AMBO Announcement for Navigating Your Finances God’s Way

Takes place prior to dismissal; time approx. 2 min.

Following ambo announcements can be edited as needed for your parish.

Announcement 1:

Navigating Your Finances God’s Wayteaches what God said in scripture about money and possessions, about the use of your time and talents, about seeking Godly counsel, about being both honest and truthful, about spending and saving money and about debt.

This Ministry can:

  • Transform Lives
  • Reduce Stress
  • Strengthen Relationships
  • Draw People Closer to Christ

The Bible contains 500 verses on prayer and fewer than 500 verses on faith, but there are over 2,500 verses in the Bible that deal with money and possessions.For example:

1 Chronicles 29:11– “Everything in the heaven and earth is Yours, O Lord, and this is Your kingdom. We adore you as being in control of everything. Riches and honor come from you alone”

We all know that everything comes from God, unfortunately for most of us this knowledge stays in the dark recesses of our brain. When we pull it out of our brain and start living with this knowledge in our hearts, it will totally change the way we live our lives

We’re going to do an informal survey: How many of you OWN Fords or Toyotas? Raise your hands.(Give them a minute to raise their hands) No!! God owns everything!

Let’s try this again. How many of you OWN Chevy’s or Hondas? Fr. — I think that the Chevy and Honda drivers are just more spiritual than those who drive Fords or Toyotas! (Typically people don’t think that God’s ownership relates to things like their cars and many of the first group will raise their hands. After the speaker says NO! There is a little laughter and everyone realizes the catch of the question. Not many of the second group will raise their hands.)

You see how easy it is to slip into man’s economy. Man’s Economy just wants us to focus on the material things in life. The difference is how we view money and possessions and God’s viewpoint is best explained in this verse:

Isaiah 55:8“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD.”

The Bible says a lot about money because God loves us and cares deeply for us. He realizes that from time to time we will experience financial challenges and He wants us to handle money in a way that is pleasing to Him.

The Bible deals with money matters because money does matter.

So…what is Navigating Your Finances God’s Way?

  • A 9-week Bible study.
  • That teaches a new perspective to manage finances using Biblical principles
  • It’s both spiritual and practical
  • Sign-ups/more information is available after Mass at each of the exits.
  • There is a flyer in the Bulletin with additional information

Let me leave you with one last thought from Luke 16:11: “Therefore if you have not been faithful in the use of worldly wealth, who will entrust the true riches to you?”

Announcement 2:

The Navigating Your Finances God’s WayBible study will be offered at our parish on day date, time location. This 9-week study integrates teachings from the Church, the Bible, and the Catechism with personal practical exercises to help people manage their money and possessions according to the Bible.

Topics covered are:getting into and out of Debt; responsible spending; reasons to invest; seeking Godly counsel, dealing with financial crises, our responsibility to give and most importantlyGod’s role as owner and our role as Stewards.

Once we learn the true meaning of stewardship and live as stewards of God’s many blessings, we are able to bring the gospel to life because all the material things we have are put into their proper perspective.

1 Corinthians 4:2 tells us “Now it is of course required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.” And this study will help you become trustworthy in handling money and possessions.

Announcement 2:

The Navigating Your Finances God’s WayBible study will be offered at our parish on day date, time location. This 9-week study will help youincrease savings, reduce personal debt, grow closer to God, and strengthen personal relationships. But most importantly it will help you learn the spiritual impacts of how you use money and possessions.

1 Timothy 6:9-10 is one of the most misquoted verses in the Bible. It reads: “For the love of money is the root of all evils, and some people in their desire for it have strayed from the faith and have pierced themselves with many pains.”

Money is simply a tool with no inherent value. What can be less than good is our love of money when it becomes so important to us that it takes our focus away from what is good and true. Join us for this study and we’ll challenge ourselves about how the American cultural attitude toward money and possessions can impact our faith life.