Rockaway Township Soccer Booster By-Laws

Article I – NAME

The name of this organization is the ROCKAWAY TOWNSHIP SOCCER BOOSTER CLUB, hereafter called the BOOSTER CLUB.

Article II – PURPOSE

The purpose of the Booster Club is to raise funds for the benefit of the children of the Rockaway Township Soccer Program. It is authorized to raise monies through various fundraising projects and is designated to expend said monies as authorized by it’s membership for a specific purpose related to the program.

Article III – Membership

The membership of the Booster Club shall consist of the parents and/or guardians of any registered soccer players. Friends and/or relatives, including residents of Rockaway Township interested in the soccer program that volunteer and have regular meeting attendance according to the Booster Bylaws.


Officers of the Booster Club will consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. These Board members shall also be known as the Executive Board within the Booster Club.

A. Nomination of Officers – The officers of the Booster Club shall be nominated in the October Meeting and elected in the November meeting each year.

B. Board Vacancies - In the event of a vacancy, the Executive Committee shall fill the Vacancy within the Club with another Board Member if no other member is available or willing to fill the position until the expiration of term.

C. Term of Officer – Officers elected into a position will hold a term for one (1) year effective January 1st of each year.


1. The President shall be responsible for the overall management of the Boosters Club.

2. The President shall conduct and preserve order at all monthly membership and executive meetings.

3. The President shall be responsible for communications between the Soccer Association and the Booster Club.

4. The President shall be responsible to see that all board positions are filled by Executive Committee.

5. The President shall be responsible to ensure that an independent audit is conducted on an annual basis for all financial records prior to filing records to the tax preparer.

E. Vice-President

1. The Vice President shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the President in the event of absence or incapacity of the President.

F. Treasurer

1. The Treasurer shall be the financial officer of the Booster Club. They shall be in charge of books of account and other financial records. All monies received from any event shall be accounted for and deposited in the bank on record within one (1) week of receipt.

2. Treasurer shall be responsible for processing registration payments through the Sports Sign Up website including entering check payments received through the PO Box, and maintaining the credit card and e-checks received via the Sports Sign Up website merchant account and statements.

3. Treasurer shall be responsible to submit annual reports to James Lynch, CPA on an annual basis for necessary tax filing purposes. Submission of records to the IRS are due by May 15th of each year.

Article V – Membership, Meeting Attendanceand Voting

A. Place of Meetings – The meetings of the Booster Club shall be held in a place which will be designated by the officer’s and slated in the notice of the regular RTSA meeting.

B. Time and Date: The meetings shall be held monthly on a day and time designated by the President.

C. Executive Meetings: All Executive Committee Meetings shall be held at least one week prior to membership meetings.

D. Special Meetings: Special meetings, to include the membership of the Booster Club, shall be called by the president or by the majority of the Executive Committee. Notice of the date, time and place and purpose of said meeting shall be announced to the membership at least two (2) days prior of scheduled meeting. Only items on the agenda may be acted upon.

E. Voting: Voting privileges shall be obtained by attending six (6) completed meetings in a rolling twelve (12) month time period. Each member shall be able to cast one (1) vote when necessary.

Article VI – Miscellaneous

A. Duties of officers may be delegated – The President may delegate the powers and duties of any officers in that person’s absence or incapacity.

B. Rules of Order: All meetings of the Booster Club shall be governed by the “Roberts Rules of Order”

C. Execution of Contracts: All checks or financial transactions executed on behalf of the Booster Club shall be signed by the Treasurer and/ or the President. The President and Secretary shall execute all contracts on behalf of the Booster Club.

D. Adoption and Amendments – These By-Laws shall become effective upon approval of the Rockaway Township Booster Club membership by an affirmative vote of a majority. Any future amendments must be published at least one week (7) days prior to the vote on the amendment. Amendments to these By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board and become an agenda item and presented to the membership at the next membership meeting. It will then be voted on at the following membership meeting.

E. If a member, whether it be an Executive member or a regular member, should prove a reason that they must be removed from a position and/or membership, the majority of active membership of the Booster Club shall request removal by request through the RTSA Executive Board. If final decision of removal is the majority, a letter will officiate said actions.

Revised 5/22/10