Rutherford Co., NC, DB 26, p. 585

Feb’y the 20th 1812 No. 205

This Indenture made this 25th day of January in the 29th year of the Independence of America & in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & five between James McMurry of the County of Rutherford & state of North Carolina of the one part & Richard Fortune of the same County & State of the other part Witnesseth that the said James McMurry for & in Consideration of the sum of one hundred & twelve pounds ten shillings current money of the state aforesaid to him in hand paid by the said Richard Fortune the receipt & payment whereof the said James McMurry doth hereby acknowledge that for the above sum he hath granted bargained & sold & by these presents doth grant bargain … beginning on Beggerstaffs corner line & with his line South 46 West 60 poles then North 44 East ?? poles to McMurrys own line then North 40 West 74 poles to his old corner then South 17 West 182 poles to the Creek then down the meanders of the Creek to a hicory corner on the land of the Creek then with Andrew McMurrys line to a marked white oak then No. 84 East to the beginning being from Peter acre to John Backman by deed of conveyance dated the 7th Feb’y 1779 & from Beeman to Samuel McMurry his deed dated the 30th of Dec’r 1776 & left to James McMurry by will containing by estimation ninety nine acres & three fourths according to the boundary lines together with all the woods ways heredetaments & appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining with all the right to the Claim or demand of said James Murry his heirs & assigns to have & to hold said land & premises hereby grant and or intended to be granted to the proper use & behoof of said Richard Fortune his heirs & assigns forever & said McMurry for himself & each of his heirs doth covenant & agree to & with the said Fortune that at the selling & delivering of these presents he is lawfully seized of and ??? right of inheritance in fee simple forever to all the land hereby granted & that he hath good power & lawful right to convey the same & said McMurry doth by these present warrant said land & premises hereby granted as well from himself his heirs & assigns as all other persons free & ?? all lawful incumbrances whatever, the said Fortune subject only to the payment of such taxes as shall be hereafter due thereon in witness whereof the said McMurry hath hereunto set his hand & seal this Day & Date first above written signed sealed & delivered in the presence of

Cornelius MeltonJa’s McMurry{Seal}

Benjamin his x mark Hicks
