Fly In to Your Future (2015)
What was your best experience in one of your classes this year?
-Field Trips in my science class
-Watching videos and relaxing on a finals day
-The class interactions with teachers and some of the videos that were being shown in class
-The best experience would be from Nicole Blair’s core class; as a class we visited the rescue mission: very good experience
-Being able to be a part of many great clubs (FASA, APISU) and organization (SAB) that have allowed me to learn many new things and meet new people whom inspired me to do better.
-Meeting new people
-How helpful the teachers were
-Interesting topics and engaging classrooms
-Being able to take business related classes my whole year
-The way it was set up
-Meeting new people from a wide variety of backgrounds
-Being with the same people
-Boat field trip
-Being able to “study” with my friends for our finals
-Having great professor and classmates
-Having great professors and classes
-Studying film in my film class
-Going on field trips that helped with my new learning
-Getting a 4.0
-TCORE 101 writing
-Exploring different curriculums and seeing what I found most interesting
-Group work
-Fall quarter, end of the quarter class study sessions
-The quality of education with how much info I’m walking away with into the summer
-Labs in my general biology class
-Going on a field trip on a boat
-Being able to get one on one advice /guidance from a professor
-Taking apart a computer in computer fluency
-Classmates and teachers
-CS Computer Labs
-Jeopardy in Latin Lit Class
-I really just enjoyed my women’s studies class because it really opened my eyes and taught me so many things I don’t know existed
-Meeting so many new people of all backgrounds
-Meeting new people
-Midterm potluck in Spanish
What was your best experience with a campus activity or organization this year?
-Academic Advising
-The first homecoming dance thing
-The SAB Winter Ball was the best experience for me!
-SAB Glow in the dark dance
-That walk from September 24th to campus
-SAB events
-Joining clubs and going to conference
-Working in groups
-NWFASA Conference
-SAB movie nights
-FASA Conference
-Going to the super bowl part at the Y
-The opening to the school year was pleasantly unexpected
-Clubs and dances
-The humane society event yesterday
-DRC annual program on microaggressions, very informational
-SAB stuff
-Spring Breakaway
-Movie night + Comedy Night
-Meeting people around campus
-Spring Break
-Police/ fire dept. came with their info on the street + answered Q’s
-Summer bridge
-Majors Fair
-Spring Fest
-Spring Fest
-I forgot what for but there was a rally and it was nice hearing the voice of the community
-Getting froyo
-Social parties
-UW LOL Club world viewing
-Career Fair
-I am surprised at how friendly and helpful the upper classroom have been to me
-I really enjoyed convocation. I got to invite my mom and she really enjoyed the experience
What was your biggest surprise about UW Tacoma?
-Small classes
-How hard the classes are
-The SAB events and the student displays and also the job fairs they had
-How involved UWT is in the local community
-Compared to other campuses, it had considerably smaller class size, also what surprised me the most was that it had not many options for those wanting to go to the medical field
-Small class sizes
-How nice everyone is
-The class size
-How friendly it was
-The caring nature of the professors
-How small of a campus it was
-It feels like a family
-How welcoming and nice all the people are
-Parking isn’t free
-Small class sizes to be honest
-How welcome all the people here are and great professor
-How amazing a lot of people are here! & nice class sizes
-How well professors give 1 on 1 help
-Every know each other if you reach out! (first)
-The parking and commute atmosphere
-How many people go here
-The diversity and how easy it is to walk across campus
-I had an easier time than I expected in my classes
-Small size
-Professor – super chill
-Liking the campus enough to stay for another school year
-The level of acceptance for people of all walks of life
-How friendly everyone is
-That it isn’t a huge campus
-How nice and understanding the professors are
-The helpfulness
-Everyone’s friendly
-Nice campus / small classes
-Starting to take classes that and more geared towards my major
-The amount of activities (weekly) on campus
-Compact community
-The t-shirts on a line
What are you most excited about for your sophomore year?
-New classes
-More of the SAB activities
-Staying involved, more activities
-Doing much more and getting involved on campus
-Being more comfortable in classes
-Taking more classes to help me figure out what I want to do
-Challenging courses and meeting new people
-Getting into the core classes
-Clubs + classes
-New classes
-Meeting more people
-Finishing my general requirements so I can officially declare my major
-Starting either business or computer science classes
-Classes + meeting new people
-Meet more people & exciting professor
-Starting a major
-Better, cooler classes
-No core classes
-New classes & people
-Exciting courses
-Doing more specific classes towards my intended major
-More math classes
-Experiencing new environments or organizations, and activities
-Continuing my education
-Science classes and retaking Spanish
-Doing classes in my major
-Talking more elective classes that are in my field of interest
-New classes
-Declaring my major
-Bio series
-Becoming more involved with activities on campus
-Getting out of core class
-More math classes
What scares you the most about your sophomore year?
-No Core classes
-It’s going to be harder
-The harder classes that are coming my way
-Academics, harder classes
-The most that scares me is that I might not get a decent GPA
-Not doing good
-The course load
-Challenging courses
-What classes to take or what classes may be for me
-Classes getting too hard
-The incoming stress
-Less academic advising being held
-The unknown
-Harder classes
-Scheduling conflicts with a job. Also necessary classes don’t made explicitly clear
-Hard classes
-The intensity and getting ready to declare my major
-Starting a major
-Maybe more responsibilities
-The end of college closing in
-Taking the upper level courses
-Harder classes
-Working while being a full time student
-How hard science classes will be
-Doing classes in my major
-Being in more diverse classes and also more challenging
-The workload
-Academic GPA
-Psychology class
-Chem series
-Not having a set class?
-More math classes
Where do you see yourself by senior year or by graduation?
-With a degree in something
-Teaching hopefully
-Working towards my intended major and working and being more included in activities
-Hopefully getting ready for grad school
-Graduating with a “perfect” GPA
-Hopefully in the process of getting ready for a lifelong job right out of college
-Going to the field I want to be in
-In the business school
-Lived the full college experience
-A better person with a higher level of knowledge
-Being successful and going to grad school
-Getting my double major
-A bachelor degree with a starting job in my chosen field
-Being on track ready to graduate!
-Being in the education major and becoming a preschooler or kindergarten teacher
-Having a job lined up
-Doing more with my campus
-Double major / Global Honors grad
-Knowing what I want to do
-Ready for a career
-Looking for a job or participating in internships
-Graduating and working
-Already established goals with a stable job
-Having a good job
-Working for a big tech company
-Having a job in computer science
-Money in the bank, job offers
-A fully fledged CS major
-Getting ready for grad school
-IT, knowing what to do for my future
-Taking math classes