American Marketing Association

Professional Chapters Council

Meeting of October 17-19, 2008

Lincoln, Nebraska


Kelley Peterson

Michele DeKinder-Smith

Jennie McConagha

Katharine Conroy

Stacy Armijo

Christine Mathers

Tammy Towill

Kevin Hohnbaum

Karen Stone

Pat Goodrich

Frances Austin


DJ Heckes

Friday, October 17


·  Approval of Minutes
Motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to approve minutes of the July, 2008 meeting of Professional Chapters Council.

·  Review Action Items & Status
Pat reviewed action items from July meeting. Follow-up to July action items are:

o  Mid-Year Retreats - Share list of FY 09 mid years with AMA Board and leadership, inviting them to attend. Pat will send this communication.

o  National Events – When events are being planned (early spring when budgeting for next fiscal year) contact chapter President-elect in chapters where events are being planned to discuss events/timing. Pat will discuss with Deb.

o  National Events- Revise list of scheduled events that is posted on chapter resources to be in alphabetical order by city. Frances will sort and post.

o  MoD - Talk with online content group re: personalization of information on secure sites – should not be personalized. List of future events is a good example, currently on PCC site only events based on individual profile are showing up – secure sites all info needs to be included. Pat will have this discussion.

Potential New Chapters

o  Michele described status of Salt Lake and Jacksonville applications for chapter status. Michele will follow up with both groups. Person originally handling Salt Lake request (from that area) has left for a new job. Pat will send contact information for others in Salt Lake to Michele.

o  Salt Lake City and Jacksonville submissions were impeded by IH transition. Original requests are almost a year old at this point.

o  The process is described in the New Chapter Development document. Guidelines and Required Documents posted on PCC secure site.

o  Steps in the request/approval for chapter status are:

o  Petition for use of AMA name – approval is a PCC vote

o  Following PCC approval, AMA Board approves

o  Chapter is then “a developing chapter of the AMA”

o  Chapter needs 50 members to go to next level

o  Next step is (second) petition for chapter status

o  Petition submitted to PCC for approval

o  Following PCC vote submitted to AMA Board for approval

o  Currently Salt Lake is in development phase. Michele called but has not heard back. We have their second petition and they do have 50 members. We need to find out where they stand before taking any further. Michele will reach out to Salt Lake

o  Jacksonville status: Michelle knows this person, called earlier this week and she was out of the office. Michele will follow up and advise status.

o  IH will carry both forward once current status is determined.

·  Market Penetration Report

o  Keep historic info on penetration report – old information, closed chapters, historical numbers. Frances will put this information back into report.

o  Christine asked if we can get updated census data to update the report. The existing data is old. Since the report is a good strategic planning tool for chapters we need to develop a process to keep it updated.

o  Group asked if the Marketing Research Council or Collegiate Council might provide help in assembling updated data. Perhaps this could be a student project. Original data was assembled from census data and provided by Mike Lotti. Pat will: a) find out what data is available; and, b) speak with Mike Lotti about data needed and skill set needed to put together chapter market sizes; c) speak with other councils about potential resources for this project.

o  The PCC would like to see a national penetration goal for the AMA.

·  Optimum Chapter Size & Growth Strategy

o  Question was asked if 75 remains the minimum number for break even on chapter membership. Pat previously indicated the group should not worry about this issue, just use 75 as the number. Pat will follow up to see if we have/can determine the actual break even number for chapter membership.

o  A question was raised about whether PCC should be concerned about growing the number of chapters or concentrate only on growing membership given the current economic situation. Current priority is both.

Discuss Chapter Reserves & Investment Guidance

o  Tammy indicated the current statement was developed by Colin five years ago based on doing something to help chapters, since they don’t always have financial people on board. At that time PCC decided chapters need guidance for chapters based on some things that were happening. For example, one chapter had $130k in a savings account.

o  Issues covered in the statement include:

o  Who can be a chapter investment manager

o  What they are responsible for

o  Investment philosophies

o  Consider risk

o  Consider taxes

o  Consider liquidity

o  Pat spoke with AMA CFO about this statement. CFO indicated she will ask AMA investment advisors for some ideas on what information we might provide to chapters. Pat will follow up re: feedback on this statement. Issue is how we can provide help to chapters with investments/loss of money because the problem with financial management at the chapter level is huge. Pat will work towards having a phone conversation with Tammy and AMA CFO to discuss.

o  Kevin raised the issue of identifying a level of reserve at which point chapters should consider doing something else with the money like an endowment for educational scholarships, and if we should include this in Board in a Box. Reserve policy is in BiB, originally was 25% now is 50%.

Saturday, October 18

IH Update

Chapters Dues Process

o  Pat advised the PCC that professional member dues will increase by $10 on January 1, 2009. This is based on decision made a few years ago to look at dues increases on an 18 month cycle. The last increase was September, 2007.

Dues Increase PCC Comments/Concerns

o  Timing of advising PCC about this increase is very unfortunate because it would have been good if chapters could tie any chapter dues increase to the national increase. Now if chapters do an increase next year it will appear to be an annual increase. PCC would appreciate earlier notice and option to discuss/provide feedback prior to announcement of increases.

o  Interesting that AMA is increasing dues in current economic climate. AMA has not addressed the impact of the declining economy on the marketing profession and marketers themselves. Group would like to see a message on this topic from Dennis including what AMA is doing – what resources we offer, what we value.

o  Questions coming from chapters/members about what is provided to them by AMA national dues. Value of national membership needs to be communicated better. Is there something that can be done to show investment in chapters – more money and more value.

o  The local chapter business model is weak – chapters often make more money from non-members which undermines the message to increase membership

Role/Value of the PCC

o  What is the role of the PCC within AMA?

o  What is appropriate level of support provided to PCC by AMA? – support has decreased considerably in last year.

