5th World Health Professions Regulation Conference – WHPRC 2018

19 & 20 May 2018, Geneva, Switzerland


First A. Author1, Second B. Author2, Third C. Author3, and Fourth D. Author2

1 Affiliation 1, Postal Address, First@affil1

2 Affiliation 2, Postal Address, Second@affil1

3 Affiliation 3, Postal Address, Third@affil1

4 Affiliation 4, Postal Address, Fourth@affil1


Please read carefully the additional guidelines for the Word template in section 1.1. The extended abstract consist of a short summary, 2-4 keywords, followed by a short article. Your short summary should not exceed 250 words, and only summarize important aspects and findings of your abstract.

Key words: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3


Unless otherwise specified herein, manuscripts should conform to the templates provided on the conference website. If you do not follow these guidelines, your abstract may not be considered by the conference committee.

The conference committee will only consider abstracts addressing topics of substantial current interest, in accordance with the scope of the conference. The abstract must present original, unpublished work, and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Your submission can be considered for a poster presentation.

The deadline to submit your abstract is 15 January 2018.

Your abstract must be sent by email to the following address:

1.1 Additional information

The scope of the abstract should be clear. You should explain the problem area that you wish to address, the methods that you used, the novelty of your approach and the general significance of your contribution. You need to present results and/or conclusions. Relevant references are required.

Please note that

  • we only accept abstracts in .pdf format;
  • the extended abstract must not be longer than 4 pages incl. References;
  • the maximum file size allowed is 1MB;
  • the abstract must be written in English.

In addition, please consider the following for the Word template:

  1. Use A4 size format.
  2. Please do not modify the word Template header and margins. All text must be justified.
  3. Do not include page numbering.
  4. Use 11 pt. Times New Roman for the text, except for the title and affiliations, as specified below.
  5. Title in CAPITALS, bold letters, 14 pt. The title should be flush-centered.
  6. Author names are in bold, but not affiliations. Use only numbers for affiliations. Use 10.5 pt. for affiliations, with one affiliation per line.
  7. SUMMARY is written in capitals, bold, 11 pt.
  8. There is one single-line space (11 pt.) between the header and the title, between the title and the names of authors/affiliations, between the names/affiliations and the SUMMARY and between the text of the summary and the keywords. The is one single-line space (9 pt.) between the word SUMMARY and the text of the summary. There are two single-line space (11 pt.) between the keywords and the first section title.
  9. Keywords is written in bold letters. The actual keywords are in italic only, not capitalized, and separated by comas, without full stop at the end.
  10. There is two single-line spaces (11 pt.) between the keywords and the body of the text.
  11. Section titles must be in CAPITALS, bold letters, 11 pt. They should be numbered sequentially 1 2 ..., with the section title following the section number on the same line, without dot, and separated by an indent of 5mm approximately.
  12. Subsection titles must be in lower case (first letter in capital), bold letters, 11 pt., and numbered sequentially, with respect to each section 1.1 1.2 … 2.1 2.2 …, with the subsection title following the subsection number on the same line, without dot, and separated by an indent of 5mm approximately.
  13. There is one single-line space (11 pt.) between section and/or subsection titles and the text.
  14. REFERENCE is written in CAPITALS, bold letters, 11 pt (similar to section titles), but without number and centered.
  15. For the references, please follow the format as presented in the template (by number and in order of appearance).

The acceptance of the abstract will be communicated to the authors in March 2018, to be confirmed.


All authors should disclose in their manuscript any conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their conclusion. All sources of financial support should be appropriately disclosed.


Please note that the final acceptance of papers for presentation and inclusion in the WHPA website is conditional on one of the authors registering to the WHPRC 2018.


[1] A. Author, B. Author, and C. Author. Journal article title. Journal, 1:1–10, 2015.

[2] A. Author and B. Author. Book title. Edition, Vol.1. Publisher, 2015.