CCCSFAAA and FARR Transition MeetingOctober 22-24, 2007

South Lake Tahoe, CA


Kris ShearPresident Elect

Sherrie PadillaRegion VI

Myra RushRegion V

Brad HardisonTreasurer

Karen MicalizioPast President

Beth AsmusPresident

Reina BranumRegion I

Andi SchreibmanRegion IV

Anafe RobinsonRegion VII

Mary SpadySecretary

Nancy DavisRegion IX

JoAnn BernardVice President

Judy CohenRegion III

Kris ShearPresident Elect

Gilda MaldonaldoRegion X

Kim WestbyRegion VIII

Debbie SoriaTreasurer Elect

Maria EscobarEOPS Liaison

Tim BonnelCCCCO

Richard QuintanaCCCCO

Eric ThorsonCCCCO



Jacque BradleyMendocinoCollege

Steve ArenaNewsletter

Bryan DickensonCSAC

Susan JonesSan AntonioCollege

Patricia HurleyGlendaleCollege

Denise Donn

JulieLake TahoeCommunity College

2008 Executive Board:

President – Kris ShearSanta RosaJunior College

President-Elect – Brad HardisonSanta BarbaraCityCollege

Past-President – Beth AsmusCollege of the Canyons

Vice President – Margie CarringtonCanadaCollege

Treasurer – Debbie SoriaCabrilloCollege

Treasurer-Elect – Sherrie PadillaAntelopeValleyCollege

Secretary – Nancy DavisSan BernardinoValleyCollege

Region I Rep – Reina BranumLassenCollege

Region II Rep – Patty MorganNapaValleyCollege

Region III Reg – Judy CohenLaneyCollege

Region IV Rep – Andi SchreibmanLosPositasCollege

Region V Rep -

Region VI Rep – Linda FaasuaOxnardCollege

Region VII Rep – Anafe RobinsonLos AngelesMissionCollege

Region VIII Rep -

Region IX Rep – Greg RyanVictorValleyCollege

Region X Rep – Michael CopenhaverGrossmont College (Not at meeting)


Dennis SchroederWeb Master

Executive Board Meeting Tuesday, October 23

The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.


An orientation and information sharing session was arranged to transfer knowledge from current board members and regional representative to the incoming board and regional representatives.

The incoming/outgoing Regional Representatives met with Richard Quintana & Tim Bonnel.

Beth and Kris met with current and incoming officers.

Approval of the Minutes:

  • The minutes of the July 26, 2007 meeting were reviewed.
  • Amended CLFE Loans wording to Lenders

MOTION: To approve the minutes of the July 26, 2007 executive board meeting, as amended..

Motion / Second / Record of Vote
AYE – NO – Abstain / Discussion/Comments
Karen / Nancy / Aye - All 16-0 Approved / No Discussion

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Certificate of deposit with Capital One rolled into the money market. This money is now accessible. Reports reviewed. Conference activity is just beginning.

MOTION: To accept Treasurer’s report.

Motion / Second / Record of Vote / Discussion/Comments
Andi / Karen / 16-0 Approved

Awards Committee Report:

Susan Jones:Doreen Prado, Reina Branum, Kim Westby volunteered to participate on the committee. 30 scholarship applications were received by the extended deadline

Nominations were selected. Vote ratified by the Executive Board.

MOTION: To accept nominations .

Motion / Second / Record of Vote / Discussion/Comments
16-0 Approved

Brad recommends use of online QuickBooks to assist with training of the treasurer-elect position.

MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s report.

Motion / Second / Record of Vote
AYE – NO – Abstain / Discussion/Comments
Mary Spady / Anafe / 9 vote / Beth requests a new detail line item be added to the budget to track the annual subscription cost of $290.52.

State Issues Report – Kris (submitted on 5/07/07)

Highlights from April 19, 2007 Commission Meeting:

The Commission passed a motion (paraphrased) to Adopt an Interim IPA for the time period of 7//1/07 to 6/30/08 and CSAC staff (consulting with the Grant Advisory Committee) will develop a multi-year IPA for 08-09 processing (and beyond) that the Commission will consider at its September ’07 meeting.

The Commission passed a motion to reaffirm the process of self-certification of high school graduation for 2007-08 (that was established at their September ’06 meeting). (This reaffirmed implementation of the G-8 form/process for new entitlement grants for 07-08.)

The Commission passed a motion To incorporate into the interim IPA that institutions are required to hold Cal Grant funds in an interest-bearing account beginning Dec. 1, 2007.

The Commission passed a motion that the final reconciliation date will be Dec. 31 following an award year. (This date will apply to 06-07 final recon – due 12/31/07.)

The Commission passed a motion to incorporate the agreed upon IT/security provisions into the interim IPA.

Commission Chair McClain announced that Dr. Yasmin Delahoussaye (Vice President of Student Services at Los Angeles Valley college has been appointed by the Governor to fill the California community College position on the Commission.

CASFAA Segmental Report – Nancy Davis

  • Meredith Kelley is now acting VP of Enrollment Services at ChicoState, and is no longer in Financial Aid. Craig Yamamoto has agreed to serve as President rather than President-Elect of CASFAA for the 2008 year.

