Department: : Marketing (MCD)

Course : PhD Program

Subject : Organizational Buying and Shopper Behaviour

Lecturers : Eliane Pereira Zamith Brito

2nd semester /2015



The objective of this course is to present an updated discussion about theories on shopper behaviour (in-store behaviour) and organizational buying.


a)  Shopper Marketing

b)  In-store buying experience

c)  Price and shopper behaviour

d)  Product assortment and category management

e)  Store atmosphere

f)  Retail branding

g)  Online shopping

h)  Organizational buying

i)  Buyer-seller relationship

j)  Service perspective on business relationships

k)  Value creation and capture


The course involves various didactic activities, such as:

a.  Participative lectures;

b.  Discussion of the chapter of a book, a scientific article or a research report;

c.  Student seminars; and

d.  Study reports.

Within this context, the role of the professor is that of instigator and moderator of the learning process, her attributions being: coordination of the discussion of selected texts, correction of and commentary on the studies and exercises presented, and the assessment of the students.

Postgraduate student shall be highly motivated and work with dedication. Previous preparation for the class and participation in it are crucial. It is expected that the student shall undertake thorough and critical study of the subjects and tasks recommended. In each class he/she should be prepared to participate in the activities, offer his/her interpretation and reflections on the texts and comment on his/her experiences and proposals.

Assessment Criteria

Students will assessed using the criteria displayed in the following table.

Activity / Weight
Summary essays on the topics of the course / 30%
Participation on the discussion of material read during classes / 40%
Final essay / 30%

The summary essays should be a synthesis of the texts read and should permit the professor to check on the students’ understanding of the theme under discussion, on the basis of the references suggested for reading and also on the discussion during the classes. Students will be asked to write the essay at the end of each class. The summary essays evaluation will consider the quality of the text and the clarity and objectivity with which the ideas contained are presented and the logical sequencing of the ideas.

Each student has to choose one of course topics to develop in his/her final essay. The student shall be demanded to search for new references on the topic, including recent research papers, in order to develop a research proposal. The document has to contain: an introduction presenting the proposal and the research question; a theory review section; a discussion of possible research methods to be applied in the research development. The research question has to be based on the theory and also on the practical reflection of the student, and the reasoning behind the question shall be presented in the introduction. The theory on the topic has to be well structured and references articulated to present potential gaps in the theory. The final essays will be assessed in terms of the quality of the text, the overall discussion and alignment of the parts, and the references (including national ones) chosen as a basis for the development of the arguments. The text can be of up to 7 pages in single spacing and Times New Roman 12 type, which must be handed in during the last session of the course. Each student shall present her/his proposal in the last session. A presentation of up to 10 minutes has to be prepared about the proposal – use slides, film or other materials to support the presentation.

