Module 1

Provide support for learning activities

Exercises and activities

Question 1.1
In your own words, describe each of the three, theory categories that have influenced educational practice and curriculum. For each category, select one theory, describe its main features and give an example.
Question 1.2
List the questions that you would ask a child to guide him or her through the process of making a bed for an animal. Don’t forget to identify the type of animal that the child has chosen in your answer.
Question 1.3
List those things that you would consider to be disruptive behaviour, and for each identify how you believe it inhibits learning and say what steps you would take to deal with it.
Behaviour / How it inhibits learning / Actions I would take
Question 1.4
Consider the children in one of the classes that you are involved with, and if you are able, identify examples of children that exhibit behaviour/characteristics that you would associate with each of the parenting styles. For each child describe his or her behaviour/characteristics and how it affects his or her ability to learn.
DO NOT use actual names, refer to them as child A, B, etc.
If you are not able to identify an example, or if you are not currently working with children in this situation, you should say how you would expect the child’s behaviour/characteristics to affect his or her ability to learn.
Authoritarian: Child A
Behaviour/Characteristics / How ability to learn is affected
Authoritative: Child B
Behaviour/Characteristics / How ability to learn is affected
Permissive: Child C
Behaviour/Characteristics / How ability to learn is affected
Neglectful: Child D
Behaviour/Characteristics / How ability to learn is affected
Question 1.5
Once again consider the children in classes that you are involved with, and if you are able, identify three, each of whom have individual differences based on the external factors that we have considered. For each child state what these factors are and describe the influence, either positive or negative that these have on the individual child’s learning ability.
DO NOT use actual names, refer to them as child A, B and C.
If you are not able to identify an example, or if you are not currently working with children in this situation, you should say how you would expect the child’s learning ability to be affected by the factors.
Child A
External factor / How ability to learn is affected
Child B
External factor / How ability to learn is affected
Child C
External factor / How ability to learn is affected
Question 1.6
Consider children with the learning styles listed below and for each describe:
·  What type of teaching style/approach you think would be best suited to support its learning
·  What activities could be planned to promote its effective learning
You may find it helpful to think of children with whom you are familiar who exhibit each of the styles defined.
Learning style / Teaching style / Suitable activities
Question 1.7
Think back to your own education and the type of schools you attended.
How different do you think those environments were to those that exist in schools today? How have they changed?
If you are currently working as a teaching assistant you can make the comparison using your own institution, if not you may need to do a little research by asking friends, or others involved or working in schools.
Question 1.8
For each of the policies below, identify a situation that might occur in the learning environment. Add the correct procedure that needs to be followed in dealing with the situation. The first policy has been completed as an example for you. You should also insert the name of the person responsible for the policy
Note: if you are not currently working as a teaching assistant you should suggest a procedure that you consider would be appropriate, if possible having researched this first by talking to friends, or others involved or working in schools.
The first one is shown as an example of what is required
Policy / Person / Learning environment / Aspect / Procedure
Health & Safety / Playground / Child falls over and grazes knee / Take to appropriate first aider for attention.
Record in Accident Log
Report incident to parent.
Equal Opportunities
SEN (Special Educational Needs)
Curriculum Guidance
Data Protection
Child Protection
Question 1.9
Produce a weekly proforma/timetable for yourself, which you can use to record and plan:
·  When you will be needed
·  At what time
·  What lessons you will be involved with
This can be a plan that you can actually use if you are currently working as a teaching assistant
You may find it easier to use a separate piece of paper and attach it here
Question 1.10
Produce a checklist that identifies the things that you believe you need to know and do, in order that you can prepare to support a teacher in delivering a lesson. You can use the form below or produce your own.
If you are currently a teaching assistant you can select one of the actual lessons from the plan you produced for your previous answer.
Item / Details / Complete
Question 1.11
Describe in your own words, how in the UK we ensure that across all our schools, children are taught consistently and to the same standards.
Question 1.12
a) Describe the different plans that an institution uses to ensure that it is adhering to the curriculum and standards. In your answer, make sure that you consider what each plan is intended to do and how the plans differ.
b) If you are currently working in a school, ask if you can see a copy of your school’s development plan and make brief notes on the developments under the following headings:
Staffing levels
Student numbers
Resources and premises
Changes/new initiatives in government policy
Question 1.13
