Dear Lipman Bros.,

The Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the First Annual Evening of “Cigars Under the Stars” on Friday, August 7, 2009. Bringing together both established and up-and-coming professionals, the evening’s mixing and mingling will feature fine cigars, signature cocktails and a silent auction to be hosted at the Boundr’y Restaurant, here in Nashville, TN. Proceeds from the event will benefit the United Way and Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce (NAJCC) Charities.

“Cigars Under the Stars” is a charitable event. However, it will be promoted throughout Nashville and will provide direct exposure to approximately 300 of Nashville’s leading business professionals. We intend for this to benefit our donors, and would be honored to have your support. We appreciate your consideration of the following sponsorship opportunities, and would like the opportunity to reciprocate our appreciation for your monetary or silent auction donation.

Sponsorship Packages (required donation):

Gold ($500.00 and up):Includes logo and/or company mentions in all media outreach: press releases, event page Twitters, Facebook invitations, formal invitations and e-blasts. A package of 4 event tickets will also be included with a special sponsorship acknowledgment during the evening and onsite signage promotions.

Silver ($250.00):Includes logo and/or company mentionson event Twitter page, Facebook and e-blast invitations. A package of two event tickets will also be included.

Bronze ($100.00): Includes mentions on event Twitter page, and Facebook invitations.

Silent Auction Gift Baskets: It’s a great way for your business to showcaseits products in front of Nashville’s notables. Donations will be mentioned on Twitter and included in a Facebook silent auction album.

Please note – we need your commitment by July17, 2009, to be included in event promotions, and July 31, 2009 for silent auction items. You can follow our event promotions on Twitter at CigarsundtStars and there will be Facebook invitations to come! Please contact me if you require additional information. Again, we would greatly appreciate your support!

Amanda MurphyRyan Miller

Event Sponsorship Co-ChairEvent Sponsorship Co-Chair


Auction Agreement to Donate

Please return no later thanJuly 31, 2009.

To arrange for your donation to be picked up, please contact Amanda Murphy at 615-440-8355 or r Ryan Miller at 919 418-2675 .

Business/Donor Name

Contact Person/Donor ______


City State Zip

Phone () Fax ()


Facebook/Twitter Address______

Item Description: (Please provide a detailed description of the donation. If issuing a certificate, please keep in mind that the event is August 7, 2009.)

______Value $

Restrictions (if applicable):______

Donor Authorized SignaturePositionDate

Please retain a copy of this form for your records AND return this original form along with your donated item. Information will be used to provide you with a letter of thanks and tax acknowledgement letter for your donation. Donations are tax deductible within limits of the law.