Dazzler Datesto Know: 2010-2011

(Updated onMarch 21st)

**All events on this calendar are MANDATORY unless otherwise noted.

**Unless otherwise noted, girls are expected to stay at all events until a coach releases them.

**Specific CALL TIMES, OUTFITS, and other info will be announced on Mrs. Smith’s calendar through the school webpage. Make sure you check it when we have something going on!!!

**Below you will find our TUESDAY rehearsal schedule. Please bring a snack to eat after school so you are able to make it through practice.

*We WILL rehearse on March 22nd & 29th from 3:15-5:30PM

*NO rehearsal after school on April 5th or April 12th

*We WILL rehearse on April 19th from 3:15-5:30PM

*We WILL have a team meeting in regard to captain try-outs on Tuesday, May 10th

Plan on being here from 3:15PM until 5:30PM (but we may get done much earlier).

For all rehearsal information for the remainder of the year (mainly regarding Spring Show), see the calendar for details!!!

Please read this calendar carefully. Though most events are set, dates and times may be added or changed with appropriate notification, be sure to check the website for updates and detailed information.

**Try to ALWAYS arrive 5 minutes early for all events!!!**

DAY / DATE / Call TIME / EVENT/Location
You will have class/practice time for your class and small ensemble dances and to discuss music, but not a ton; make sure you MEET these deadline and those below!!!
Note: I will NOT be extending ANY deadlines beyond this calendar.
Small Ensemble A Choreography Finished by Friday, April 1st
Small Ensemble B Choreography Finished by Wednesday, April 20th
Costumes for class dances and ALL ensembles are YOUR responsibility—However, ALL outfits MUST be approved by COACHES before final decisions/purchases are made.
NOTE: To save money, you should ALL consider looking for outfits in the CAGE or using other outfits we have from this year that the team isn’t already using for the show
MONDAY, April 18th—Period.
Have costumes ready to show in class on Monday, April 25th!!!
We’d prefer that you order them EARLY (like prior to April 18th) and not wait until the LAST MINUTE!!!
Mon / 3/21 / 3:30PM-??? / Photos for Spring Show @The Rye Studio—More info regarding what to wear and other details will come later. You will need to bring a check for $54.33 written out to “The Rye Studio” TO pictures with you; please don’t forget!!!
Wed / 3/23 / 3:15-4:30 / Spring Sports Practice—We will be practicing with the cheerleaders.
Sun / 3/27 / 1PM-??? / Photos for Spring Show @The Rye Studio—More info regarding what to wear and other details will come later.
Wed / 3/30 / 6:30AM / Spring Sports Practice—We will be practicing with the cheerleaders.
Thurs / 3/ 31 / 3:30PM
6PM / Info Meeting for Try-outs—Mandatory for Candidates and Parents…seniors must also attend to help run the meetings; Meeting will be held in the BVNW Little Theatre
Fri / 4/1 / 7AM
Morning / Spring Sports Practice—We will be practicing with the cheerleaders.
Spring Sports Pup Assembly—begins at 10:53AM…PARENTS, it’d be best to arrive by 10:35/10:40AM
Sat / 4/2 / 9AM-3:30PM / Rehearsal—Meet in the Commons; We will have a lunch break from Noon-1PM. We will be learning a Spring Show dance with Kara; it is the opener. If you are missing rehearsal, you need to make a plan on how you will catch up ASAP.
Mon / 4/4 / ----- / SENIORS CHOREOGRAPH THE TRY-OUT ROUTINEBY this date. You will get the music by 3/23.
(be ready to show after school on MONDAY; Iwai will have the flag routine done to show at that time as well)
Try-out Activities
April 4th-11th / Formal Clinics—Tues, Wed, & Thurs from 5-7:30PM, Main Gym
(Seniors, please arrive at 4:15 on Tuesday and 4:45 on Wed/Thurs)
Open Gym—Friday, April 8th from 3:30PM-5:30PM, Main Gym
Try-outs!!!—Monday, April 11th after school, Main Gym
Wed / 4/13 / 7:15AM / Male DT 8AM (CAPTAINS ONLY)
Thurs / 4/ 14 / 6PM / First Official Meeting of the 2011-2012 Dazzlers!!!—Members and Parents of next year’s team please attend; Mtg. will be held in the BVNW Little Theatre
