Have your say on a development application - submission form / Planning and Environment
Planning Assessment
City Development
PO Box 5042 GOLD COAST MC QLD 9729
P: (07) 5582 8866 F: (07) 5596 3653
W: cityofgoldcoast.com.au

Use this form to lodge your support for, or objection to, a development application which has been submitted to the City of Gold Coast. Please note that submissions on a development application are not confidential and will be displayed on PD Online on the City of Gold Coast’s website. Once a decision has been made, the assessment manager must provide a copy of the decision notice to each submitter, after the applicant’s appeal period.

Please use BLOCK LETTERS and complete all details in full

Privacy statement

Council of the City of Gold Coast (Council) is collecting your personal information in accordance with Sustainable Planning Act 2009. The information will only be used by authorised Council officers in order to accept and assess your submission, and ensuring our records are accurate. Your information will be displayed through PD Online on the City of Gold Coast’s website in order to display a complete application history

Application details
Lot number / Plan number
Property address
Application number
Submitter details
First name / Surname
Residential address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Email address
Postal address (same as above) / Yes / No (Please complete ‘postal address’ details below)
Postal address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Email address
Submission details
What is your position on the development application?
Supporting / Objecting
Grounds of submission:
When stating the grounds of your submission, it is important to focus on planning issues and how the proposed use is or is not consistent with the City Plan.
Declaration ( if this form is not being submitted online the applicant must provide a written signature)
I understand and acknowledge that:
·  the information provided in this submission is true and correct
·  I have read the privacy notice as stated on this form.
·  this submission will be displayed through PD Online on the City of the Gold Coast’s website
·  I acknowledge Queensland State Laws will accept this communication as containing my signature within the meaning of the Electronic Transactions (Queensland) Act 2001 which can be found on the Queensland Legislationwebsite.
By signing below, I agree with the declaration.
Signature / Date

Document # 17214728 v17 Last Updated 9/04/14 Page 1 of 1