Early childhood education: b.s.ed.

The University of West Georgia

summer and fall 2015; spring 2016

Prepared by

Selina lopez-nunez, Assessment Program Specialist

Goals for Improvement: 2014-2015 & 2015-2016

Directions: Review progress toward 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 goals using the 2015-2016 data found in this annual report. Complete the table and consider the results of your efforts as you plan for 2016-2017. Record your progress at

To record 2016-2017 goals, please click here:

2014-2015 Goals / Progress / Further Action / Data Used to Inform Responses / Strategic Imperative
Goal 1. Improve teacher candidates' planning and implementation of differentiated instruction as measured by at least a 2% improvement in the rating on differentiation items of Teacher Keys as scored by faculty supervisors and cooperating teachers for Block III's Spring 2015 scores (using Tomlinson's definition of differentiation). / Student Success
"Goal 2
Improve teacher candidates' ability to understand and apply knowledge of English-language grammar and vocabulary development as measured an improvement from our previous years' score or to meet or exceed the state's average students' scores on item 5 of the GACE exam. " / Academic Success
2015-2016 Goals / Progress / Further Action / Data Used to Inform Responses / Strategic Imperative
Increase students' ability to use a variety of assessments to guide teaching and learning. / Student Success
90% or above will score 42 or above on edTPA. / Academic Success
[No additional goal was recorded in the Program Action Planning Form 2015-2016 form] / Academic Success

Percentage of Completed Rubrics

Type of Assignment / Number of Assignments Sent to Students / Number of Assignments Submitted by Students / Percent of Assignments Submitted by Students / Number of Rubrics Scored by Faculty / Percent of Rubrics Scored by Faculty
Course-Based Assessments / 338 / 286 / 84.61% / 268 / 79.28%
Type of Assignment / Number of BindersSent to Students / Number of Binders Submitted by Students / Percent Binders Submitted by Students / Number of Rubrics Scored by Faculty / Number of Rubrics Scored by Site Staff
Field Experience Binders / 423 / 187 / 44.20% / 2086 / 1840

Additional Key Assessments from Tk20:

THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED Block I Field Experience Binder (3282) Fall 2015 COURSE : ECED 3282 SECTION : 02 TERM : Fall Semester 2015
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED Block I Field Experience Binder (3282) Fall 2015
Number of students that received this field experience / 3
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 3
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff 1 / 7
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff 2 / 4
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 12
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED Block I Field Experience Binder (3282) Fall 2015 COURSE : ECED 3282 SECTION : 01 TERM : Fall Semester 2015
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED Block I Field Experience Binder (3282) Fall 2015
Number of students that received this field experience / 61
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 28
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff 1 / 121
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff 2 / 135
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 228