Week of April 18th-22nd / 7:15AM Rehearsal M, T, & F—Wednesday is NORMAL
Mon / 4/18 / 5PM-??? / Picture viewing @The Rye Studio—In small groups, you will go and view your pictures at the studio; you will be given 20min slots, so let Iwai know if you need to go EARLY or LATE.
Thurs / 4/20 / 7:15AM / Male DT (CAPTAINS ONLY)
Week of April 25th-28th
Hopefully in PAC before school
Main Gym & Atrium* after school
*Due to where Easter falls, we have to be more flexible with the PAC since the Spring Play has had to move and we are unable to have the show later due to all of the school’s Senior events / 6:45AM Rehearsal M, T & F—Wednesday is NORMAL
Monday, 4/25 (Dinner)—Practice, 3:30PM-8PM
Tuesday, 4/26 (Dinner)—Practice, 3:30PM-8PM
Wednesday or Thursday*, 4/27 or 28 (Bring your own snack)—Practice, 3:30PM-5:30PM
Wednesday, 4/27—Male DT 7:15AM(CAPTAINS ONLY)
*Depending on our progress, I may cancel either Wed or Thurs rehearsal…that will depend on YOU!
Sat / 4/30 / ----- / You have NOTHING for Dazzlers because of the PAC space conflict—I’d recommend resting and doing homework!!!
Sun / 5/1 / 12PM-6PM
in the PAC!!! / REHEARSAL w/ the Emcees and Lights—We will run the show TWICE, first w/out Emcees then with them; We will also set lights during the first run…Plan on staying the ENTIRE TIME!
Week of May 2nd-6th
*Because we will not be able to have the stage to ourselves until Sunday 5/1, we will need to rehearse more the week of the show than in the past. Tuesday will be a shorter evening. My goal is ALSO to make arrival times later in the mornings to compensate for having rehearsal/shows every night of the week.
NOTICE: the Spring Show will be on Thursday and Friday this year!!! / AM Rehearsal M-W & F arrival time will depend on our progress
Monday, 5/2, 3:30PM-8:30PM (Dinner)—Run Show Twice (finalize school lights) w/ Emcees for second run through
Tuesday, 5/3, 3:30PM-6:30PM (Bring your own snack)—Run Show Once or twice (finalize rented lights) NO Emcees
Wednesday, 5/4—POTENTIALMale DT 7:15AM(Captains ONLY)
Wednesday, 5/4, 4PM-9PM (Dinner)—FULL DRESS REHEARSAL w/ EVERYONE (run it TWICE…just Emcees, Lights, & Dazzlers on second run)
Start first run at4PM SHARP; Start second run at 7PM SHARP
Thursday, 5/5--SPRING SHOW, 4PM-???
Friday, 5/7—SPRING SHOW, 4PM-???
2011-2012 Captain Selection!!!
May 9th-17th
* Music and other info for captain auditions will be distributed on Monday, April 18th / Choreography Show/Tell/Teach will take place on Monday/Tuesday mornings or Wednesday during Block Day depending on the AP test schedule; remember, the goal is to be creative and unique with your choreography!!!
Captain Interview, which is in place of the essay, will take place after school on Tuesday, May 10thwith the entire team present. This will take place in Iwai’s classroom.
Voting will take place on Friday, May 13th during class—please come prepared! Seniors, please come in even though it is the day of your picnic; your feedback and input isextremely important to us.
Announcement: As sign will be posted outside of Ms. Iwai’s room on MONDAY, MAY 16th AFTER SCHOOL to announce who the 2011-2012 captains will be.
Week of May 9th-13th
We will check in uniforms DURING CLASS this week depending on the AP Test schedule. / MANDATORY UNIFORM CHECK-IN—Meet in the Aux Gym…have EVERYTHING on the list provided (will be given out the week prior). We MAY do this in class depending on when we do the Captain Choreography Show/Tell/Teach…will decide as date approaches.
TBD / TBD / TBD / 2010-2011 TEAM BANQUET—Will be held at the Ritz Charles, Time & Date are still TBD
Mon / 5/23 / 5:30PM / 2011-2012 PARENT MEETING in room 107—We need at least ONE parent per family.
Tues / 5/24 / 3:15PM / 2011-2012 UNIFORM FITTING—Meet in the Varsity Locker Room and wear appropriate undergarments. Some returning members will need to bring items for others to try-on…will let you know who as the date approaches.