Compare the planning sheets that you produced for questions 1.9 and 1.10 with those shown in the text and identify any information that you have missed out. Briefly list the differences below and update your sheets and attach copies here.
Question 1.14
Think about a cooking session that you could do with an individual or group of children. Write down the sequence of instructions you would give to them for baking a cake.
Question 1.15
Using the cake-baking exercise, record below how you would explain why the main ingredients are used in a cake recipe and what happens when you put the mixture in the oven. State the age of the learners and use appropriate language for the age and development stage of the learners that you have identified.
Question 1.16
Again, using the cake-baking exercise, provide a description of what the cake should look like when it is decorated, that you could give to your learners.
Question 1.17
Provide some examples of questions that you could use to find out why a child appears to be upset. Say whether they are closed, open or probing.
Question / Type
Question 1.18
Explain in your own words why it is important that a teacher evaluates how a lesson went after delivering it.
Question 1.19
With the agreement of a teacher with whom you are working, produce a short lesson on a relevant subject of your choice, which you can give to an individual or group of learners. Use the lesson plan form below or devise your own. Decide on what learning outcomes you wish to achieve and list these. Devise a set of open questions that you can use with the learner(s) to check their understanding. For some of the questions devise some additional challenging or probing questions that you can use to further examine the level of their understanding. Give the lesson, ask the questions and record your findings below.
As an example you might choose to give a lesson about plant growth using a daffodil in a pot. Learning outcomes could include such things as the importance of selecting a pot of the correct size, putting the bulb in the pot the correct way, importance of watering, etc.
If you are not in a teaching assistant role you could give the talk to a friend or family member, ensuring as always that if it is a child, you seek appropriate permission.
Lesson plan
Learning outcomes:
Teaching and learning activities / Vocabulary
Open questions
Probing questions
Were the learning outcomes achieved?
Were the open questions effective and if not why not?
Did the probing questions achieve their objectives?
Did the learners ask any questions themselves?
Question 1.20
Think of a situation where you have to talk to a friend or a member of your family about something they have done which may not have been appropriate. Consider and say how you would deal with the points listed:
How you would approach this situation?
What environment would you be in?
What type of language would you use?
What would your body language be like?
Question 1.21
a) If you are able, ask a teacher of a class that you are familiar with, if you can spend a lesson/day observing the activities, teaching and learning styles and overall environment within the classroom. At the end of the time period, evaluate what happened in the class, basing your comments on the main points given below.
Record your reflections below. Give some constructive feedback to the teacher using the points in the text as a guide.
Note: to do this you will first need to study a copy of the teacher’s lesson plan or plans.
If you are not in a position to do this, answer question 1.21 b) instead
Were the learning outcomes achieved?
Was the timing of the lesson suitable?
Were the resources and materials used adequate?
Was control maintained and did the children remain focused?
b) Answer this question only if you are unable to attempt 1.21a)
Explain in your own words the main points to consider when you are giving feedback to a teacher on a lesson that they have delivered.
Question 1.22
Identify who is the SENCO in your institution and arrange to meet and discuss his or her role and its responsibilities and duties. Record the results of your discussions below.
Note if you are not currently working as a teaching assistant, you should carry out your own research (e.g. using the internet) in order to answer this question.
The SENCO for my institution is:
Responsibilities and duties of a SENCO:
Question 1.23
Obtain a copy of an IEP that is used by your organisation. Record below the main headings, the details that they contain and how the form is used.
Do not include any details that may identify the individual concerned.
Note: if you are not currently working as a teaching assistant, you should carry out your own research (e.g. using the internet) in order to answer this question.
Question 1.24
Choose one of the conditions described in the text for which an IEP is required and consider, in relation to the support that you would need to provide, how you would cover the following points in a lesson:
Note you may need to talk with your SENCO or carry out your own research using the internet to answer this question.
Special educational need condition:
What are the most appropriate means of communicating with the learner?
Which learning style best describes the learner?
Which teaching style will best suit the learner’s needs?
What problems might arise because of the learner’s special needs and how would you deal with them?
How could you contribute to the review and planning process for the learner?
How you could help to promote inclusiveness?

Check your answers to these questions and then submit them to your tutor or assessor. If you are happy with your work, continue on to Module 2.

Tutor signature: Date:

Student signature: Date: