The AAPT conference is an annual opportunity for delegates to update their knowledge of scientific, technological, legal and social issues relating to the healthcare science profession of anatomical pathology technology.

The event also offers a unique platform for exhibitors to present their products and services. This year the conference will be held in Luton at the Strathmore Hotel on Saturday 14th September.

Trade exhibition space is available, but is limited to 10 trade stands and will be offered as a priority to Company Members of the AAPT in the first instance.

Previous events have received excellent feedback from delegates and trade, the audience is predominantly made up of technologists from the United Kingdom, although we often have delegates from Denmark and the Republic of Ireland.

In addition to the trade space that are several other sponsorship opportunities that may be beneficial to your organisation:

  • Delegate Badges and Lanyards£250

Branding on all delegate, exhibitor and keynote speaker badges and lanyards and high profile branding throughout registration area

  • Pens & Pads£250

Included in every delegate bag, these pens and pads are used throughout conference and long after the event

  • Conference Bag Insert £100 + companies own production costs

Communicate your message direct to delegates as the inserts are included in all delegate bags

  • Conference Guide advertising £200 full back cover

£125 inside back page

£100 half page advert



Company Members will be given initial priority booking for trade stands

Strathmore Hotel Luton 14th September 2013

Company Name
Company Address
Town/City / Postcode
AAPT Company Membership No. / Contact Tel/Fax
Named Trade Delegate(s)
Email Address
Payment Methods
Cheques / BACS
Cheques should be made payable to AAPT (UK) / Account: 31016804
Sort Code: 604002
Name: Association of Anatomical Pathology Technologists (UK)
Ref: AAPT Conference 2012
Exhibition Fee
Company Members £400 / Non-members £550
I am interested in sponsoring (please tick)
Conference Bags
Delegate Badges and Lanyards
Pens & Pads
Conference Bag Insert
Conference Guide advertising