Course Outline

Date / Topic / Reference
03/08 / Presentation of the course
10/08 / Shopper / Tauber (1972)
Shankar et al. (2011)
Hardesty & Bearden (2009)
Brown & Dant (2009)
17/08 / Customer Experience / Grewal, Levy & Kumar (2009)
Verhoef et al. (2009)
Otnes, Ilhan & Kulkarni (2012)
24/08 / Retail Pricing / Levy et al. (2004)
Kopalle et al. (2009)
Grewal et al. (2012)
Jensen & Grunert (2014)
Bodur, Klein & Arora (2015)
31/08 / Assortment / Mantrala et al. (2009)
Castro, Morales & Nowlis (2013)
Ge, Messinger & Li (2009)
Parker & Lehmann (2011)
Boyd & Bahn (2009)
14/09 / Store environment / Eroglu, Machleit & Barr (2005)
Kaltcheva & Weitz (2006)
Baker, Grewal, & Parasuraman (1994)
Brandão & Parente (2012)
21/09 / Retail Branding / Ailawadi & Keller (2004)
Borghini et al. (2009)
Swoboda, Berg & Schramm-Klein (2013)
Delgado-Ballester, Hernandez-Espallardo, & Rodriguez-Orejuela (2014)
28/09 / Organizational Buying / Johnston & Lewin (1996)
Webster Jr, & Wind (1972)
Hadjikhani & LaPlaca (2013)
Spekman & Gronhaug (1986)
05/10 / Theoretical basis: relational view / Dyer & Singh (1998)
Palmatier (2008)
Parmigiani & Rivera-Santos (2011)
Geyskens, Gielens & Wuyts (2015)
Ribeiro et al. (2009)
19/10 / Theoretical basis: Social exchange theory and resource dependence theory / Cronpanzano & Mitchell (2005)
Emerson (1976)
Lambe, Wittmann & Spekman (2001)
Hillman, Withers & Collins (2009)
Pauraj & Chen (2007)
26/10 / Theoretical basis: Transaction cost; agency theory / Williamson (2008)
Williamson & Ghani (2012)
Rindefleisch & Heide (1997)
Eisenhardt (1989)
Tate (2010)
Heide, Wathne & Rokkan (2007)
09/11 / Creation and appropriation of value in B2B relationships / Bowman & Ambrosini (2000)
Lepak, Smith & Taylor (2007)
Kothari & Lackner (2006)
Wagner, Eggert & Lindemann (2010)
Lindgreen et al. (2012)
16/11 / New theory in Marketing - Value co-creation and SDL / Ballantyne, Williams & Aitken (2011)
Grönroos (2011)
Jacob & Ulaga (2008)
Cova & Salle (2008)
Ford & Mouzas (2013)
23/11 / Presentation and final feedback


Ailawadi, K. L., & Keller, K. L. (2004). Understanding retail branding: conceptual insights and research priorities.Journal of Retailing,80(4), 331-342.

Baker, J., Grewal, D., & Parasuraman, A. (1994). The influence of store environment on quality inferences and store image.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,22(4), 328-339.

Ballantyne, D., Williams, J., & Aitken, R. (2011). Introduction to service-dominant logic: From propositions to practice.Industrial Marketing Management,40(2), 179-180.

Bodur, H. O., Klein, N. M., & Arora, N. (2015). Online Price Search: Impact of Price Comparison Sites on Offline Price Evaluations.Journal of Retailing,91(1), 125-139.

Borghini, S., Diamond, N., Kozinets, R. V., McGrath, M. A., Muniz, A. M., & Sherry, J. F. (2009). Why are themed brandstores so powerful? Retail brand ideology at American Girl Place.Journal of Retailing,85(3), 363-375.

Boyd, D. E., & Bahn, K. D. (2009). When do large product assortments benefit consumers? An information-processing perspective.Journal of Retailing,85(3), 288-297.

Bowman, C., & Ambrosini, V. (2000). Value creation versus value capture: towards a coherent definition of value in strategy.British Journal of Management,11(1), 1-15.

Brandão, M.M. & Parente, J. (2012). Brasileiro gosta de “muvuca”? Impacto da densidade humana no comportamento de compra. RAE – Revista de Administração de Empresas, 52(6), 613-627.

Brown, J. R., & Dant, R. P. (2009). The theoretical domains of retailing research: a retrospective.Journal of Retailing,85(2), 113-128.

Castro, I. A., Morales, A. C., & Nowlis, S. M. (2013). The influence of disorganized shelf displays and limited product quantity on consumer purchase.Journal of Marketing,77(4), 118-133.

Corsaro, D., & Snehota, I. (2010). Searching for relationship value in business markets: are we missing something?Industrial Marketing Management,39(6), 986-995.

Cova, B., & Salle, R. (2008). Marketing solutions in accordance with the SD logic: Co-creating value with customer network actors.Industrial Marketing Management,37(3), 270-277.

Cronpanzano, R., & Mitchell, M. S. (2005). Social Exchange Theory: An Interdisciplinary Review. Journal of Management, v. 31, n. 6, p. 874-900.