Intern Keys: Yellow tables = Fall 2015 Intern Keys | Blue tables = Spring 2016

THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED Block I Field Experience Binder (3282) Fall 2015 COURSE : ECED 3282 SECTION : 01 TERM : Fall Semester 2015
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED Block I Field Experience Binder (3282) Fall 2015
Number of students that received this fieldexperience / 3
Number of students that have completed this fieldexperience / 2
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff 1 / 4
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff 2 / 7
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 12
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED Block II Field Experience Binder (4283) Fall 2015 COURSE : ECED 4283 SECTION : 01 TERM : Fall Semester 2015
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED Block II Field Experience Binder (4283) Fall 2015
Number of students that received this field experience / 25
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 3
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 91
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 112
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED Block II Field Experience Binder (4283) Fall 2015 COURSE : ECED 4283 SECTION : 91 TERM : Fall Semester 2015
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED Block II Field Experience Binder (4283) Fall 2015
Number of students that received this field experience / 10
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 3
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 49
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 60
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED Block III Field Experience Binder Fall 2015
Number of students that received this field experience / 63
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 25
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 294
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 309
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED Block III (4284) Field Experience Binder Fall 2015 COURSE : ECED 4284 SECTION : 04 TERM : Fall Semester 2015
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED Block III (4284) Field Experience Binder Fall 2015
Number of students that received this field experience / 1
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 0
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 4
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 5
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED Block IV (Internship) Field Experience Binder Fall 2015 COURSE : ECED 4286 SECTION : 01 TERM : Fall Semester 2015
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED Block IV (Internship) Field Experience Binder Fall 2015
Number of students that received this field experience / 38
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 13
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 170
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 224
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED Block IV (Internship) Field Experience Binder Fall 2015 COURSE : ECED 4286 SECTION : 91 TERM : Fall Semester 2015
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED Block IV (Internship) Field Experience Binder Fall 2015
Number of students that received this field experience / 11
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 2
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 42
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 60
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED 3282 Block 1 Field Experience Spring 2016 COURSE : ECED 3282 SECTION : 01 TERM : Spring Semester 2016
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED 3282 Block 1 Field Experience Spring 2016
Number of students that received this field experience / 42
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 25
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff 1 / 87
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff 2 / 104
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 115
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED 3282 Block 1 Field Experience Spring 2016 COURSE : ECED 3282 SECTION : 02 TERM : Spring Semester 2016
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED 3282 Block 1 Field Experience Spring 2016
Number of students that received this field experience / 3
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 2
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff 1 / 7
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff 2 / 8
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 7
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED 4283 Block 2 Field Experience Spring 2016 COURSE : ECED 4283 SECTION : 01 TERM : Spring Semester 2016
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED 4283 Block 2 Field Experience Spring 2016
Number of students that received this field experience / 76
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 54
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 345
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 438
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED 4283 Block 2 Field Experience Spring 2016 COURSE : ECED 4283 SECTION : 02 TERM : Spring Semester 2016
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED 4283 Block 2 Field Experience Spring 2016
Number of students that received this field experience / 1
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 1
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 5
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 6
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED 4284 Block 3 Field Experience Spring 2016 COURSE : ECED 4284 SECTION : 01 TERM : Spring Semester 2016
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED 4284 Block 3 Field Experience Spring 2016
Number of students that received this field experience / 1
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 1
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 5
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 6
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED 4284 Block 3 Field Experience Spring 2016 COURSE : ECED 4284 SECTION : 01 TERM : Spring Semester 2016
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED 4284 Block 3 Field Experience Spring 2016
Number of students that received this field experience / 19
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 11
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 89
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 114
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED 4286 Internship Field Experience Spring 2016 COURSE : ECED 4286 SECTION : 01 TERM : Spring Semester 2016
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED 4286 Internship Field Experience Spring 2016
Number of students that received this field experience / 1
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 0
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 5
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 6
THE TABLE BELOW CONTAINS DATA FOR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER : ECED 4286 Internship Field Experience Spring 2016 COURSE : ECED 4286 SECTION : 01 TERM : Spring Semester 2016
Field Experience Binder Name / ECED 4286 Internship Field Experience Spring 2016
Number of students that received this field experience / 65
Number of students that have completed this field experience / 14
Number of assessments completed by Site Staff / 268
Number of assessments completed by University Supervisor / 384

