Soldotna High School 2010 Swimming Guidelines


Participation in Swimming & Diving at SOHI is understood to be a privilege, and it is the responsibility of the student/athlete to abide by the rules and regulations of the KPBSD Activities Guidelines. You are expected to treat all of your coaching staff, meet officials, parent volunteers, chaperones and teammates professionally and with the utmost respect. Be responsible, and make your participation one of the most positive experiences of your career.


Consistent practice attendance is a primary factor in becoming a successful swimmer. Unexcused absences from practice are detrimental to you and your team.

► You are expected to:

● Attend 90% of after school workouts.

● Be in the upper gym, deck or in the water on time.

● Do the entire workout.

► You are invited to attend optional morning workouts.

Three unexcused absences will result in a dismissal from the team.

What counts as a complete practice?

► All the following count as practices in your attendance record:

● All swimming practice sessions.

● All swim meets.

● All team obligations such as:

~ Team meetings

~ Set-up and Clean up for meets.

*** If you arrive late to practice or leave early, it will not count as a completed practice! ***

Meet Participation

You are expected to attend all home meets. For away meets, a traveling squad will be selected. This squad varies from meet to meet depending on the type of competition and transportation available. If you know you will miss a competition, your parents must contact me in person or by telephone as soon as possible and before the entries deadline.

At meets you are expected to stretch, warm-up, and sit as a team. Cheer for all of your teammates. No one leaves early. Everyone is expected to do a team cool-down after the last event, if the facility allows for it.

Excused Absence

The only excused absence for missing practice is an excused absence from school due to illness. Excused absences not due to illness will not count as excused absences from practice. If you attend school but for some reason you are unable to swim, you are still expected to be at practice, on time, and either do dry land work, if possible, or help the coaching staff.

Three unexcused absences will result in the termination of a swimmer from the team.

Practice Make-up

A missed practice (excused) can be earned back by completing two non-required practices. An incomplete practice can be earned back by completing one non-required practice.

Lettering Policy

To earn a varsity letter in Swimming & Diving, you must satisfy the following:

► Athletic Performance:

● Final at Regions, or

● Earn an average of 2 varsity points in individual events.


● 90% or higher participation,

● Meet the performance guideline:

~BOYS: 10x25 underwater from push off on 60 seconds send off.

10x100 free on 1:15 or better on all 10, and 1:30 send off.

~GIRLS:8x25 underwater from push off on 60 seconds send off.

10x100 free on 1:20 or better on all 10, and 1:40 send off.

~DIVERS: talk to Coach Medina about the Diving performance Guideline

► Perseverance:

● Any swimmer or diver that has participated on the SOHI swim team for all four years of their high school career without earning a varsity letter award will receive a varsity letter for perseverance after their senior year.


You are expected to be on your best behavior at all times. All school rules apply and will be enforced for the entire trip. When arriving at a competition site, you are expected to remain on site with your team at all times unless you are given specific permission to leave from Coach Marey. Sleepovers at another school or hotels require that you do not leave the building. During curfew, you are expected to remain in your assigned area. Men’s and women’s sleeping areas will remain separated. At hotels, do not leave the building. During curfew, you are to remain in you assigned room until the coaching staff wakes you up in the morning. Bedtime means lights out, TV off, and no phone use.


You must remain in good standing according to the KPBSD Activity Guidelines. A grade of “F” makes you ineligible. The coaching staff regards academics as a high priority. If at any time you suspect your grade is falling to a “D” grade, notify coach Marey as soon as possible. Please see the new KPBSD policy concerning grades and GPA.


KPSAA training rules are in effect and will be enforced from the first day of the season. You will be suspended from participation and practice for the rest of the season or 30 consecutive school days, whichever is longer for the following reasons:

► Alcohol use, influence, possession or PROXIMITY.

► Illegal drug use, influence, or possession.

► Illegal paraphernalia use or possession.

► Misuse of prescription or over-the-counter substances.

Tobacco use or possession will result in a two-week suspension. A second offense will result in dismissal from the team.

Shoplifting, theft, or possession of known stolen property will result in dismissal from the team.

Suspension will result from:

► Violation of eligibility rules.

► Insubordination.

► Fighting.

► Vandalism.

► Un-sportsmanlike behavior.

► Obscene gestures or swearing.

► Taunting.

You are expected to obey all pool and locker room rules.

Team Suits and Parkas/Warm-Ups

You are responsible for the care and prompt return at the end of the season of the suits and warm-ups issued to you. If you do not return, replace, or pay for your gear, you will not receive a letter nor will you be allowed to participate in any other school activity. You are expected to wear your parka/warm-ups at all times at competitions except when you are swimming. They are very nice gear and could be easily stolen. If you lose yours, you must replace them.

Practice Times

Morning practices will be offered from 6:00-7:30 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Stretching begins at 2:40 PM (in upper gym for all swimmers). In the water at 3:00 PM

Divers:Stretching and dry land training are from 4:30-5:00

On the board from 5:00-6:00 PM

A possible 90 minutes practice instead of 120 minutes might be offered to all JV swimmers. The decision is pending so swimmers will be notifies if this change will take place

Peak Performance

Stretching, Dry Land, and Swimming combine to make the best athlete. You are expected to be prompt, attentive, and thorough in all phases of your training.

Eat breakfast and lunch every day!!!Drink lots of water (or sport drinks) every day!!!

Have a snack between lunch and the PM practice!!!Have a snack immediately after practice!!!

No pop, candy, or chips during competitions or travel. Be smart! You perform according to how you eat. Your coaches will be instructing you as to proper pre-meet and meet diet.


Team captains will be elected before the first competition. The coach reserves the right to assign additional captains. This is not a popularity contest. You are selecting a person you respect for their values, character, effort, and leadership skills. Please consider this decision with responsibility.

Contacting the coaches

If you have any questions, contact the coaching staff at:

COACH MAREY: School: 262-7419Home: 262-1506


ASSISTANT COACH:Coach Petersen(Cell)953-6882

DIVING COACH:Coach Jennifer Warren 260-3912