Delgado-Ballester, E., Hernandez-Espallardo, M., & Rodriguez-Orejuela, A. (2014). Store image influences in consumers’ perceptions of store brands: the moderating role of value consciousness.European Journal of Marketing, 48(9/10), 1850-1869.

Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Agency theory: An assessment and review. Academy of Management Review, 14(1), 57-74.

Emerson, R. M. (1976). Social exchange theory.Annual Review of Sociology, 335-362.

Eroglu, S. A., Machleit, K., & Barr, T. F. (2005). Perceived retail crowding and shopping satisfaction: the role of shopping values.Journal of Business Research,58(8), 1146-1153.

Fayezi, S.; O’Loughlin, A., & Zutshi, A. (2012). Agency theory and supply chain management: a structured literature review. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(5), 556–570.

Ford, D., & Mouzas, S. (2013). Service and value in the interactive business landscape.Industrial Marketing Management,42(1), 9-17.

Ge, X., Messinger, P. R., & Li, J. (2009). Influence of soldout products on consumer choice.Journal of Retailing,85(3), 274-287.

Geyskens, I., Gielens, K., & Wuyts, S. (2015). United we stand: The impact of buying groups on retailer productivity.Journal of Marketing, 79(3), 16-33.

Grewal, D., Levy, M., & Kumar, V. (2009). Customer experience management in retailing: An organizing framework.Journal of Retailing,85(1), 1-14.

Grewal, D., Roggeveen, A. L., Compeau, L. D., & Levy, M. (2012). Retail value-based pricing strategies: New times, new technologies, new consumers.Journal of Retailing,88(1), 1-6.

Grönroos, C. (2011). Value co-creation in service logic: A critical analysis.Marketing theory,11(3), 279-301.

Hadjikhani, A., & LaPlaca, P. (2013). Development of B2B marketing theory.Industrial Marketing Management,42(3), 294-305.

Hardesty, D. M., & Bearden, W. O. (2009). Consumer behavior and retailing. Journal of Retailing,85(3), 239-244.

Heide, J. B., Wathne, K. H., & Rokkan, A. I. (2007). Interfirm monitoring, social contracts, and relationship outcomes.Journal of Marketing Research, 44(3), 425-433.

Hillman, A. J., Withers, M. C., & Collins, B. J. (2009). Resource Dependence Theory: A Review. Journal of Management, 35(6), 1404-1427.

Jacob, F., & Ulaga, W. (2008). The transition from product to service in business markets: An agenda for academic inquiry.Industrial marketing management,37(3), 247-253.

Jensen, B. B., & Grunert, K. G. (2014). Price knowledge during grocery shopping: What we learn and what we forget.Journal of Retailing,90(3), 332-346.

Johnston, W. J., & Lewin, J. E. (1996). Organizational buying behaviour: Toward an integrative framework. Journal of Business Research, 35, 1–15.

Kaltcheva, V. D., & Weitz, B. A. (2006). When should a retailer create an exciting store environment?Journal of marketing,70(1), 107-118.

Kopalle, P., Biswas, D., Chintagunta, P. K., Fan, J., Pauwels, K., Ratchford, B. T., & Sills, J. A. (2009). Retailer pricing and competitive effects.Journal of Retailing,85(1), 56-70.

Kothari, A., & Lackner, J. (2006). A value based approach to management. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing,21(4), 243-249.

Lambe, C. J., Wittmann, C. M., & Spekman, R. E. (2001). Social exchange theory and research on business-to-business relational exchange. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 8(3), 1-36.

Lavie, D. (2006). The competitive advantage of interconnected firms: An extension of the resource-based view.Academy of Management Review, 31(3), 638-658.

Lepak, D. P., Smith, K. G., & Taylor, M. S. (2007). Value creation and value capture: a multilevel perspective.Academy of Management Review,32(1), 180-194.

Lindgreen, A., Hingley, M. K., Grant, D. B., & Morgan, R. E. (2012). Value in business and industrial marketing: Past, present, and future.Industrial Marketing Management,41(1), 207-214.

Parmigiani, A., & Rivera-Santos, M. (2011). Clearing a Path Through the Forest: A Meta-Review of Interorganizational Relationships. Journal of Management, 37(4), 1108–1136.

Pauraj, A., & Chen, I. J. (2007). Environmental Uncertainty and Strategic Supply Management: A Resource Dependence Perspective and Performance Implications. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 43(3), 29–42.

Levy, M., Grewal, D., Kopalle, P. K., & Hess, J. D. (2004). Emerging trends in retail pricing practice: implications for research.Journal of Retailing,80(3), xiii-xxi.

Mantrala, M. K., Levy, M., Kahn, B., Fox, E., Gaidarev, P., Dankworth, B., & Shah, D. (2009). Why is assortment planning so difficult for retailers? A framework and research agenda.Journal of Retailing,85(1), 71-83.

Otnes, C. C., Ilhan, B. E., & Kulkarni, A. (2012). The language of marketplace rituals: implications for customer experience management.Journal of Retailing,88(3), 367-383.

Palmatier, R. (2008). Interfirm relational drivers of customer value.Journal of Marketing,72(4), 76-89.

Palmatier, R. W., Dant, R. P., Grewal, D., & Evans, K. R. (2006). Factors influencing the effectiveness of relationship marketing: a meta-analysis. Journal of Marketing,70(4), 136-153.

Parker, J. R., & Lehmann, D. R. (2011). When shelf-based scarcity impacts consumer preferences.Journal of Retailing,87(2), 142-155.

Parmigiani, A., & Rivera-Santos, M. (2011). Clearing a path through the forest: A meta-review of interorganizational relationships.Journal of Management,37(4), 1108-1136.

Peters, L. D., Pressey, A. D., Vanharanta, M., & Johnston, W. J. (2013). Theoretical developments in industrial marketing management: Multidisciplinary perspectives.Industrial Marketing Management,42(3), 275-282.

Ribeiro, A. H. P., Brashear, T. G., Monteiro, P.R.R., & Damázio, L.F. (2009). Marketing relationships in Brazil: trends in value strategies and capabilities.Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 24(5/6), 449-459.

Rindfleisch, A., & Heide, J. B. (1997). Transaction Cost Analysis: Past, Present, and Future Applications. Journal of Marketing, 61(4), 30-54.

Shankar, V., Inman, J. J., Mantrala, M., Kelley, E., & Rizley, R. (2011). Innovations in shopper marketing: current insights and future research issues. Journal of Retailing,87, S29-S42.

Spekman, R. E., & Gronhaug, K. (1986). Conceptual and methodological issues in buying centre research.European Journal of Marketing,20(7), 50-63.

Swoboda, B., Berg, B., & Schramm-Klein, H. (2013). Reciprocal effects of the corporate reputation and store equity of retailers.Journal of Retailing,89(4), 447-459.

Tate, W. L., Ellram, L. M., Bals, L., Hartmann, E., & van der Valk, W. (2010). An agency theory perspective on the purchase of marketing services. Industrial Marketing Management,39(5), 806-819.

Tauber, E. M. (1972). Why do people shop?.The Journal of Marketing, 46-49.

Vargo, S. L., & Lusch, R. F. (2011). It's all B2B… and beyond: Toward a systems perspective of the market. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(2), 181-187.

Verhoef, P. C., Lemon, K. N., Parasuraman, A., Roggeveen, A., Tsiros, M., & Schlesinger, L. A. (2009). Customer experience creation: Determinants, dynamics and management strategies.Journal of Retailing,85(1), 31-41.

Wagner, S. M., Eggert, A., & Lindemann, E. (2010). Creating and appropriating value in collaborative relationships.Journal of business research,63(8), 840-848.

Webster Jr, F. E., & Wind, Y. (1972). A general model for understanding organizational buying behavior. Journal of Marketing, 12-19.

Williamson, O. E. (2008). Outsourcing: Transaction Cost Economics and Supply Chain Management. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 44(2), 5-16.