Student Learning Outcomes

STANDARD BODY:COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
Outcome 1: ACEI 1 Development, Learning and Motivation - Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to development of children and young adolescents.
Outcome 2: ACEI 2 Candidates know, understand, and use fundamental concepts in the subject matter of English language arts, science, mathematics, social studies, the arts, health and physical education.
ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE : ECED B.S.Ed. Mid-Point Comprehensive Rubric 4261
SECTION : Untitled Group
QUESTION : Please Evaluate
90-100% correct = Exemplary | 75-89% correct = Proficient | 50-74% correct = Satisfactory | 0-49% correct = Unsatisfactory
Please Evaluate / #90-100% / %90-100% / #75-89% / % 75-89% / # 50-74% / %50-74% / #0-49% / % 0-49% / # No Response / % No Response / Total Response / Average
Overall Performance / 0 / 0% / 9 / 16.36% / 45 / 81.82% / 1 / 1.82% / 0 / 0% / 55 / 2.15
Total/Percentage / 0 / 0% / 9 / 16.36% / 45 / 81.82% / 1 / 1.82% / 0 / 0% / 55
STANDARD BODY:COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
Outcome 2: ACEI 2 Candidates know, understand, and use fundamental concepts in the subject matter of English language arts, science, mathematics, social studies, the arts, health and physical education.
Outcome 3: ACEI 3 Candidates integrate and apply knowledge for instruction, adapt to diverse students, development critical thinking, problem solving, performance skills, foster active engagement in learning, and communicate to foster collaboration.
ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE : ECED B.S.Ed. Integrated Project Rubric 3214
10 pts = Exceptional | 9 pts = Competent | 8 pts = Basic | 7 pts or below = Needs Improvement
#10 pts / % 10 pts / # 9 pts / % 9 pts / 8 pts / % 8 pts / # 7 points or below / % 7 points or below / # No Response / % No Response / Total Response / Average
Standard 1- Development, Learning and Motivation / 0 / 0% / 16 / 21.92% / 57 / 78.08% / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / 73 / 8.22
Standard 2- CURRICULUM STANDARDS 2.5-The Arts / 0 / 0% / 19 / 26.39% / 53 / 73.61% / 0 / 0% / 1 / 1.37% / 72 / 8.26
Standard 3- INSTRUCTION STANDARDS 3.1 Integrating and applying knowledge for instruction / 0 / 0% / 13 / 18.84% / 56 / 81.16% / 0 / 0% / 4 / 5.48% / 69 / 8.19
3.3 Development of critical thinking, problem solving, performance skills / 0 / 0% / 10 / 13.7% / 63 / 86.3% / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / 73 / 8.14
Standard 4-Assessment for instruction / 0 / 0% / 12 / 17.14% / 58 / 82.86% / 0 / 0% / 3 / 4.11% / 70 / 8.17
Total/Percentage / 0 / 0% / 70 / 19.61% / 287 / 80.39% / 0 / 0% / 8 / 2.19% / 357
STANDARD BODY:COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
Outcome 2: ACEI 2 Candidates know, understand, and use fundamental concepts in the subject matter of English language arts, science, mathematics, social studies, the arts, health and physical education.
Outcome 3: ACEI 3 Candidates integrate and apply knowledge for instruction, adapt to diverse students, development critical thinking, problem solving, performance skills, foster active engagement in learning, and communicate to foster collaboration.
STANDARD BODY :COE - Conceptual Framework
COE - Conceptual Framework
2. Commitment to Professional Excellence
2A. Leading
2B. Reflective
2C. Knowledgeable
2D. Decisive
STANDARD BODY :NCATE - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
NCATE - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions
1a: Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates
1c: Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates
COE - Conceptual Framework 1. Commitment to Field-based Inquiry --> 1A. Inquisitive --> 1B. Adaptive --> 1C. Proactive 2. Commitment to Professional Excellence --> 2B. Reflective --> 2C. Knowledgeable --> 2D. Decisive 3. Commitment to the Betterment of Society --> 3A. Culturally Sensitive --> 3C. Collaborative NCATE - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions --> 1e: Knowledge & Skills for Other School Professionals
ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE : ECED 3214 B.S.Ed. Integrated Project Rubric UPDATED 8.10.12
SECTION : #4 = Exemplary | #3 = Proficient | #2 = Developing | #1 = Unacceptable
