“Preparing Competent and Caring Educators for a Diverse World”
The graduate division of the School of Education at Bowie State University offers a Master of Education degree in School Administration and Supervision. The program is accredited by the National Association for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and leads to administrative certification in the State of Maryland. Students are required to complete a state-approved 39 semester-hour program of graduate study, which is designed to prepare the candidate to function as a competent and caring administrator.
This Handbook is designed to assist candidates in meeting the requirements of their academic program and those of the School of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education. Information included in this Handbook outlines the steps in completing degree requirements, sequencing courses, and meeting general program and university requirements. In addition to reading this Handbook, candidates should consult regularly with their advisor to assure that program and University requirements are being met. Additional information can be obtained by reading the Bowie State University Graduate Catalog.
The School Administration and Supervision Program staff is committed to providing each of its candidates the opportunities necessary for a successful university experience as well as the knowledge and skills essential to be an exemplary administrator or supervisor.
Revised Spring, 2002 Dr. Barbara Jackson, Department Chair (301) 860-3125
Philosophy 9
Mission Statement 10
Program Admission Requirements 11
Program Goals and Objectives 11
Program Goals and Conceptual Themes 12
Program Objectives 12
Program of Study 14
Standards 14
Course Description 19
Admission Requirements 23
Application for Admission 23
Residency Requirements 24
Non-Degree Students 24
Transfer Credits 24
Taking Courses at Another Institution 24
Enrollment and Registration 25
Continuous Enrollment 25
Workshop Credits 25
Independent Study Policy 25
Veteran’s Benefits 25
Audits 26
Degree Requirements 26
Graduate/Qualifying Comprehensive Examination 26
Thesis and Research Paper 26
Financial Information 27
Graduation 27
Transcript 27
Financial Obligations 27
Withdrawals and Refunds 27
Graduate Assistantships 28
Scholarships and Fellowships 28
Support Services for Students with Disabilities 28
Student Health and Counseling Center 28
Housing and Residence Life 29
Career and Residence Life 29
Academic Policies & Procedures 29
Standard of Academic Conduct 30
Attendance 30
Notification of Graduation Status 30
Time Limitation 30
Reentry to a Degree Program after Lapse of Time Limitation 30
Program of Study 31
Change of Program 31
Advancement to Candidacy 31
Course Load 31
Standards of Academic Work 31
Grading Criteria 32
Appeal System 33
Dismissal Policy 33
Advisement 34
Appendices (Forms) 35
§ Accommodation Form
§ Change of Program Form
§ Focused Plan of Study Form
§ Independent Study Request Form
§ Pursue a Course Form
§ Readmission Application
§ Study Program Proposal Form
Statement of Ethics For
School Administrators
An educational administrator’s professional behavior must conform to an ethical code. The code must be idealistic and at the same time practical so that it can apply reasonably to all educational administrators.
The administrator acknowledges that the schools belong to the public they serve for the purpose of providing educational opportunities to all. However, the administrator assumes responsibility for providing professional leadership in the school and community. The responsibility requires the administrator to maintain standards of exemplary professional conduct. It must be recognized that the administrator’s action will be viewed and appraised by the community, professional associates, and students.
To these ends, the administrator subscribes to the following statements of standards.
The educational administrator:
1. Makes the well-being of students the fundamental value of all decision-making and actions.
2. Fulfills professional responsibilities with honesty and integrity.
3. Supports the principle of due process and protects the civil and human rights of all individuals.
4. Obeys local, state, and national laws and does not knowing join or support organizations that advocate, directly or indirectly, the overthrow of the government.
5. Implements the governing board of education’s policies and administrative rules and regulations.
6. Pursues appropriate measures to correct those laws, policies, and regulations that are not consistent with sound educational goals.
7. Avoids using positions for personal gain through political, social, religious, economic, or other influence.
8. Accepts academic degrees or professional certification only from duly accredited institutions.
9. Maintains the standards and seeks to improve the effectiveness of the profession through research and continuing professional development.
10. Honors all contracts until fulfillment release or dissolution mutually agreed upon by all parties to contract.
Adopted by the American Association of School Administrator’s Executive Committee, 1981.
Bowie State University (BSU) aspires to produce graduate who are leaders among their peers in a global community, who think critically, value diversity, and are committed to the higher moral and ethical good; to serve a regionally, globally, and culturally diverse student population; to expand educational opportunities that empower individuals to be effective citizens; and to become a model of creative leadership for institutions of higher learning that seek to improve the quality of life in their communities.
Bowie fosters a supportive, academically rigorous and collaborative environment that nurtures quality in academics and in interpersonal and cross-cultural relationships. Bowie intends to meet the educational needs of south central Maryland and its increasingly diverse population. Established in 1865, Bowie is the oldest historically Black institution in Maryland and is among the oldest in the nation.
As a constituent institution of the University of Maryland System (UMS), Bowie practices affirmative action, cooperates with other educational segments in Maryland, collaborates with other UMS institutions to provide citizens access to high quality educational services, and serves the educational, economic, and cultural needs of Maryland.
Bowie is a regional university that offers a comprehensive array of baccalaureate programs and selected professionally oriented master’s programs. It serves both commuting and residential students.
The University places special emphasis on excellence in teaching. Research on teaching methodology and the learning process as a means to heighten and expand teacher excellence and to improve instruction is encouraged. Computer applications in all disciplines are stressed. Promotion and tenure decisions are influenced by demonstration of excellence, scholarship, and creativity in the areas of teaching in one’s professional area, and in services to the University and to the community.
Bowie State University is accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, the National Council on Social Work Education, and the National League for Nursing. The University is a member of the Council of Graduate Schools in the United States and the Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools. It is approved by the Maryland State Department of Education.