o  What is the value of the PCC to the AMA, what is their contribution?

o  How is PCC recognized, is this reflected in support provided?

o  Branding

o  Survey was not well done - entire process, time spent, lack of results reinforces poor value from IH. How could we not get this right still?

o  Recommend review of current chapter logos as part of process

o  Chapters do not value current AMA brand, many do not use locally

o  Consider incorporating Mplanet brand creative into this project

o  Why would PCC have no idea that items included in survey are options or that survey was going to be fielded?

o  Status at summit was that a member of AMA Board is working on logo with a marketing team member – they were going to dig deep and focus the project. There is a big gap from that to this. Was there a promise made at Summit that we would send a survey? – certainly not about logo options. Specifically they were told that unequivocally chapter feedback would be incorporated before any logo decision.

o  Is this a case of just get something out, or will this go to other possibilities?

o  What is the brief that went to the agency if this is what was delivered?

o  Coming from the M they saw two years ago, to what just came in the survey is a major difference.

Leadership Summit 09

Review “menu” Agenda/Schedule

o  Keynote speakers: Alton Brown, considering purchase of book, giving out magazine samples or subscriptions; and Mike Smith, Food Network is the keynote speaker; and Sunday guest speaker (Chris Brogan) secured – both without speaker fees!

o  Paid session on Friday morning has been eliminated.

o  Discussion of special track:

§  Added communications track as “special focus”

§  Kevin – believes his chapters would want sponsorship

§  Maybe special track is “ala carte” focused on a variety of topics

§  101, 201, 301 – done as building blocks to help speakers – just a planning term

o  Discussion of breakouts:

§  Should some of the second round be integrated – presidents/finance for example

§  Presidents and elects are ok, they need the sessions as done

§  Second round of sessions for other officers tend to lose energy – need additional activities?

§  Position sessions, not “for treasurers” but as finance/sponsorship as an example.

§  Opportunities for positioning of sessions for attendees that are not presidents/elects

§  Need to better communicate why they are there

§  What about topical breakouts as opposed to position?

§  Christine and Katharine will give further thought to content definition

o  Christine and Katharine will determine time for first flights out on Sunday. Attendees must be pre-approved to leave earlier (Flights cannot leave until 2 pm CST – Hawaii would get home at 10:30 at night, east coast could be home by 6/7 pm; west coast could be home by 4/5 pm)

o  Theme & Graphics Update

o  Katharine and Christine are still looking at colors for the logo. They are also working on a small animation to start off the day and incorporating a couple of different logos incorporating a whisk, ladle or knife that might rotate by track. Work is being done pro bono by one of Christine’s suppliers.

o  Summit Team items to include: chef jackets with logo (will need sizes), black pants, hats? – probably not, maybe scarves only chef jackets (KEC)

o  Will do spiral notebooks. Presentations may be on flash or posted on line. Do not want presentations in the book.

o  Volunteers (for both summit speakers and potential future PCC members)

o  Need to look outside continuing same chapters being represented. Continuing excellence winners might be a good place to look, maybe not chapter of the year, but consistent performance. Cincinnati, Nashville, and Houston are all currently represented.

o  Consider: Lori Jensen (BC), Bobbi LaPorte (San Fran) is looking for volunteer role, Jennie Obermiller (Oregon), Jessica Kennedy (Lincoln), Ali McHale (Baltimore), Katie Tauer (Lincoln).

o  Jennie will identify the three additional summit volunteers by November.

o  Budget

o  Christine and Katharine expressed some concerns about the Summit budget which they feel may be poor planning by IH that penalizes co-chairs. Concerns included:

§  How can 09 catering budget be same as 08 actual?

§  Since reception cancelled in 08, not included in 09 budget

§  All expenses need to be in budget even if done pro bono

§  Need to track value of in-kind

o  Pat will set up a call with Christine, Katharine, Pat and Marni to discuss budget questions/concerns.

Midyear Retreats

o  All nine Midyear Retreats scheduled – 9 host chapters have stepped forward, dates are all confirmed. 9 PCC reps and 6 national volunteers confirmed – 2 at each retreat. Agendas set and logistics set for 5 of the 9 retreats. First two are November 8 – Boston, Michele/Karen and San Diego Kevin/Bobbi.

o  Format: schedule has changed to integrate round tables throughout the day the format is content/brainstorm/roundtable.

o  Grants are all set up. All chapters are notified. Now confirming who will be coming. Grant must be two people (except for Hawaii).

o  Theme: We’re Spicing it Up – plays off of Summit “Let’s Get Cooking”. New slides are done – thanks to Jenny for creative support/theme.

o  Tammy has done all communications for Midyears so all chapters know which retreat they are invited to. Promotion is why go, what it is about and list of locations with contact information.

o  Big thanks to membership team, they are incredibly efficient. Every email got a response, chapter engagement has been great and early, brought up on every call - anticipate great turnout. Surveys pre and post will be done at the retreat which should generate better data.

Chapter Health Report Progress & Future Dashboard

o  All Chapter Health Reports were presented by Frances and PCC members discussed and made suggested revisions to the reports. The following reports were presented:

o  Chapter Health Report

o  Required Reports Year End

o  Membership Monthly Comparison

o  Membership Penetration

o  Chapter Health Report

o  Frances presented reports with the following remarks:

§  There is a 90 day lag time in retention rates due to 3 month membership renewal grace period. The earliest retention rates were available was June’08. The next report will include July ’08 retention rates.

§  The health report was run on October 2nd and since then some Chapters have uploaded more reports into their Yahoo Groups.

§  All Chapters highlighted have September’08 membership dues checks on hold and are identified for follow-up; some have already been contacted. These chapters have not posted any bi-monthly financials for 3 months as of July 1. 2008