Grant Proposal Development Guidelines

WakeEd Partnership Teacher Innovation Grants create opportunities for Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) educators to ask the question, “What would happen if…” and investigate the answers with the investment of funds intended to accelerate innovation in our schools.

Teacher Innovation Grants

·  Are awarded in amounts up to $7,500 per grant,

·  Are available exclusively to WCPSS professional staff, and

·  Encourage collaborative proposals, while still accepting individual proposals.

This form is your grant proposal. Please read all instructions carefully. Complete the form fields by clicking on them and typing your information in the space. Be mindful of character restrictions and make sure that you have answered every component.

Do NOT include your name, your school’s name, or any other identifying information in the proposal. This includes names of teachers, mascots, clubs, or anything that would identify your school to a reader. Proposal will be disqualified if any identifiers are included.

Steps to a Successful Grant Submission

1.  Attend a WakeEd Teacher Innovation Grant Writer’s Workshop. Dates are listed on the WakeEd website. This is not required. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

2.  Develop your Teacher Innovation Grant proposal using the form that follows these directions. Consider collaborators as you develop the proposal and invite their contributions and review of the proposal. Consider sharing your idea with your school’s leadership team, including the principal, before you begin writing.

3.  Share your completed proposal with a “critical friend.” Ask for feedback about the clarity of your idea and its alignment to the Teacher Innovation Grant Rubric.

4.  Complete the WCPSS Intent to Apply form, which can be found by visiting the WCPSS intranet link: Direct questions to Dr. Wright (Senior Director, Office of Grants and Strategic Advancement) at .

5.  Ask your principal to complete the Grant Signature Page available at Fax or scan the signed form to Teresa Pierrie at (919) 821-7637 or .

6.  Celebrate your innovative idea as you anticipate your award notification!

Grants Program Timeline

March 1 / Grant application released through WakeEd website:
May 15 / Grant applications submitted to WakeEd via online portal on our website. This includes Principal Signature Page and notification to the WCPSS Office of Grants.
June 13 / Notification to Year-Round Calendar School Grant Recipients
July 6 / Notification to Modified and Traditional Calendar School Grant Recipients
July 20-Aug. 1 / Grant funds released to schools for use during 2017-18

Teacher Innovation Grant Proposal

PROJECT TITLE (5 words or less):


This amount should match the amount in the budget portion of your application.


None School Funds PTSA/Community Other grants

(Note: Funding beyond WakeEd’s grants program will not decrease potential for full funding of your proposal.)

GRANT CATEGORY: You may choose more than one category. You will develop a SMART goal for each area you select.

Learning & Teaching Achievement Balanced Assessment System

Community Engagement

FOUR C’S ALIGNMENT: Please indicate which of the four C’s your project directly addresses. You may choose no more than two of the four C’s.

Collaboration Creativity Critical Thinking Communication

PROJECT ABSTRACT (5 points): In the text box below, provide a description of the project. Do not exceed 250 characters.

IMPACT: Indicate the approximate number of students and educators who will be involved in your proposal.


WakeEd has a special category of grants to support exceptional children with autism. Please check this box if your grant addresses this group of students.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION (30 points): In the text box below, provide the following information about your project. Do not exceed 2500 characters. Point breakdown is provided beside each component.

1). Briefly describe the mission of your project as it relates to a target population, grade level, subject area, or some other aspect of the educational community you represent. Be sure to connect it to the Grant Category and Four C’s areas you selected. (15 points)

2). List and describe the strategies that will be used with students or gained through professional development with a learning team to achieve this mission. (15 points)

PROJECT INNOVATION (15 points): In the text box below, provide the following information about the innovative nature of your project. Do not exceed 1500 characters. Point breakdown is provided beside each component.

1). Describe how this project reflects practices beyond what is standard practice in schools. (5 points)

2). Explain why you believe this innovation represents an innovation that should be implemented in your school or program and within WCPSS. (10 points)

PROJECT METHODOLOGY AND TIMELINE (15 points): In the text box below, provide an OUTLINE of the major steps and the timeline for implementation of your proposal. The project should be fully, successfully implemented and its impact determined by the end of the 2017-18 school year. Do not exceed 1500 characters.

·  Steps - 5 points

·  Timeline – 10 points

PROJECT IMPACT (25 points): Based on the WCPSS Vision 2020 goal you selected as your GRANT CATEGORY, check the specific area(s) that you seek to impact. Visit this link for more information about each of the areas.

Learning and Teaching

Multi-tiered Systems of Support Progressive Learning Environments

Dynamic Learning Environments Adaptive Resources

Balanced Assessment Systems

Implementing 4 C’s Standards Digital Portfolio Solutions


Increased Educational Opportunities Expand Non-Academic Student Supports

Focused professional learning and adaptive leadership

Community Engagement

Increase Community Engagement Parent Engagement

In the text box below, provide the following:

1)  No more than two SMART Goals for the grant that are aligned with the areas you selected. (10 points)

2)  Description of the methods for measuring the degree to which you have achieved the goal(s) you listed. Include data sources that will you be using to determine the success of your grant? (15 points)

Do not exceed 2500 characters.

PROJECT BUDGET AND NARATIVE (10 points): The budget section includes all items you plan to purchase as part of this proposal. This includes items such as materials and supplies, appropriate stipends for compensation of educator time beyond the school day, services necessary to execute the proposal successfully (i.e. experts, community representatives, etc.) and limited professional leave for educators (full day substitutes = $100; half day = $50).

In this section, you will need to list the item, its costs, and its relation to the successful implementation of your grant. The budget should demonstrate how the “things” of your proposal, i.e. technology, instructional materials and supplies, professional leave, etc., are necessary to achieve your project’s mission.

NOTE: Food items will NOT be funded and should not be included as a budget item unless they are specific to the proposal’s implementation and NOT as a resource/incentive for participation.

Do not exceed 1500 characters.

·  Item description – 5

·  Relation to mission of the grant - 10

Submit Your Grant Proposal to WakeEd Partnership and WCPSS Office of Grants

1.  Check to see that ALL parts of the proposal have been fully completed and reflect the vision you have for your grant.

2.  Save the file to your computer with the file name:


Example: Smith_2018TIG

3.  Go to the WakeEd Teacher Innovation Grant page to enter the grants portal. Complete the Teacher Innovation Grants 2018 Application. This is the ONLY place where you should have your name and any information identifying your school included in the grant application.

4.  Upload your completed proposal – your saved document – to the application portal.

5.  You may choose to upload no more than two artifacts to your proposal. This could include pictures, link to a brief video, or other supporting materials. While these will not be scored, they may help to explain your proposal.

6.  Complete the WCPSS Office of Grants notification page found at

7.  Download the “Grant Signature Page” from the WakeEd website to complete and fax to WakeEd (919) 821-7637 or scan and email to .

8.  Celebrate your creativity as you await notification of your award.