/ Annual General Meeting 2015
Date –1st December 2014
Perth Fire station, Long Causeway, Perth



Chair / Present / Apologies
Grahame Hay / Ally Little / Jim Stewart
Duncan Morrison / Dave Nicoll
Bruce Ferguson / Steve Cairns
Peter Millar / Gordon Chisholm
Stan Stewart / Laurence Morgan
Peter Hutchinson / Gerry Buchan
Brian Teven / Anne Chisholm
Ashley Blundell / Kevin Lancaster
Campbell Stewart
Stephen Christie
Allen Watson
John Cowen
Stephen Morris

1.Chairman’s Report

Grahame Hay thanked everyone for attending and gave a report on the club membership figures for 2015:

Senior Members62




Overall the membership is down slightly on last season, but that didn’t account for a number of people who were not recorded as having paid a subscription, but were still behaving as members. Action is for Duncan Morrison to follow up on this. It was noted that of the current membership there are 40 people regularly riding in events, and a further 20 riding occasionally, which is as strong as in previous seasons. The confined events were generally well attended and were genuinely competitive in all categories rather than single individuals winning unopposed.

The Eddie Morgan Memorial Road Race was run again this year and was a great success with another full field and a very competitive race. Well done to Allen Watson for his outstanding efforts in getting the event to run so smoothly again.

Winter activities included a series of turbo training sessions run by coach Dave Nicoll. These were well attended by Perth Triathlon Club, but again this year there have been few PUCC members attending. Cyclocross training sessions have been well attended through the winter with a good number of members taking part in cross events.

Chairman described the basic set of tasks that need to be done each year to keep the club operating and providing the activities that it does. It was also highlighted that without having more people prepared to get involved in helping with club activities that the club is not in a position to make any changes to what it does now and should look to repeat the same pattern of activities for the coming season as this requires the least effort.

2.Treasurers Report

Ally Little provided a report on the club’s finances.

Overall the current bank balance is £2,961, compared with £2,250 at the start of the year. The main sources of income were from member subscriptions, entry fees to the Eddie Morgan Road Race and sponsorship from JM Richards’ Cycles.

Outgoings were the cost of trophies and engravings, affiliation fees and event levies to Scottish Cycling, costs from the Prize giving evening at the Bothy and hire of Pitcairngreen Hall and food for the road race.

There is one loan bike currently in use by a youth member and the others are held in stock by Ally. There are mats and rollers out on loan. The location of all club equipment is accounted for.

Given that there was no expectation of any exceptional expenditure in the coming season, it was proposed to retain the current level of subscriptions for 2016. There were no objections to this proposal. Senior members will pay £20 and all others (youths, juniors, associates and over 60s) will pay £5.

3.Club Committee and Volunteers

The roles on the committee and volunteer structure (see separate table) of were described, with 2 committee roles to be filled. The Chairman’s role is vacant as Grahame Hay is stepping down having done more than the 5 years between the Secretary and Chairman roles. A summary set of tasks that the Chairman needs to oversee was provided, with the emphasis being that the Chairman needs to make sure they get done, rather than having to do anything themselves. The Cycling Secretary role was not filled from last year and the tasks associated with it have been largely carried out by Grahame Hay with assistance from Gordon Chisholm and Bruce Ferguson. All other committee members will continue in post.

There were no offers at the meeting, or from direct requests to members prior to the meeting to take on the role of Chairman. It was suggested that this role could be covered by several people sharing the responsibility, but there were still no offers. The remaining committee members will need to collectively cover these responsibilities until a solution can be found for this position, and it was highlighted that it limits the ability to change or enhance anything the club does.

Peter Will offered to take on the role of Cycling Secretary. He was proposed by Grahame Hay and seconded by Peter Hutchinson. The meeting thanked Peter for his assistance.

It was noted that there had been offers of assistance from various members including Kevin Lancaster, Kevin McHugh and Stuard Deed and the committee members were reminded that they should be looking to involve other members to carry out jobs whenever possible to spread the workload and get people involved.

