Cloud Computing
Certified OpenStack Administrator
Program Overview: The course is designed based on official certification training program from Opensack foundation .however without exam fee included. Each student will be able to deploy a private cloud on Ubuntu server using Openstack in distributed mode with 3 Ubuntu server ( server –A : controller node, Server –B : Network node, Server-C : KVM node ) and perform OpenStack administration activities
Program Duration:5 Days.
Prerequisite Skills: Linux server basics knowledge
Who should attend? Targeted for Cloud engineers, Centre of excellence team, window server administrators, Unix/Linux administrator, Storage admins, network administrators , Virtualization administrators
TitleModule 1 : OpenStack Ecosystem Overview
Module 1.1 : OpenStack Releases
Module 1.2 : OpenStack Project Overview Part-1
Module 1.3 : Openstack-project-overview-Part-2
Module 1.4 : Role-of-openstack-Projects
Module 2 : Prepare Your Setup for OpenStack Deployment
Module 2.1 : System Requirements
Module 2.2 : Deploy 3 ubuntu servers
Module 3 : Prepare Your OS for OpenStack Nodes
Module 3.1 : Prepare Contoller Node
Module 3.2 : Prepare Network Node
Module 3.3 : Prepare Compute Node
Module 4 : Prepare Your Network OpenStack Nodes
Module 4.1 : Prepare networking on Contoller Node
Module 4.2 : Prepare Networking on Network Node
Module 4.3 : Prepare Networking Compute Node
Module 4.4 : Verify your node communication
Module 4.5 : NTP and Sysctl.conf
Module 4.6 : Where are we in the lab
Module 5 : MySQL
Module 5.1 : MySql -Server Overview
Module 5.2 : Role of MySql DB in OpenStack
Module 5.3 : Install and configure MySql-Server
Module 5.4 : Mysql Management CLI based
Module 5.5 : MySql Management GUI based
Module 5.6 : Where are we in the lab
Module 6 : Rabbitmq-Server
Module 6.1 : RabbitMq-Server Overview
Module 6.2 : Role of Rabbit-mq Server in OpenStack
Module 6.3 : Install and Configure RabbitMq-Server
Module 6.4 : Where are we in the lab
Module 7 : Keystone
Module 7.1 : Keystone - An Overview
Module 7.2 : Role of Keystone in OpenStack
Module 7.3 : Keystone - Terms and terminologies
Module 7.4 : Install and Configure Keystone
Module 7.5 : Create Projects,Users ,Service,Endpoints Roles
Module 7.6 : Keystone CLI Operations
Module 7.7 : Where are we in the lab
Module 8 : Horizon
Module 8.1 : Horizon an overview
Module 8.2 : Install and configure Horizon dashboard
Module 8.3: add your logo to dashboard
Module 8.4: Where are we in the lab
Module 9 : Glance
Module 9.1 : Glance and its Role in Openstack
Module 9.2 : Glance Components
Module 9.3 : Create Glance service user and endpoint
Module 9.4 : Install and Configure Glance
Module 9.5: Glance CLI , verify operation and Manage Images ( add,update,remove)
Module 9.6 : Manage image types and backends
Module 9.7 : Where are we in the lab
Module 10 : Nova - Controller Node
Module 10.1 : Nova and its Role in Openstack
Module 10.2 : Nova Components
Module 10.3 : How VM provisioning happens
Module 10.4 : Create Nova service, user and endpoint
Module 10.5 : Install and Configure Nova on Controller
Module 10.6 : Where are we in the lab
Module 11 : Nova- Compute node
Module 11.1 : Install and configure KVM and Libvirt
Module 11.2 : Install and Configure Nova-compute
Module 11.3 : Where are we in the lab
Module 12: OpenvSwitch
Module 12.1 : OpenvSwitch - An Overview
Module 12.2 : Openvswitch Components
Module 12.3 : Role of Openvswitch in OpenStack
Module 12.4 : OVS cli operations
Module 12.5 : Install and configure Openvswitch on Neutron Node
Module 12.6: Install and configure Openvswitch on Compute Node
Module 12.7 : Where are we in the lab
Module 13 : Neutron -controller Node
Module 13.1 : Neutron and its Role in OpenStack
Module 13.2 : Create Neutron user,service and endpoints
