Holy Trinity School Advisory BoardMeeting Minutes
August 18th, 2016
5:30 PM
Present: Advisory Board Chair-Heidi Butler, Advisory Board Vice Chair-Paul Sebo, Advisory Board Secretary-Joanne Geidel, School Principal-Jodi Casetta, Board Members: Sandy Krautkramer, Pat Adelman, Andy Dahlberg, Carolyn Leister, Pastoral Council Liaison: Bill Kurer
Excused Absences: Lynn Quissek, Brian Staehler
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
1.Meeting called to order by Heidi Butler at 5:30pm
2.Opening Prayer
3.Visitor Comments-none
4.Approval of May 26th Meeting Minutes-minutes approved with changes by board consensus.
5.Principal’s Report - Jodi Casetta
-3K and 4K will be separate classes this school year. 3K, 4K and 5K classrooms moved to upstairs. 3rd and 4th grades moved to first floor. The library moved downstairs to the Blue room.
-New teachers: 7th grade-Miss Huiras, 3rd grade-Miss Leitheiser, 5K-MissTillmann, 3K-Mrs. Kriefall, Music- Mrs. Geydoshek.
Looking yet for a Spanish teacher.
-In process of preparing the school building and new Parish Center for the start of the school year.
6.Pastoral Council Liaison Report –Bill Kurer
-Reported on role of being a liaison
-Pastoral Council is inviting all school/parish committee chairs to their next meeting in September. Purpose- meet and greet and discuss roles.
-Bill will follow up with Brian Wildt-Pastoral Council Secretary as to process/who should be forwarded Advisory Board Meeting Minutes.
7.Advisory Board Subcommittee Reports
a)Advancement Committee–
-New school sign
-Submitted school report card and ordered.
-Putting together packet for upcoming open house.
b)Home & School –
Michele Okrent will be meeting with Jodi tomorrow to discuss setting up Home and School meeting schedule.
c)Technology Committee –
-Brian Kober remains committee chair, but looking at stepping down. Pat Adelmann will be considering about taking on chair duty. Other committee members include Andy Dahlberg, Ben Schikert, possibly-Jeremy Geidel and Dan Chamblee.
-Chrome books will be ordered for 5th through 8th grades
-UNO tablets purchased from St. Mary’s school.
-Updating the school’s band width and server.
-Setting up Google classroom.
8.Old Business
a)Review and approve written Plan to Recruit New Members–Paul Sebo
i)Assess Compliance to them
Board approves by consensus. Paul will e-mail member profile to board members to complete.
b) Jen Chamblee no longer on the board per her preference.
9.New Business
a)Confirm Committee Chairs and Contact Information
b)Discuss HT Goal of “Unity in the School”-Discussion regarding welcoming all new students and families.
c)Establish the School Advisory Board Meeting Schedule for the Upcoming School Year
Per board consensus, meetings will be held the 2nd Tuesdays of each month- August through May. No meetings in June or July.
d)Mentoring Pot Luck-August 21
Discussion about staff and /or principal attendance. Board discussed purpose of the potluck is for new students/families and mentors to meet and get to know each other. Per board consensus no school staff or principal needed to attend.
e) Discussion regarding students having water bottles at school.
f)Upcoming important dates:
School Open House August 30 at 6pm.
September 29 Parish Center Dedication.
October 5 and 6 Accreditation survey/review.
10.Closing Prayer
11.Meeting Adjourned
Respectfully Submitted by Joanne Geidel/Secretary.