2012 UNCW Alcohol and Other Drug Survey


Have you ever been to treatment for alcohol and drug abuse or addiction?

Yes: 5.52%, No: 94.48%

Treatment Type (check all that apply) / Number of Students / % Respondents
Yes, I attended inpatient treatment voluntarily / 6 / 1.32%
Yes, attended inpatient treatment at the insistence/requirement of someone else (parents, family, school, courts) / 6 / 1.32%
Yes, I attended outpatient treatment voluntarily. / 4 / 0.88%
Yes, I attended outpatient treatment as part of a court mandate. / 6 / 1.32%
Yes, I attended classes or groups related to a DWI arrest or conviction. / 8 / 1.77%
Yes, I attended outpatient treatment at the insistence/requirement of someone else (parents, family, school, courts) / 2 / 0.44%

Do you consider yourself addicted to alcohol and/or other drugs?

3.5% Yes
3.7%Unsure right now
92.8% No

Do you consider yourself in recovery from alcohol and drug abuse or addiction?

2.4%I have quit drinking or using, but don’t use the phrase “in recovery” for myself

If yes, what tools do you use to support your recovery (check all that apply):

44.4%Alcoholics Anonymous
22.2%Narcotics Anonymous
33.3%Individual Counseling
0%Group Counseling
22.2%Sober Living
11.1%Campus Services (Counseling Center, Case Manager, CROSSROADS, faculty support, etc.)

If yes, the following list include resources that some colleges have made available to students in recoevery. Please indicate if any of these would help you now or would have helped you, in your opinion. (Check all that apply)

20%Sober recovery living on campus
50%Sober recovery housing off-campus (in partnership with campus resources)
50%12-Step meetings on campus
20%Group counseling with professional counselor
50%Sober activities for students in recovery
40%Alcohol-free activities on campus (open to all students)
80%A dedicated space for students in recovery to “hang out”

All Participants:

Do you know someone in your life with alcohol or drug addiction? (check all that apply.)

20%Parent or Guardian
5.3%Boyfriend/girlfriend/romantic partner
22.9%Aunt(s) or Uncle(s)
20.9%Extended Family
31.7%None of the above (68.3% answered at least one.)


429 participants (21.5% response rate)

70.3% female, 23.9 male, 0.5% transgender
23.9% freshmen, 18.3% sophomore, 28.1% junior, 29.7% senior
21.2% 18 or younger, 31.7% 19-20, 29.6% 21-23, 17.5% 24 or older
90.7% Caucasian, 4.1% Hispanic, 3.5% African-American, 3.3% Native American