Module 13.3 : Install and configure Neutron server
Module 13.4 : Where are we in the lab
Module 14: Neutron- Network Node
Module 14.1 : Overview of neutron agents and their roles
Module 14.2 : Configure neutron DHCP,L3 and metadata agent
Module 14.3 : Configure Openvswitch agent
Module 14.4 : Where are we in the lab
Module 15: Neutron- OVS agent on Compute Node
Module 15.1 : Install and cofigure Openvswitch agent
Module 15.2 : Openvswitch peering and Tunneling
Module 15.3 : Where are we in the lab
Module 16: Compute –Operations Part-01
Module 16.1 : OpenStack Dashboard overview
Module 16.2 : create a tenant and user
Module 16.3 : Manage compute quotas
Module 16.4 : Manage flavors
Module 17 Networking - Operations
17.1 Verify operation of network service
17.2 Manage project security group rules
17.3 Manage network quotas
17.4 Create project networks
17.5 Create project routers
17.6 Create external networks
Module 18 : Compute Operations Part-02
Module 18.1 : Manage Nova user keypairs
Module 18.2 : Launch a new instance
Module 18.3: Assign security group to Instance
Module 18.4 : Assign, Attach and detach a floating IP address to Instance
Module 18.5 : Access an Instance using a keypair
Module 18.6 : VM operations-shutdown and terminate
Module 18.7 Troubleshoot network issues for a tenant network (enter namespace, run tcpdump, etc)
Module 18.8 : Manage instance snapshots
Module 18.9 : Launch instance using snapshot
Module 19 : Cinder - Controller node
Module 19.1 : Cinder and its role in OpenStack
Module 19.2 : cinder Components
Module 19.3: Create cinder service, user and endpoint
Module 19.4 : Install and Configure cinder
Module 19.5 : Create volume group for block storage
Module 19.6 : Set up storage pools
Module 19.7: Manage volumes quotas
Module 19.8 : Create a new Block Storage Volume and mount it to a Nova Instance
Module 19.9: Manage volume snapshots (e.g, take, list, recover, verify)
Module 19.10 : Manage,backup and restore volumes backups
Module 19.11 Manage volumes encryption
Module 20 : Heat/Orchestration – 6% ( HandsOn Lab by Students)
Module 20.1 : Heat - and its Role in OpenStack
Module 20.2 : Verify Heat/Orchestration stack is working
Module 20.3 : Use Heat Orchestration CLI and Launch a Stack ( VM instance launch)
Module 20.4 : Use Heat Orchestration CLI and Launch a Stack in default network ( VM instance launch)
Module 20.5 : Create a Heat/Orchestration template that matches a specific scenario
Module 20.6 : Use Heat/Orchestration dashboard
Module 20.7 : Obtain detailed information about a stack
Module 21 : Troubleshooting – 13% ( HandsOn Lab by Students)
Module 21.1 : Analyze log files e.g.,/var/log/COMPONENT_NAME,DB,web,syslog,messaging)
Module 21.2 : Backup the database(s) used by an OpenStack instance
Module 21.3 Analyze database servers
Module 21.4 Analyze Host/Guest OS and Instance status
Module 21.5 : Analyze messaging servers
Module 21.6 : Analyze storage status (local, block & object)
Module 21.7 : Manage OpenStack Services
Module 21.8 : Digest OpenStack environment (Controller, Compute, Storage and Network nodes)
Module 21.9 : Backup and restore an OpenStack instance
Module 22 : Object Storage – 10% ( HandsOn Lab by Students)
Module 22.1 : Swift and its role in OpenStack
Module 22.2 : Swift Components
Module 22.3 Access Swift through Horizon
Module 22.4 Manage access to object storage
Module 22.5 Manage expiring objects
Module 22.6 Manage storage policies
Module 22.7 Monitor space available for object store
Module 22.8 Manage permissions on a container in object storage
On Completion of this program:Participant should able to use deploy a private cloud in distributed mode and also provide ability to showcase for Proof of concept of OpenStack . It also prepares them to appear for the certification exam .