Newcastle upon Tyne
NE16 4AD
01914335677/Nursery 01914335673
HJ Gladstone
5 June 2015
Dear Parents
We now have a school structure. There are 2 sets of staircases and a one storey Nursery and Reception. If you haven’t been to have a look it’s worth going to see. Photos to follow soon on the website.
We are working closely with the Building Contractors to get ready to bury a time capsule. We would like to hear your ideas about objects which could be placed inside it.Please jot down your thoughts and return the slip to school by 12th June 2015.
As we embark on a new era for Front Street School with the arrival of a new building we are reviewing our school vision. We would like you to choose threewords which you feel best describe our school. Please choose from the eight words provided -successful, ambitious, stimulating, achieving, excellence, proud, family, exciting.
Please complete the slip and return it to school by 12th June 2015.
School Fair Friday 12th June
Year 6 and Year 5 can visit the fair at 2pm unaided so please can they bring some money to spend.
Reception parents can collect their children at 2.20pm and take them to the fair.
Year 1 & Year 2 parents can collect their children at 2.45pm to take them to the fair.
At 3.10pm Year 3 & 4 parents can collect their children and take them to the fair.
Face Painting – This will take place during the school day so any volunteers are warmly welcomed. If your child would like their face painted they will need to bring £1 into school.
A huge thank you to everyone who took part in the spelling and colouring in challenges. You raised an AMAZING £2874.60!!!!! WELL DONE!
Hermitage Community Garden Open Day
The Garden are holding an open day on Saturday 13th July from 10am – 4pm. There will be a table top sale, cake stall and birds of prey.
Congratulations to 1Swho had 99.2% attendance this week.
Class 1S / 99.2%Class 1B / 93.7%
Class 2H / 99%
Class 2M / 96.6%
Class 3B / 94.3.7%
Class 3ON / 92.7%
Class 4S / 92.4%
Class 4H / 97.4%
Class 5W / 96.8%
Class 5K / 96%
Class 6H / 96.2%
Class 6L / 93%
Next week our Nursery Fayre will be on Wednesday 10th June at 10.30am for the morning session and 2.30pm for the pm session. Bring your child as normal and then return to join us for the fayre. If your child would like their face painted before the fayre starts please make sure they bring £1 in with them. We need donations for the cake stall (homemade or bought). Please can you send in any chocolate or sweets for the tombola on Monday 8th (or Wednesday 10th if this is your first day in).Thank you! We are hoping to purchase an i-pad for the Nursery so all help is very much appreciated.
Freya Innes' cardigan has gone missing. Please can you check your child hasn’t brought it home by mistake. It is a school one with her name inside.
Our 'Waddle' is the following week. Please remember to collect sponsors. We are still short of helpers for the am 'Waddle' on the 17th. Please let us know if you can help.
Year 1
Thank you to all the parents who helped make the Hanging Basket Day so enjoyable for the children – they loved having their family in school! There will be no homework set this week or spellings next week – we ask that you spend the time helping your child prepare for their Phonics Screening Check which will take place W/C 15th June, using the resources pack sent out last half term. We are visiting the Hermitage Garden next Wednesday afternoon (weather permitting) to do some sketching if any parents are free to help please see one of the Y1 team.
As part of our topic we will be going to the Hermitage garden on Wednesday 10th June. We will be planting and sketching whilst we are there. If there are any parents who can accompany us please let the class teacher know.
In a couple of weeks we will be looking at our family and who is in it. Please can you send in one family photograph, it does not have to include every member of your family, immediate family is fine. The photographs need to be in school by Friday 19th June. The photographs will be returned.
Year 2
Homework - Wow! The most amazing homework we have seen (and some very smelly seaweed)- we have added some pictures to the website. Thank you for all your hard work!
Little Sing Photograph Letters - ALL children must return a consent form for photographs at the Little Sing! - even if we have school consent. This is needed for The Sage themselves. Letters have been sent home again this week for all children if you need one.
Year 3
We are visiting Arbeia Roman Fort on Tuesday 9th June. The children will be in non-uniform but they must have sensible clothes and shoes. They will get a little dusty! Please ensure that the children have a waterproof coat and packed lunch.
We would like to remind Parents and Carers that the Year 3 Parent sharing Assembly is on Friday 19th June. This will be an activity session, where you will work with the children to create a Roman Shield! We will provide all the resources but feel free to bring along anything extra! It will last an hour 9.05 – 10.05am. We look forward to seeing you then.
Year 4
Swap Shop - In next Friday's parent assembly there will be a swap shop activity where the focus is on reusing unwanted plastic items. For example, children's toys, kitchen items, storage tubs. Please send them in by Thursday.
Year 5
On Monday evening at 5pm there will be a meeting about Kingswood in the main school. Mrs O’Neill has kindly volunteered to supervise any children who need to come along due to lack of childcare. I look forward to seeing you then. A reminder the final payment of £45 is due by 30th June.
Year 6
As part of the fun sessions planned for the last few weeks of term, Year 6have asked for a year group activity day. This will be on Thursday 11thJune and involve setting up areas for activities such as Lego, reading, painting, fruit cocktail and smoothie making. Children can bring in a toy (not electronic or valuable toys) or board game and also some fruit to make smoothies and fruit kebabs (strawberries, raspberries, grapes, pineapple, peaches etc), whatever fruit your child likes. Please let us know if your child has allergies to any particular fruit.
Children are welcome to come in non-uniform on this day.
Friday 12th June PM Summer Fair
W/C 15th June Assessment week Year 1-5
Thursday 18th June PMYear 4 – Year 6 E Safety workshop please return your reply slips (parents must accompany children)
Friday 26th JuneSchool Closed – Occasional Day
W/C 29th JuneTransition week – all children to new classes
Wednesday 8th JulyNursery Sports Day
Thursday 9th JulyAMYear 1 and Year 2 Sports Day
PMYear 3 – Year 6 Sports Day
Friday 10th July PMReception Sports Day
End of Year reports issued
Wednesday 15th July 1.30pm Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
Friday 17th July Break up for Summer
Just to remind you this is a Safeguarding School and we have a duty to pass on any concerns to Children’s Services.
Yours sincerely
HJ Gladstone
3 Words
Time Capsule Suggestions
Sports News
Y4 Quadkids
All of Y4 took part in the Quadkids Competition at Whickham School on Wednesday afternoon and they had a great time. We didn’t qualify for the next round but Edward Duncan came second in the placings – Well done Edward!
Sainsbury’s Vouchers
We have over 4000 vouchers collected in school so far – A massive thank you to everyone who has sent them in! If you have any Sainsbury’s Vouchers hiding at home please send them into school asap.
Next Week
On Monday we are entering 4 teams into the Y5/6 Girls Kwik Cricket Tournament at Gateshead Cricket Club. Next Wednesday we are taking 3 Teams to the Y2 Tri-Golf Festival at Kingsmeadow School.
Netball Club is cancelled next week due to Athletics Trials
Athletics Festival Trials
A big thank you to all the children who tried out for the Athletics Team just before half-term. We are holding another set of trials for certain children on Tuesday 9th June – letters have been sent home.
Hockey Club
Just a quick reminder that Hockey Club is cancelled Friday 5th and 12th June at Whickham School.
Sports Day
We are busy finalising our Sports Day arrangements with an aim to providing fun, skills based activities for KS1 moving into competitive events for KS2. This year all of the children will be put into a ‘House’…red/blue/yellow/green and will work towards collecting House Points. As yet we don’t have names for our new House Teams and would like your suggestions! Other schools have names of castles, local landmarks, animals…etc – please write down any suggestions and return to school by next Friday.
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