Curriculum Vitae

1. personal information

Name : Radwan Yousef Mustafa Ajo

Date of birth : Mar. 1st. 1967

Place of birth : Shajara - Ramtha

Nationality: Jordanian

Civil Status : Married

Work Address :

AL-Huson University Colleage , AL-Huson 21510, * (50), Jordan,

( (0096 2 7010400) EX (251), Fax. 0096 2 7010397

Permanent Address :

Al-Huson - Jordan , È 0096 2 775420484

E- mail:

Qualifications : Nutrition and Food Technology, 2007, The University of Jordan, Jordan. Thesis title (A Study of the Production of Hamam Bread with the Sponge and Dough Method and Its Effect on the Stability of Lactulose and Some Phytosterols)

2-M.Sc. in Nutrition and Food Technology, 2002. The University of Jordan, Jordan. Thesis title (Production of Kmaj Bread by the Sponge and Dough Method)

3-B.Sc. Nutrition and Food Technology, 1989. The University of Jordan, Jordan.

Expertises :

2014 Head of Appleid Science Department, AL- Huson Univesity College at Al- Balqa’ Applied University

2013 :Associated prof. AL- Huson Univesity College at Al- Balqa’ Applied University

2010 - 2011: Assistant Dean for Student Affairs /AL- Huson Univesity College at Al- Balqa’ Applied University

2008 - 2012 : Assistant Prof. for Nutrition & Food Technology –

AL- Huson Univesity College at Al- Balqa’ Applied University.

2002 - 2007: Lecturer for Nutrition & Food Technology –

AL- Huson Univesity College at Al- Balqa’ Applied University.

1995 - 2002 : Teacher for Nutrition & Food Technology - AL-Huson

Polytechnic at Ministry of Higher Education .

1992 -1995 : Head of Nutrition Dept., Service Master Co. AL-Hussein

Medical City. Kitchen of Queen Alia Heart Institute &

Frarh Section for Rehabilitation.

1989 - 1991 : Dietitian - Royal Medical Service - Queen Alia Heart Institute.

Teaching the following courses for the undergraduate and associate degree:
Diet therapy / Oil, Fat Processing
Human Nutrition / Meat Technology
Basic Concepts of Nutrition / Fruits and vegetables Processing
Food Microbiology / Cereal Technology and their products
Food Analysis / Quailty Control and Food Safety
Food and Nutrition

Published Resarch :

1- Amr, A. and Ajo, R. (2005). Production of Two Types of Pocket –Forming Flat Bread by Sponge and Dough Method. Cereal Chemistry, 82 (5) :499 -503.

2- Ajo, R; Amr, A; Haddadin , M. (2010). Effect of Lactulose on the Quality of Hamam Bread and Its Stability During Baking. Proceedings of the 5th International Congress Flour – Bread ‘09; 7th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists, Opatija, October 21‐ 23, 2009. pp 425-433.

3- Abdul‐Hussain, S; Ajo, R; Obeidat , B. (2010). Acceptability and Chemical Composition of Thick Flat Bread Supplemented with Chickpea Flour and Isolated Soy Protein. Proceedings of the 5th International Congress Flour – Bread ‘09; 7th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists, Opatija, October 21- 23, 2009. pp 280-287.

4-Al-Dabbas, M.; Ahmad, R.; Ajo, R., Abulaila, K.; Al-Ismail, K.(2010). Chemical composition and oil components in seeds of Moringa peregrine (Forssk) Fiori, Crop Research , 40 (1, 2 & 3): 161-167

5- Al- Ismail, K.; Ahmad, R.; Al-Dabbas, M.; Ajo, R.; Rababah, T.( 2011). Some physiochemical properties of olive &olive oil of thee Jordanian olive varieties. LA RIVISTA ITALIANA DELLE SOSTANZE GRASSE. 88(3): 191--198.

6- Al-Abdullah, B. ; Angor, M.; Al-Ismail, K.; Ajo, R. (2011) Reducing fat uptake during deep-frying of minced chicken meat-balls by coating them with some hydrocolloids materials.Italian Journal of Food Science.23, (3):331-337.

7- Al-Rousan, W; Ajo, R; Angor, M.; Osaili , T. and Bani-Hani, N.( 2012). Impact of different irrigation levels and harvesting period on the quality and quantity of Navel orange and fruit juice . International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10 (2): 115 - 119

8- - Tukan, S.; Al-Ismail, K.; Ajo, R. and Al-Dabbas, M. (2013). Seeds and seed oil compositions of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) grown in Jordan. . LA RIVISTA ITALIANA DELLE SOSTANZE GRASSE , 90 (2):87-93.

9- Al-Abdullah B; Al-Ismail K. ; Al-Mrazeeq K.; Angor, M. and Ajo, R. (2012) . Meat Fat Replacement with Olive Oil in Dimitrios B. (ed) Olive Oil - Constituents, Quality, Health Properties and Bioconversions.INTECHWEB. ORG

10- Tawalbeh, Y.; Al-qudah, Y.and Ajo, R. (2012). Influence of addition of Titanium Dioxide as a bleaching agent to the traditional meals in Jordan on the preference of these meals. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, 5, (1): 219 – 224.

11- Ajo, R.; Tawalbeh,Y.; Al-Rousan,W.; Al-Qudah, Y.; Alu''Datt, M.; Al-Saed, A. and Al-Ismail, K. (2012). Correlations between some chemical and sensory parameters of Jordanian Rumi and Nabali olive oil samples obtained at different harvesting dates. Bull. Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ., 63: 44-51

12- Ajo, R. (2013). Characteristics of Thick Kmaj Bread Enrichment with Faba Bean (Vicia faba) Flour. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 5(4):369-374.

Book published :

Angor, M. and Ajo, R.(2002). Fruits and vegetables Processing,1st edition , Dar Alamal, Irbad, Jordan ( book In Arabic).

Supported projects:

1-  Partner of project entitiled "Capacity Building of Personnel in Jordanian Olive Industry "543820-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-JO-TEMPUS-JPHES

Other activities:

•  lecturer at the workshop "quality Criteria for Olive Oil," lecture titled "Sensory Evaluation of Olive Oil", 22.11.2014, Agricultural Engineers Association / Irbid and the project of Capacity Building of Personal in Jordanian Olive Industry . Irbid

•  lecturer in Scientific Day, "The Service and Care of Olive Orchards," a lecture titled "Quality of Olive Oil", 11/19/2014 Agriculture Directorate of Irbid and the International Labor Organization, Irbid.

·  Lecturer of the course entitled "HACCP and Good Manufacturing Practices" for recently graduated agricultural engineers. Agricultural Engineers Association - Irbid Branch 5-8/7/2014. Irbid.

·  Participant in workshop entitled "Capacity Building for workers in the industrial and agricultural education" Ozone project, Ministry of Environment, 5-7/6/2014, Dead Sea, Jordan.

·  Lecturer and participant in the workshop of the establishing teams of the table olives tasting - Ministry of Agriculture – Jordan, 2013.

·  Participant in SMEs Regional Conference “Chambers & Business Associations : Drivers of Change” 28-29 April 2014 ,Le Royale Hotel- Amman, Jordan

·  Lecturer and participant in the training workshop for training on the table olives tasting - Ministry of Agriculture - Jordan, 2012.

·  Lecturer in food quality control and risk management

·  Representative of the Applied Science Department at the College Board for two years 2009/2010 and 2010/2011

·  Member of the committee to discuss graduate theses / Jordan University of Science and Technology, the University of Jordan

·  Member of the Jordanian Society for sensory evaluation of food

·  Member of the Jordanian team of olive oil tasting approved by the International Olive Council

·  Member of the steering committees and overseeing authored textbooks in the field of agricultural education / Ministry of Education, Jordan 2010-2011

·  Participant in the Seventh Agricultural Scientific Conference / Jordan University of Science and Technology / 2012

·  Participant of the Jordanian Conference on Nutrition ( Nutrition in Jordan : Reality and developments and challenges ) Petra University and the Arab Center for Nutrition 28-29/4/2010

·  Participant in the workshop " Contemporary Issues in Nutrition ," Jordan University of Science and Technology and the Arab Center for Nutrition 28-29/4 / 2009

·  Participant in the workshop, " The reality of imported food in the local market ," University of Applied Sciences in 2008

·  Member of the Jordanian Society for sensory evaluation of food (JSSEF)

·  Member of the Jordanian Agricultural Engineers Association

·  Contribute to the workshops in the field of food processing to serve the local community.

4 - Courses:

·  Cambridge International Diploma in IT Skills / 2009

·  A course in Measurement and Evaluation / Ministry of Higher Education / 1996

·  A course in computer and software ready / cultural center carpenter / 1998

·  A course in computer and software ready / National Assembly of the Jordanian Red Crescent / Irbid Branch / 2001

·  A course in English conversation / National Assembly of the Jordanian Red Crescent / Irbid Branch / 1999

·  A course in the principles and applications of HACCP / Agricultural Engineers Association / 15.08.2000