Jigsaw Activity


Categories / List / Excellent
90% - 100% / Adequate
70% - 89% / Insufficient
0% - 69%
Required Content
20 points / Title
Appropriate topic and subsections for expert groups
Learner description
Table with expert group assignments (at least 3 expert groups)
Links to three or more relevant external websites per expert group / All of the required content has been added to the project. The project is well written and provides excellent coverage on the selected topic. / Most of the required content has been added to the project. One or two requirements are missing. The project provides adequate coverage of the topic. / Little of the required content has been added to the project. More than two requirements are missing. The project provides minimal coverage of the selected topic or it is too confusing to use.
Required Code
10 points / Text between <title</title>
HTML5 and/or Div tags as needed to structure the content of the page. The page should make logical sense without a style sheet.
Heading tags as needed to identify major sections: Start with h1 and move progressively down through h2, h3, etc. as necessary for the page.
Alternative Text: Please add a few words of alt text to any image used on the page (if any).
Accessible HTML table: Use HTML to create a table to organize the expert groups for the activity. Make it accessible with the caption and header cells.
CSS to format the appearance of the table. Apply styles to one or more table-related tags such as table, th, td, or caption.
CSS to format the rest of the page as desired. / All of the required code has been added to the project. / Most of the required code has been added to the project. One to two requirements are missing. / Little of the required code has been added to the page. More than two of the requirements are missing.
Code Accuracy
10 points / W3C validation passes for BOTH the HTML and the CSS / All of the code is written correctly and passes the W3C validation process. / Most of the code is written correctly. One to four mistakes in either the HTML or CSS. / Little of the code is written correctly. More than four mistakes in either the HTML or CSS.
Appearance and Quality of Design
15 points / The page meets design principles from the Non-Designer's Web Book.
The content is well written and high quality. / The project has a professional appearance and the information is well written and high quality. / The project has minor design problems or the content is somewhat brief, or somewhat poorly written. / The project has major design problems and/or it too brief to be useful or the writing is sloppy.
10 points / The page is free of technical problems / The project it is free of technical problems. / The project has minor technical problems such as a link that opens the wrong page or a broken link. / The project has several technical problems such as missing image files and broken links.
File Names & Upload
image files (if any) use .gif or .jpg extension
5 points / Web page and style sheet are on the server and named correctly
Web page is saved inside the 502 folder
Style sheet is saved inside the styles folder
Image files (if any) are saved inside the images folder / The Web pages are correctly named and uploaded into the 502 folder on the EDTECH2 server.
The style sheet is correctly named and uploaded into the styles folder on the EDTECH2 server. The styles folder in NOT inside the 502 folder.
All image files are saved in the images folder and have been uploaded to the EDTECH2 server. The images folder is NOT inside the 502 folder. / The Web page is named correctly and it is uploaded to the EDTECH2 server, but it is not inside the 502 folder, or the Web page is inside the 502 folder, but it is not correctly named.
The style sheet is correctly named and it is uploaded to the EDTECH2 server, but it is not inside the styles folder, or the style sheet is inside the styles folder, but it is not correctly named.
The image files are saved inside the images folder, but that folder is not in the correct place on the server (not inside the 502 folder) or the images are not saved inside the images folder. / The Web page is not correctly named and it is not uploaded into the 502 folder on the EDTECH2 server.
The style sheet is not correctly named and it is not uploaded into the styles folder on the EDTECH2 server.
The image files are not saved inside the images folder.
Link from 502.html to Project
5 points / Create a link from 502.html to the jigsaw.html page. / A link from 502.html to jigsaw.html has been created. / A link from 502.html to jigsaw.html has been created, but does not open the correct page. / A link from 502.html to jigsaw.html has NOT been created.