Rubric / # 4 / % 4 / # 3 / % 3 / # 2 / % 2 / # 1 / % 1 / # No Response / % No Response / Total Response / Average
Standard 1- Development, Learning and Motivation / 8 / 2.95% / 133 / 49.08% / 129 / 47.6% / 1 / 0.37% / 0 / 0% / 271 / 2.55
Standard 2- CURRICULUM STANDARDS 2.5-The Arts / 9 / 3.32% / 173 / 63.84% / 88 / 32.47% / 1 / 0.37% / 0 / 0% / 271 / 2.7
Standard 3- INSTRUCTION STANDARDS 3.1 Integrating and applying knowledge for instruction / 9 / 3.32% / 124 / 45.76% / 137 / 50.55% / 1 / 0.37% / 0 / 0% / 271 / 2.52
3.3 Development of critical thinking, problem solving, performance skills / 6 / 2.21% / 94 / 34.69% / 170 / 62.73% / 1 / 0.37% / 0 / 0% / 271 / 2.39
Standard 4-Assessment for instruction / 3 / 1.11% / 99 / 36.53% / 168 / 61.99% / 1 / 0.37% / 0 / 0% / 271 / 2.38
Total/Percentage / 35 / 2.58% / 623 / 45.98% / 692 / 51.07% / 5 / 0.37% / 0 / 0% / 1355
STANDARD BODY:COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
Outcome 1: ACEI 1 Development, Learning and Motivation - Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to development of children and young adolescents.
Outcome 2: ACEI 2 Candidates know, understand, and use fundamental concepts in the subject matter of English language arts, science, mathematics, social studies, the arts, health and physical education.
Outcome 3: ACEI 3 Candidates integrate and apply knowledge for instruction, adapt to diverse students, development critical thinking, problem solving, performance skills, foster active engagement in learning, and communicate to foster collaboration.
Outcome 4: ACEI 4 Candidates know, understand, and use formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen instruction
Outcome 5: ACEI 5 Candidates understand and apply practices and behaviors that are characteristic of developing career teachers, including reflection and evaluation, and collaboration with families, colleagues, and the community.
ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE : ECED B.S.Ed. Performance Portfolio Notebook Rubric 4286
SECTION : Untitled Group
QUESTION : Please Evaluate
Please Evaluate / # Unacceptable / % Unacceptable / # Developing / % Developing / # Proficient / % Proficient / # Exemplary / % Exemplary / # No Response / % No Response / Total Response / Average
Lesson Plans / 1 / 0.31% / 2 / 0.63% / 6 / 1.88% / 310 / 97.18% / 6 / 1.85% / 319 / 3.96
Professional Growth Opportunities / 2 / 0.62% / 2 / 0.62% / 37 / 11.53% / 280 / 87.23% / 4 / 1.23% / 321 / 3.85
Pre/Post Test / 0 / 0% / 2 / 0.63% / 17 / 5.33% / 300 / 94.04% / 6 / 1.85% / 319 / 3.93
Internship Reflection / 2 / 0.63% / 1 / 0.31% / 21 / 6.58% / 295 / 92.48% / 6 / 1.85% / 319 / 3.91
Portfolio Organization / 1 / 0.31% / 2 / 0.63% / 12 / 3.77% / 303 / 95.28% / 7 / 2.15% / 318 / 3.94
Total/Percentage / 6 / 0.38% / 9 / 0.56% / 93 / 5.83% / 1488 / 93.23% / 29 / 1.78% / 1596
STANDARD BODY:COE - Conceptual Framework
COE - Conceptual Framework
1. Commitment to Field-based Inquiry
1A. Inquisitive
1B. Adaptive
1C. Proactive
STANDARD BODY:NCATE - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
NCATE - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions
1b: Pedagogical Content Knowledge & Skills for Teacher Candidates
1d: Student Learning for Teacher Candidates
COE - Conceptual Framework 1. Commitment to Field-based Inquiry --> 1A. Inquisitive --> 1B. Adaptive --> 1C. Proactive 2. Commitment to Professional Excellence --> 2B. Reflective --> 2C. Knowledgeable --> 2D. Decisive 3. Commitment to the Betterment of Society --> 3A. Culturally Sensitive --> 3B. Empathetic --> 3C. Collaborative
ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE : ECED 4251 B.S.Ed. Case Study Rubric REVISED 1.17.13
SECTION : ECED 4251 Case Study Rubric
QUESTION : Pre/Post Data
Pre/Post Data / # Zero Points / % Zero Points / # Unacceptable / % Unacceptable / # Developing / % Developing / # Proficient / % Proficient / # Exemplary / % Exemplary / # No Response / % No Response / Total Response / Average
Pre-Data (4 Pts.) / 0 / 0% / 2 / 1.19% / 1 / 0.6% / 64 / 38.1% / 101 / 60.12% / 0 / 0% / 168 / 3.57
Post-Data (4 Pts.) / 0 / 0% / 4 / 2.4% / 3 / 1.8% / 30 / 17.96% / 130 / 77.84% / 1 / 0.6% / 167 / 3.71
Total/Percentage / 0 / 0% / 6 / 1.79% / 4 / 1.19% / 94 / 28.06% / 231 / 68.96% / 1 / 0.3% / 335