President’s Report – Beth Asmus

  • Committee chairs who have worked with volunteers (outside of the board) are to submit the names of these individuals so they can be acknowledged. Please respond to Beth by November 30.
  • Anaheim Conference room rates: $154
  • EOPS conference – Oct. 8-11. CCCSFAAA provided a presentation of coordination between the offices of the EOPS, CARE, Cal Works, and Financial Aid.
  • Spring Training (1-Northern/2-Southern)-Anafe, Kim, and Andi volunteered as possible sites for these trainings.
  • Sent letters of appreciation to Senators McKinney, Boxer, and Feinstein
  • CCCSFAAA and CASFAAA representatives may be attending the CLFE quarterly meetings on a rotational appointment basis – to be determined at the first Board meeting in January.
  • Brad will be working with Real Time DB Advisory committee – CSAC
  • North Carolina Sister Association – Brad will attend conference. Amy Barrier from North Carolina will be attending this year’s CCCSFAAA Conference. Beth’s experience working with this association has provided an opportunity to learn and share financial aid association knowledge across state lines.
  • Next Commission Meeting - 11/29-30/2007. There is a concern as to whether there will be a quorum for this meeting if student commissioner seats are not filled.

Election Results (Motion to ratify the election results)- via email


Motion / Second / Record of Vote / Discussion/Comments
Nancy / Kris / 10 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 Abstain
  • President Elect – Brad Hardison
  • Vice President - Margi Carrington
  • Treasurer Elect – Denise Donn
  • Secretary – Nancy Davis
Nominations & Elections – Karen Micalizio
  • President Elect – Brad Hardison, Anafe Robinson
  • Vice President - Margi Carrington and Judy Cohen
  • Treasurer Elect – Denise Donn and Sherry Padilla
  • Secretary – Nancy Davis and Reina Branum

MOTION: To accept the nomination slate as listed above.

Motion / Second / Record of Vote / Discussion/Comments
Kris / JoAnn / 16-0 Approve
  • 2008 Regional Representatives for regionsfor Regions II, IV, VI, VIII, and X (Doreen, Andi, JudySherrie, Kim and Gilda)
  • II – Patty MorganNapaValleyCollege
  • IV – Andi Schreibman Los Positos College
  • V -
  • VI – Linda FaasuaOxnardCollege
  • VIII -
  • X – MichaelCopenhager GrossmontCollege
  • CASFAA Segmental Representative still open for nomination

Suggestions: Linda Williams, Kris (Susan Jones Assistant), Kim Westby, (under discussion)

Bylaws – Karen

  • No Report

Training Committee Report - Karen Micalizio

  • Stayed within the budget for Spring Training.

Policy & Procedures Report – Nancy Davis

  • A sub-group will be formed to work on this task. Future meetings will include segments to review and finalize by the Executive Board.

State Issues Report – Kris Shear

  • Excel spreadsheet listing bills and status of the bills was distributed.

Web Oversight – Dennis Schroeder

  • .A powerpoint report was included on the flash drive distributed to the board.

Membership Report – Mary Spady

  • Current membership is 694.Members indicated that they had not been asked to update the CCCSFAAA directory. Beth, Mary, and Dennis will follow-up right away to discuss options for additional updating

Conference Report – Brad Hardison

  • Sessions are all covered. 4 general session speakers.
  • Western wear for the President’s Reception
  • Social – Thursday night Jillians – no host bar – black & white attire, surprise entertainment
  • Meals include “newcomers reception”, breakfast, etc.
  • $12 cards will be distributed – discussion of pros and cons
  • Flash card with directory will be distributed – bags will NOT be distributed
  • Vendor income is down – 40 booths
  • Meal estimate is critical to the overall costs
  • Newcomer’s event red, black, and white – oriental

Federal Issues – JoAnn Bernard

  • Report is included in the flash drive.

EOPS Liaison Report – Maria Escobar

  • Report distributed. Coordination of EOPS and Financial Aid discussion regarding processing of BOG A, B, & C. Need to confirm the criteria for granting a BOG B, develop process for changes from BOG B to C. BOG B’s relate to VTEA funding and facilitates the EOPS referral automatically. Zero EFC or dependent student with $0 PC is EOPS eligible. Much discussion pursued.

CLFE LiaisonReport (California Lenders For Education) – Donna Huber

  • Donna acknowledged her appreciation for participating on the CCCSFAAA Executive Board.

CSAC Liaison Report – Bryan

  • Work has begun on the Grant Delivery System. Meetings will be via teleconference. Competitive awards are completed. Non-awarded letters have been mailed. PIN Cards are available through the CSAC form order website. CSAC is working to update the general website. Point breakout is included in the GAC Committee – go to prior year for current year. Bryan will send out this information.

Awards Committee

A vote was taken to accept the nominations of the Awards Committee. Six vote Aye.


Motion / Second / Record of Vote / Discussion/Comments
Nancy / Kris / 6 Aye

Newsletter Committee Report – Steve Arena

  • Steve distributed the Fall issue of the newsletter. Collection of articles is still problematic. Early January is the deadline for the next publication. Nancy suggested a special edition be printed (Get Ready for the Conference!). A compromise was reached that additional emails will be issued to publicize the conference events. Electronic formatting changes are being addressed. Steve will schedule a CCC Confer session to discuss the future issues of the newsletter.

Scholarships Committee Report – Margie Carrington

  • Number of applications is down for this year.
  • A silent auction will take place at the conference to raise funds for future scholarships. Regional Representatives to provide items for this auction.
  • Two scholarships were awarded to each Region, 20 $500 scholarships in all.

We hope to have two scholarship recipients at the business meeting of the conference on Saturday.


Motion / Second / Record of Vote / Discussion/Comments
Margie / Kris / 16 Aye

SLO Project – Jacque

  • Jacque delivered a proposal for development of an online tool to capture student learning outcomes with a pre-test, orientation, and post-test as defined by the institution. Discussed combining multiple SLO’s into one orientation. No action was taken on this proposal.

Meeting adjourned by Beth: 2:45pm

Minutes submitted by: Mary Spady Page1

Minutes approved:

Minutes posted to web: