4th/5th Grade Transition Lesson Plan Template - Literacy

Essential Components – Weekly Overview

Book Title The Key Cutter’s Grandson – Teaching Card 94 Reading Level P WeekJanuary 10-14, 2010 Grade 4

Grammar Skill: Ask and answer what, why and how questions Vocabulary: infer, muttered, gasping, swerved (Teaching card 94, pg. 3)

*Literacy Skill: Infer (use graphic organizer pg. 6) Language Function/Oral Language Asking and answering questions(Teaching card 94, pg. 5)

Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Language Function/Oral Language
(5-10 min.)
*Embed Literacy Skill / Access prior knowledge: What would you do if you found some money? How would you use the money? Why would you use it that way?
Use sentence frame “I would ______the money because ______.” / What happened in the first chapter? Use sentence frame: “In the first chapter ______.” / Look at the pictures in chapter 3 (as a group) ask questions about what is going to happen. (eg. Why is the woman upset? What is wrong with the man? How does the grandfather make keys?) / Look back in chapter 3 and answer the question: Why do you infer that Grandfather is having trouble cutting keys? Use the sentence frame “I infer Grandfather is having troubling cutting keys because ______.” / As a group answer the question: What are the most important events in The Key Cutter’s Grandson?
Grammar Skill
(5-10 min.) / Talk about question capitalization, punctuation and show question on page 6. Compare and contrast to questions in Spanish (question word, question mark only at end). / Review parts of a question. Write down several questions and statements – in pairs, have students sort into groups. / Each student writes down one question from oral language with correct question word and punctuation. / Look at the pictures in chapter 4 (individually) write down a question about what is going to happen. (eg. Why isn’t Lei sleeping? How is Lei going to use the money? What are they going to buy?) / Review parts of a question as a group
(5 min.) / infer
(TC 94, pg. 3)
muttered, gasping, swerved
(Teaching card 94, pg. 3 - use pictures on pg. 5, 6 and 13 and act out)
Keep cognate dictionary and students write them as they find them: imagine/imaginar / infer
(TC 94, pg. 3)
muttered, gasping, swerved
(Teaching card 94, pg. 3 - use pictures on pg. 5, 6 and 13 and act out)
Cognates: bamboo/bambú, bicycle/bicicleta / infer
(TC 94, pg. 3)
yuan notes
Cognates: infer/inferir / infer
(TC 94, pg. 3)
Cognates: pair/par / Do Vocab Practice sheet (TC 94, pg. 12)
(10 Min.) / Read Text
Pgs.4-9 / Read Text
Pgs. 10-13 / Read Text
Pgs. 14-19 / Read Text
Pgs. 20-24 / Read Text
Pgs. 4-24
Running records
(5-10 Min.)
*Embed Literacy Skill / Ask students to answer the question: What did Lei do with the money he found? Why did he do that? Use sentence frame “Lei ______the money because ______.” (infer, answer questions) / Ask students: How does Lei want to use the money? Use sentence frame, “Lei wants to use the money ______.” (answer questions) / Ask students to answer the question they wrote down during grammar / Ask students to answer the question they wrote down during grammar / Ask students to answer the questions: Why do you infer that Lei used his money to buy his Grandfather glasses? (without sentence frame – use graphic organizer to organize thoughts)