Unit 2 Organisational procedures for delivering customer service

Candidate Evidence Sheets

OCR Level 1 Award in Principles of Customer Service

Unit 2: Organisational procedures for delivering customer service

Level 1

Candidate’s name………………………………………………..

Centre assessor’s name…………………………………………

(If applicable)

Internal moderator’s name…………………………………………..

(If applicable)

Scribe’s name…………………………………………..

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Introduction for tutors

The purpose of these evidence sheets is to provide a simple and manageable solution for gathering evidence for all units of this qualification.

All evidence must be marked before submission. This should be indicated through a tick and/or feedback comment on each marking section. Tutors should check that there are no gaps in the evidence. Incomplete evidence should not be submitted. Centres should have an internal moderation process in place to ensure consistency of assessment across assessors. Records of this process should be held in the centre.

Scribed work should be annotated with the scribe’s initials. If candidates require a scribe, further guidance can be found in the JCQ document: Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration 2012-2013

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Work should be submitted to the Moderator within 24-hours of submitting an online claim. Examiner-moderators will complete an electronic Centre Feedback Report Form (e-NQF6) for each batch submitted. This will contain feedback regarding the batch of work. These are not automatically transmitted to centres but should be accessed through OCR Interchange.

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If candidates have completed these Evidence Sheets, there is no need to submit an Evidence Checklist.

The QCA Accreditation Number for this qualification is:

OCR Award in Principles of Customer Service Level 1 – 600/7885/6

The QCA Accreditation Number for this unit is:

Unit 2: Organisational procedures for delivering customer service –Y/504/6243

These OCR Candidate Evidence Sheets remain live for the life of this qualification.

ALL OF THIS MATERIAL MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED. Any photocopying will be done under the terms of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 solely for the purposes of assessment.

Unit 2: Organisational procedures for delivering customer service


My chosen organisation is:
PLEASE NOTE: All responses in the evidence sheet should relate to this choice.
Learning Outcome 1.Know how to follow organisational practices and procedures when delivering customer service
a)Describeorganisational practices and procedures relating to customer serviceand why it is important to follow these (1.1 & 1.2)
The difference between a practice and procedure is:
An example of an organisationalpractice is: / It is important to follow this when delivering customer service because:
An example of an organisationalprocedure is: / It is important to follow this when delivering customer service because:
b)Outline the importance of confidentiality when delivering customer service in an organisation (1.3)
Give TWO reasons why confidentiality is important for the customer:
Give details of TWO things you must do to maintain customer confidentiality:
Give details of TWO things you must not do when dealing with customers’ personal information:
What might be the consequencesto the organisationif confidentiality is not maintained?
What might be the consequences to the customer if confidentiality is not maintained?
c)Identify the different types of confidential information that may be collected when delivering customer service in an organisation (1.4)
THREEdifferent types of information that may be collected when delivering customer service in an organisation are:
d)Outline the importance of not discriminating against customers when delivering customer service in an organisation (1.5)
Give TWO examples of things that an organisation can do to ensure that it is treating customers fairly. For each identify ONE example of a consequence to the organisation of failing to act fairly.
Example 1 is:
A consequence to the organisation of failing to do this is: / Example 2 is:
A consequence to the organisation of failing to do this is:
Learning Outcome 2. Know how to deal with customer service problems
a)Identify TWO typical customer service problems and describe how to respond to these in line with organisational procedures (2.1 & 2.2)
Customer Service problem: / How you should respond to this:
(this description should include: the communication method to use; the language to use (including words, tone, re-wording) and an option to offer to the customer)
b)Outline how to refer customer service problems (2.3)
Give ONE example of when a customer service problem should be referred:
The communication method I would use to make this referral is:
I would use this communication method because:
I would refer this problem to:
THREE pieces of information I would pass on when making the referral are:

OCR Level 1 Award in Principles of Customer Service1