New Richmond Middle School
Señora April Hamdorf
(715) 243-1658
Course Name: Spanish I
Course Description:
Hola, bienvenido(a) a la clase de español. This is a fast-paced class in which you will learn basic vocabulary, verb conjugation, and conversation skills. You do not get high school credit for this class, but if you get above a C you will be able to proceed to Spanish II once you are in high school. If you get a C or lower, you will need to repeat this class in high school.
Required Materials: You will need to bring your textbook, notebook, workbook, folder, pens,pencils, and planner to class everyday.
Grading: Grades are weighted and broken down accordingly:
-Daily work 10%
-Assessment (tests, quizzes, and projects)50%
Homework: You can expect to have homework most nights. Even if there is no homework assignment that day, you need to study vocabulary. You will receive 5 points for most homework assignments based upon completion. Late work is accepted but must be turned in by the end of the unit to receive 70% credit. Learning a foreign language takes a lot of time and effort. You will not learn Spanish if you do not study and practice outside of school.
Daily Work: You will have daily board work that you will do at the beginning of class each day. You will need to complete the daily work each day and turn it in on Friday to get full credit. If you are absent, you must write “absent” next to that date in order to receive full credit.
Make-Up Work Policy: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and what you need to make up. There is an assignment section on the board that I update daily. Please check this before coming to see me. If you missed a test or a quiz, it needs to be made up before or after school within a week of when it was given. If you do not make it up during this time, you will make it up in class on a day of my choosing. Test corrections can be made but need to be completed one week from when the test was given, regardless of absences. You need to go over your answers with me and then retake the test. This process takes at least 2 days. The average of the test scores will be your new test grade.
Cultural Enrichment: A cultural enrichment extra credit project will be available each month for 10 points. You will choose one of the famous Latinos posted in the classroom and write a short biography (2-3 paragraphs) about him or her. Include a picture and cite your source(s). Cultural enrichment will be due on the last Wednesday of each month.
Extra Help: If at any time you need extra help, please come to me and I can help you before or after school. The book's website can also provide some assistance. Through this cite you can take practice quizzes and use vocabulary flashcards. Most students find it very helpful. It is: Click on World Languages and then on Spanish. Then click on our textbook. Next, click on the unit/chapter we are studying.
Behavior Expectations: I expect you to try your best and maintain a positive attitude in class. Here are some rules to follow:
- Respect others
- Raise your hand to speak
It is my expectation that you will make a positive contribution to the class. The consequences for breaking the rules are as follows:
1st offense: Warning
2nd offense: Detention and a phone call home
3rd offense: Spend time with Ms. Wood
In addition, I ask that you remember the following:
- No food, drink, hats, or electronics in class
- Be in your seat and be ready to learn when the bell rings
- Wait to pack up your materials until I dismiss you
***Make sure you do not use electronic translators. Most of the time they do not work and I will be able to tell that you have used them. You are better off using your book and/or asking for help.
We are going to have a great year. I look forward to teaching you and watching you learn and master Spanish!
Señora Hamdorf
We have read the course syllabus and we understand the course goals and expectations.
Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature Date