Position Description

Purpose: / The Graphic Design / Art / Drawing volunteer will create and develop a range of designs, drawings, animations and graphicsfor use in the NDCO program in North Queensland and nationally. This will involve participation in several Projects aimed to optimise the opportunities for people with disability in education, training and employment.
Location: / Based in North Queensland, most of the tasks will be completed online with face to face support as required.
Key Responsibilities: / The NDCO Region 22 Graphic Design /Art / Drawing Volunteer will perform some or all of the following:
(1) design logos and graphics for branding of websites, posters and other promotional materials;
(2) develop consistent branding over a suite of documents/applications;
(3) create a range of posters, cards and other promotional materials;
(4) create animations, design and create short graphic novels, convert text based materials to engaging graphic formats;
(5) contribute to discussions and planning of major Projects;
(6) contribute innovative ideas on how graphics, art, etc can be used to better engage target audience;
Reports to: / NDCO Region 22 – Gary Travers
Length of Appointment: / Current NDCO funding is until 30 June 2016.
Time Commitment: / Flexible/varied. As required, but probably approx between 3 – 6 hours per week.
Qualifications: / Skills, experience and/or qualifications in graphic design, art, drawing, cartooning or animation desirable. Students currently studying a related discipline would find this opportunity will enhance their skills/studies and provide recognition on widely distributed resources that can be added to your portfolio when seeking employment. A Positive Notice (blue card)/Positive Exemption (yellow card) will be required.
Support Provided: / Volunteer will be provided with resources as required. This position will form part of a team working on major Projects. The team will hold online meetings to discuss Projects. NDCO Region 22 will be available on an ongoing basis to answer questions and provide other assistance as required.
Benefits Provided: / Volunteer will be acknowledged in all published Regional and National Projects and publications to enable use of developed materials for professional portfolio, etc.

For further information or to apply contact:

Gary Travers

NDCO Region 22

0488 794483