School of Education
Conceptual Framework Overview
The School of Education offers high quality professional education programs that are continuously reviewed and evaluated. The Departmental Curriculum Committee, the Graduate Council, and the Teacher Education Council review new programs, new course offerings and changes in programs to ensure that all programs meet rigorous standards. All programs in the School of Education adhere to the school as well as the mission of the university.
Programs also integrate the Maryland State Department of Education Standards for all teacher education programs: the Essential Dimensions of Teaching. In addition, the School of Education has designed a conceptual framework, which is knowledge-based.
The graduate education programs at Bowie State University are designed to create competent and caring educators who have knowledge of subject matter, teaching methods and students, and who are able to use this knowledge to create rich, exciting, learning environments for all learners. The theme for all graduate education programs is “Preparing Competent and Caring Educators for a Diverse World.” The primary goal of all graduate education programs is to develop candidates who will become academic scholars, skillful instructional leaders, and reflective practitioners in the schools and communities in which they work. To this end, a practicum experience in a local school setting is required for all graduate candidates in the School of Education.
Graduate education programs at Bowie State University provide opportunities for candidates to clarify personal values and goals and to develop a dynamic philosophy of education. Candidates also develop attitudes of life-long learning and demonstrate an appreciation for the professional responsibilities of educators, including ethical and legal responsibilities of educators. Candidates also demonstrate respect for the diversity of learners in contemporary schools, and serve the needs of all learners to achieve their maximum potential. Where appropriate, technology is used to enhance and extend the learning process for both school age and adult learners.
Education at its best is a dynamic, ever changing process that necessitates the empowerment of all stakeholders as a unified whole. Thus, the education community becomes a community of learners and leaders.
Conceptual Framework Themes:
To facilitate the integration of the five key areas of the conceptual framework into graduate education programs, eight curriculum themes have been identified within the framework. The curriculum themes are identified below:
1. Academic Scholar
2. Effective Practitioner
3. Technological Applications
4. Multiple Forms of Assessment
5. Multicultural and Global Perspectives
6. Special Populations Perspectives
7. Reflective Practitioner
8. Personal and Interpersonal Perspectives
According to the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (1996, p. 7).
“What teachers know and do is the most important influence on what students learn.” Research clearly tells us that effective educators must know their subject matter thoroughly so that they can act in a challenging, clear, and compelling manner. Research also confirms that expert educators use knowledge about children and learning to create effective learning environments. Good educators make learning come alive for students who learn in different ways. The graduate education programs at Bowie State University are shaped by this sound research base.
School Administration and
Supervision Program
The Graduate Program in School Administration and Supervision at Bowie State University is based upon the belief that the key areas of the conceptual framework: knowledge of subject matter, knowledge of effective pedagogy, knowledge of students and society, field-based experiences, and professional dispositions are fundamental to a high quality program for school leaders; that candidates desire to achieve their maximum potential; that they are motivated intrinsically as well as extrinsically; that they are able to perform proactively; and that they function as unique individuals, as well as valued members, in interactive, cooperative, and social situations. The Program is structured on the premise that schools need effective leaders; that leadership is provided through the role of the principal who is the instructional leader of the school; and that leadership can be taught. An effective administrator must be an effective leader and should have a sound theoretical knowledge base with the specific skills necessary to identify problems and make appropriate decisions; and their decisions are based upon a combination of research and practice.
Effective preparation programs at the University level provide specific experiences, which emphasize a general academic core, a specialized academic core, instructional leadership, research requirements, professional development, strategic and organizational leadership, political and community leadership, and clinical activities. The program further provides specific opportunities and experiences that enhance and evaluate the candidate's ability to: analyze problems; exercise judgment; organize effectively; be decisive in making decisions; develop his/her leadership style become sensitive to people; become confident and competent in oral and written communication; recognize and develop tolerance for a diverse community; increase a range of interests in life long learning; increase self motivation; and develop personal, educational, and ethnical values as they relate to self and the role of the principal.
The program is also based upon the belief that pupil development and services manifest themselves in sensitivity to social and cultural issues related to the education of children from diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds; and the awareness of the needs of the physically and mentally challenged, as well as students exposed to multiple risk factors. Moreover, school and community relations are enhanced when school leaders demonstrate interpersonal and personal communication skills that foster collaborative efforts across disciplines and among parents and other community groups to achieve educational goals.
Mission Statement
The mission of the program in School Administration and Supervision is driven by the conceptual framework for the School of Education, which emphasizes five key areas: knowledge of subject matter, knowledge of effective pedagogy, knowledge of students and society, field-based experience, and professional dispositions. To this end, the faculty aspires to produce graduates who are leaders among their peers in a global community, who think critically, value academics and who are committed to serving diverse student populations. The Program concentrates on producing administrators and supervisors who are active partners in creating competent and caring educators for a diverse world. The program fosters an academically rigorous and collaborative environment that nurtures quality in academics, encourages reflection, and supports the development of personal and interpersonal skills. Research on teaching and learning methodologies is emphasized to enable the expansion of teaching excellence. Computer applications in all courses are stressed and various forms of technology are incorporated in the curriculum.
The graduate program in School Administration and Supervision at Bowie State University is designed to prepare area school personnel for positions as school principals and/or instructional supervisors. The program meets NCATE and Maryland State Department of Education Certification Requirements and leads to full certification as a Principal and Supervision in grades K-8 and/or 7-12. Emphasis is placed on the role of the principal and the supervisor with regard to leadership, organization, communication, and change and sustenance of existing systems as they pertain to human, technical and managerial skills. The program provides scientific approaches to identifying and solving problems with which administrators and supervision are faced and provides skills and experiences necessary to assume leadership roles in administration and supervision.