Revised by: Marilee Smith

October 2004

1.0Course Title:Human Resource Management

2.0Catalog Number:AD114T

3.0Semester Credit Hours:3

4.0Course Description:Includes managerial philosophy of human resource administration, emphasizing study of the personnel functions of recruiting, interviewing, selecting, placement, training and evaluating. Also addresses issues of diversity in a dynamic environment.


6.0General Course Competencies:

A.Trace the evolution of the personnel/human resources management area over the last 25 years.

B.Write a job analysis of your job or one from the text.

C.Identify key legal terminology and its relevance for human resource management.

D.Apply the techniques of screening job applicants.

E.List the different methods of performance appraisal.

F.Write out three forms of employee training methods.

G.Apply the three major challenges facing labor unions today.

H.Write out the three most common forms of discipline.

I.Write out the four major issues in a collective bargaining contract.

7.0Major Units of Instruction:

(Note:All units of instruction are totally integrated throughout the semester.)

UNIT I:Read and study the evolution of the personnel/human resources area over the past century.

UNIT II:Study various job analyses, comparing how they are put together from one industry to another.

UNIT III:Discuss the legal terminology and apply it to the Human Resource field.

UNIT IV:Learn the techniques of screening job applications in various industries.

UNIT V:Define performance appraisal and apply it to your past experiences in the work place.

UNIT VI:Learn the different ways of employee training methods.

UNIT VII:Practice the different methods of disciplining an employee.

UNIT VIII:Learn the importance of labor unions and how they help students.

UNIT IX:Study the main issues of collective bargaining.

8.0Unit Objectives:


A.Trace the evolution of the personnel/human resources management are over the past 25 years.

1.Describe the personnel management field between 1880-1920; 1920-1960; 1960-to present.

2.Small and large organizations have personnel functions, discuss what those functions are.

3.Read how the work force has changed over the last 25 years.

4.Summarize the major functions of personnel management.


B.Write a job analysis of your job or one from the text.

1.Familiarize the student with the different parts of a job analysis that includes duties, behaviors, tasks and activities.

2.Study the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.

3.Practice the methods of writing a job analysis including interviewing, questionnaires, and observation.


C.Identify key legal terminology and its relevance for human resource management.

1.Learn the legal process of how discrimination cases are tried in a court of law.

2.Define types of illegal discrimination.

3.Study the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

4.Study the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.

5.Study the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.


D.Apply the techniques of screening job applicants.

1.Explain the legal considerations surrounding personnel recruitment and screening.

2.Discuss proper and improper pre-employment inquiries including biographical information blanks, background checks, and selection interviews.

3.Conduct a selection interview.

4.Examine three applications from different businesses.

5.How to screen out applicants from studying applications.


E.List the different methods of performance appraisal.

1.Learn advantages and disadvantages of different subjective and objective appraisal systems.

2.Explain the differences between appraisal by observation, testing, and rating sheets.

3.What is a performance feedback interview.

4.Study the most common rating errors of performance appraisals.


F.Write out three forms of employee training methods.

1.Define the difference between training and development.

2.Read and observe the three most common forms of employee training.

3.Compare and contrast general and behavioral based goals.

4.Discuss how training and development programs can be evaluated and assessed.

5.Study how a firm sets up a training program.


G.Apply the three most common forms of discipline.

1.Explain why documentation is an important phase of the dismissal decision.

2.Discuss the three most common types of employee counseling.

3.Write out the different ways of how discipline is administered.

4.Write out the difference between rules and policies.

5.Describe when negative discipline is acceptable to use.


H.Write you the three major challenges facing labor unions today.

1.Set out the reasons why employees join unions.

2.Describe how a union organizing campaign is conducted.

3.Identify and describe the major legislative acts that have shaped and directed union-management relations over the last 60 years.

4.Discuss how labor unions must change to fit the workforce over the next 30 years.

5.Describe how a local union is organized and functions.


I.Write out the four major issues in a collective bargaining contract.

1.Compare and contrast the differences between private and public collective bargaining.

2.Define a grievance and the steps in the grievance procedure.

3.Discuss what mediation, fact finding and arbitration mean in collective bargaining.

4.Study some of the most common issues addressed in the collective bargaining area.

5.What are management rights in the collective bargaining process.


1.Human Resource Management, 10th Edition, by Mathis and Jackson, South-Western Publishing.

2.Various newspaper and magazine articles

3.Videos on Human Resource Management