The full set of roles is detailed here, but the committee for 2016 is –

Chairman – vacant

Membership Secretary – Duncan Morrison

Cycling Secretary – Peter Will

Events Manager – Allen Watson

Head of Coaching & Development – David Nicol

Treasurer – Ally Little

4.Club Clothing

Duncan Morrison offered to take on the management of club clothing for 2016 from Ally Little. Ally provided a list of the current stock for Duncan to send out to members. There was an open discussion on clothing suppliers, with both positive and negative points for both Pro Vision and Endura. Decision on which to choose was left with Duncan, along with organising a clothing order in the new year.

A question was raised about the jersey sponsorship from JM Richards and what benefits the club get from it. Ally confirmed that Richards had paid the SCU sponsorship fee for 2016, and that club members get a 10% discount in the shop as well as priority servicing.

5.Coaching and Development Activities

Dave Nicol provided a written update on coaching activities. There were a number of indoor turbo training sessions run last winter and they are currently operating again. Attendance by PUCC members has been low. Dave also provided support to some members in training for specific events. He expressed a concern that there didn’t appear to be a demand for a coaching service. The discussion at the meeting recognised the lack of attendance, but also suggested that events should still be scheduled but better advertised and promoted (many members didn’t know the turbo sessions were on again). The previous discussions on doing coached Sunday sessions such as hill reps or ladies only runs were still seen as something worth pursuing.

Stuart Deed had written to say that he is interested in completing his Level 2 coaching course, and would be willing to assist Dave in any coaching sessions or share duties, once he completes his Commissaries’ qualifications next year.

6.Club Events for 2016

  • Confined club events were proposed to run on the same schedule as this season. The decision on whether to hold an Event Scheduling meeting, or to just take any comments prior to issuing the schedule, was left with Peter Will.
  • Regular Training runs have again had a low attendance. There have been no attendees at the Thursday evening runs. The intent of using these as way to introduce new members to the club has no worked in its current format and it was agreed that they should be dropped from the schedule as it is more off-putting to turn up to an event and find no-one else there. The action from last year’s AGM was to have a pre-defined route advertised for all the Sunday runs (on Facebook, e-mail) , but this was not done. John Cowen offered to do this (Club Training Run Co-Ordinator role) and possibly have a more widely advertised event once a month along the line of what Kinross CC do. John was to be added to Ian Fothergills Saturday list to pick up on some of the routes that Ian has planned out.
  • Open Races will again consist of the Eddie Morgan Road Race, and Allen Watson has registered the event for 2016.
  • Social Events will include the Social and Prize Giving Evening, the AGM and the Christmas run. Dates were proposed to be in line with the same dates from this year.


  • Peter Hutchinson relayed a request from the Pitcairngreen Hall committee for help in erecting their marquee for the village fete. This would coincide with the Cog Brae APR and so riders should be available to help out at the end of the event. It was agreed that the club should help in return for the hospitality and facilities we receive from the village. Pete has the action to confirm details nearer the time and ensure members are aware in advance of the event.
  • A clarification was asked for on whether riders who are racing for other clubs are eligible to take part in club confined events. The position is that they could take part in training runs, but not time trials.
  • In addition to members who have not paid subscriptions there are British Cycling members who are not club members (BC web site provides lists). Duncan was asked to contact these people and request them to re-join or remove their club link from their BC membership.
  • Dave Nicol requested that committee members should receive 75 bonus points to compensate for time spent on behalf of the club. This was discussed, but there was no other support for the proposal.
  • Dave Nicol also proposed that there should be 2nd and 3rd place prizes for the main competitions to give more people something to compete for and to generate more interest in the Prize giving night. It was agreed that there would be 2nd and 3rd place prizes for the Mens and Ladies Championship.
  • Christmas run was proposed for Sunday 13th December to the pub in Dunning.

Appendix – Volunteer Structure