ill.

1994bNon-Profits* Job Finder. Planning/Communications, River Forest, Ill.

LeCompte, Michelle, ed.

1992Job Hunter*s Sourcebook: Where to Find Employment Leads and Other Job Search Resources. Gale Research Inc.

Lewis, Roy

1990Choosing your Career, Finding your Vocation: A Step by Step Guide for Adults and Counselors. Paulist Press.

Lore, Nicholas

1997The Pathfinder: How to Choose or Change Your Career... Simon & Schuster.

Lowsturter, Clyde and David Robertson.

--Network Your Way to Your Next Job. McGraw Hill.

Malnig, L. and A Malnig

1984What Can I Do with a Major in ...? How to Choose and Use your College Major. Abbott Press.

Mattson, R. and A. Miller

1982Finding a Job You Can Love. Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Medley, H. Anthony

--Sweaty Palms: The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed. Ten Speed Press.

Miller, A. and R. Mattson

1989The Truth About You: Discover What You Should Be Doing With Your Life. Ten Speed Press.

Nadler, Burton

1989aLiberal Arts Power: What It Is and How to Sell It on your Resume. Peterson*s.

1989b Liberal Arts Jobs: Where They Are and How To Get ThemI. Peterson*s.

Newhouse, Margaret

1993Outside the Ivory Tower: A Guide for Academics Considering Alternative Careers. Office of Career Services, Harvard U.

O*Brien, Jack

1998The Complete Job Search Organizer. Random House.

Parker, Yana

1993Resume-Pro: The Professional*s Guide. Ten Speed Press.

Peterson*s Staff

1997Peterson*s Guide to Graduate and Professional Programs. Volumes 1 - 6. Peterson*s Guides.

Raye-Johnson, Venda

--Effective Networking. Crisp Publications.

Rebecca, A. and G. Roe

1984Finding a Job in Your Field: A Handbook for Ph.D*s and M.A.*s. Peterson*s Guides.

Sanborn, Robert

--How to Get a Job in Europe. Surrey Books.

Sher, Barbara

1983Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want. Ballantine.

Sher, Barbara and Barbara Smith

1994I Could Do Anything if I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It. Doubleday

Snelling, R. and A. Snelling

1992Jobs: What They Are...Where They Are...What They Pay. Simon & Schuster.

Standard and Poor*s

ndStandard and Poor*s Industry Surveys.

Stevens, Paul

1993Stop Postponing the Rest of Your Life. Ten Speed Press.

Stoodley, Martha.

--Information Interviewing: What It Is and How To Use It in Your Career. Garrett Park Press.

Useem, Michael

1989Liberal Education and the Corporation: The Hiring and Advancement of College Graduates. Aldine de Gruyter.

U.S. Department of Commerce

ndU.S. Industrial Outlook.

U.S. Government Printing Office

ndUnited States Government Manual.

Weddle, Peter D.

--Electronic Resumes for the New Job Market. Impact Publications.

Wegman, Robert and Robert Chapman

1989Work in the New Economy: Careers and Job Seeking into the 21st Century. JIST Works.

1987The Right Place at the Right Time: Finding a Job in the 1990's. Ten Speed Press

Yate, Martin

1995Knock *em Dead: The Ultimate Job Seeker*s Handbook. Adams Publishing, Inc.