STANDARD BODY:COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
Outcome 3: ACEI 3 Candidates integrate and apply knowledge for instruction, adapt to diverse students, development critical thinking, problem solving, performance skills, foster active engagement in learning, and communicate to foster collaboration.
Outcome 4: ACEI 4 Candidates know, understand, and use formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen instruction
COE - Conceptual Framework
1. Commitment to Field-based Inquiry
1A. Inquisitive
1B. Adaptive
1C. Proactive
COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
Outcome 3: ACEI 3 Candidates integrate and apply knowledge for instruction, adapt to diverse students, development critical thinking, problem solving, performance skills, foster active engagement in learning, and communicate to foster collaboration.
Outcome 4: ACEI 4 Candidates know, understand, and use formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen instruction
NCATE - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions
1c: Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates
1d: Student Learning for Teacher Candidates
COE - Conceptual Framework 1. Commitment to Field-based Inquiry --> 1A. Inquisitive --> 1B. Adaptive --> 1C. Proactive 2. Commitment to Professional Excellence --> 2B. Reflective --> 2C. Knowledgeable --> 2D. Decisive 3. Commitment to the Betterment of Society --> 3A. Culturally Sensitive --> 3C. Collaborative
QUESTION : Correction Each violation of the two sets of criteria listed below Correction Strategy (Understanding of Correction Steps & Corrective Strategy-Part II) will result in a 1.0 deduction up to the 4-point allotment for this section.
Correction Each violation of the two sets of criteria listed below Correction Strategy (Understanding of Correction Steps & Corrective Strategy-Part II) will result in a 1.0 deduction up to the 4-point allotment for this section.
Correction Strategy-Part I / 0 / 0% / 9 / 5.36% / 8 / 4.76% / 21 / 12.5% / 130 / 77.38% / 0 / 0% / 168 / 3.62
Understanding of Correction Steps 1.Based on labels of correction steps, all differences between the steps of the correction process are fully understood (concept vs conceptual, etc)2.Based on labels of correction steps, all key ideas involved in the steps of the correction process are fully understood (number strategy, etc)1B; 1D / 0 / 0% / 0 / 0% / 16 / 9.52% / 46 / 27.38% / 106 / 63.1% / 0 / 0% / 168 / 3.54
Corrective Strategy-Part II1. Used correct models, manipulatives, drawings, and/or questions to represent concepts & operations2. Based on labels of correction steps, all key ideas involved in the steps of the correction process are fully understood (number strategy, etc.) / 0 / 0% / 1 / 0.6% / 4 / 2.38% / 16 / 9.52% / 147 / 87.5% / 0 / 0% / 168 / 3.84
Total/Percentage / 0 / 0% / 10 / 1.98% / 28 / 5.56% / 83 / 16.47% / 383 / 75.99% / 0 / 0% / 504
COE - Conceptual Framework
1. Commitment to Field-based Inquiry
1A. Inquisitive
1B. Adaptive
1C. Proactive
COE - Student Learning Outcomes as Standards
Outcome 3: ACEI 3 Candidates integrate and apply knowledge for instruction, adapt to diverse students, development critical thinking, problem solving, performance skills, foster active engagement in learning, and communicate to foster collaboration.
Outcome 4: ACEI 4 Candidates know, understand, and use formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen instruction
NCATE - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions
1c: Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates
1d: Student Learning for Teacher Candidates
QUESTION : Case Study Rubric Part II
Case Study Rubric Part II / # Zero Points / % Zero Points / # Unacceptable / % Unacceptable / # Developing / % Developing / # Proficient / % Proficient / # Exemplary / % Exemplary / # No Response / % No Response / Total Response / Average
Reflection1.Present 2.One or more of the required points has not been specifically stated. 3. All of the required points have been specifically stated. 4.Some of the points are supported as stipulated.5. All of the points are supported as stipulated. / 0 / 0% / 8 / 4.76% / 5 / 2.98% / 84 / 50% / 71 / 42.26% / 0 / 0% / 168 / 3.3
Total/Percentage / 0 / 0% / 8 / 4.76% / 5 / 2.98% / 84 / 50% / 71 / 42.26% / 0 / 0% / 168

Admissions and Active Majors