Minutes of a meeting of Colgate Parish Council held on 9th July 2012 at 7pm at Colgate Primary School.
Councillors: B. Knight, Mrs. R. Calvert, Mrs. C. Crosdil, I. Davis, Mrs. D. Luxford, Mrs. S Marley, Dr. B. Radford, J. Sired, D. Stillwell.
In Attendance: Mrs. B. Clayden (Parish Clerk)
Cllr Hodgson until 7:50pm
Mr. M Moreland until 7:30pm (speaker) see appendix
1. Minutes of the last meeting.
The minutes of the last meeting on 14th May 2012 were agreed and signed as a true record.
2. Urgent Matters
a) The chair commented that Mazars are still requesting information with regards to 2011/12 accounts which have been duly dealt with.
b) The chair distributed a paper on the Localised Council Tax Support. Chair stated that more investigation needs to be done on this subject to ascertain any implications on the Parish. Details distributed and Councillors asked to read them. Item to be put on next agenda for discussion. ALL
c) Youth Provision has been discussed at the clerk’s meeting on 29th June at Southwater. A pack of information was given to the Parish councillors for their consideration. Clare Elebewicz had offered to speak to the Parish in this regard and all councilors agreed that Clare should be invited to present the project at the next meeting. CLERK
3. Declaration of Interest
No Declarations of Interest were received
4. Members of the Public
It was reported that 2 plastic chairs had been abandoned in Tower Road opposite the vets. Clerk to advise Horsham District council. CLERK
It was reported that glass from a greenhouse had been dumped in Ash Copse by the Cabin .It was also brought to the council’s attention that it was dangerous as dogs had been injured already. Clerk to advise Horsham District Council. CLERK
5. Reports from District and West Sussex Councilors
Councillor Hodgson reported that
a) Colgate bus service will cease as a result of the removal of the subsidy to Metrobus. The service is not viable to be run without the subsidy since the service is not adequately used.
b) Apologised for the delay on information on Holmbush bus stop and would chase up the relevant departments. COUNCILLOR HODGSON
c) School Safety Zone to be installed over the summer holidays including the amendments requested by the Parish. Copy of the plan was distributed during the meeting.
d) Councillor Hodgson suggested that the long term drainage problem in Blackhouse Rd should be reported to WSCC again and a copy of the letter to be sent to him. CLERK
6. Finances
Bills paid in May/June 2012 £
Huddlestones audit 50
M Dunsbee- accounts preparation 207
S Keogh-freelance clerk 73.65
May Salary R Molesworth 56
Salc- annual subs 2012 263.25
Halc-annual subs 2012 15
Aon-annual insurance 2012 638.09
June Salary R Molesworth 56
Action in rural SX- annual subs 2012 50
HMRC -tax Mr Molesworth 42
GACC-grant 2012 30
Colgate school-room hire 70
Total £1550.99
Bills to pay £
SALC-recruitment 75 (est)
Colgate PCC-grant 2012 450
Colgate Village hall-grant 2012 450
Faygate Village hall-grant 2012 450
July/Aug Salary R Molesworth 112
Clerk salary May, June, July 926.25
Clerk expenses May/June 2012 64.38
Clerk petrol/car use May/June 2012 81.25
Total £2608.88
Current Account balance on 30th May £773.92
£2500 transferred to current from Reserve Account to cover bills. Balance of Reserve Account after transfer is £5910.83
Balance on current account can’t be given until clerk has received statements which are delayed due to updating of new clerk’s details. A new current account balance will be issued on receipt of these. CLERK
It was agreed that letter would be sent to Colgate and Faygate Village halls and the Colgate PCC requesting that should they want to receive the grant in the future they must apply to the council before November detailing what the grant is required for. Grant of £450 for 2012 will accompany the letter. CLERK
7. Speeding through the village
It was agreed that increased police presence has improved the situation as has the speed sign located by the pub. Many felt that the School safety Zone would also have a positive impact on the speed of traffic on Forest Road. It was agreed that the clerk would write to business sited on Blackhouse Rd to remind the drivers associated with the businesses about the speed limit. Councillor Crosdil to supply clerk with the names of the businesses in Blackhouse Rd. COUNCILLOR CROSDIL /CLERK
Councillors agreed to remove this item from the agenda for the time being unless the situation changes.
a) Potholes in Grouse Road were still not filled in. Clerk to ask WSCC for an update on the situation.
b) Road surface in Blackhouse Rd is breaking up. Clerk to report to WSCC highways.
c) The lamp column in Forest Road has its plastic cover hanging off. Clerk to report to WSCC CLERK
9. Housing Need Report
It was agreed to remove this item from the agenda. No further action required unless the situation changes.
10. Planning
No objections were raised by Colgate Parish on the following planning applications:
DC/12/1031 and DC/12/1031-window replacement-1 Mews House, Roffey
DC/12/1231- cutting down of beech trees no 3 Beedingwood Drive
Clerk advised HDC via E mail of the decision.
No decisions from HDC received.
11. Parish Action Plan
Chair reported that the new website is not progressing. Meeting to be held on 11th July to discuss the website. Chair to report on progression. CHAIR
12. Horsham District Council
a) No circulars received
b) Consultation on traveller’s site was received by the clerk. Councillor Sheila Marley to review the document and report back to Chair before the next meeting.
13. Safety Inspection
Councillor Crosdil reported that the bus shelter seat is worn out .Coucillor J Sired has checked the seat and it is not in need of repair. Councillor Davis is the next on the list to undertake the safety check. COUNCILLOR DAVIS
14. Horsham Association of Clerks (HALC)
Chair updated councillors on the new Code of Conduct and suggested that the Parish adopt this document as recommended by the Monitoring Officer, Sandra Herbert. The councillors were advised that the old code no longer exists from 1st July and they were also informed that the insurance cover may be compromised by not having the new code adopted.
Councillors wanted time to look over the code and associated documents and report back to Clerk by the end of July. If and when adoption of the Codes take place the Register of Interest forms must be completed within 28 days and a hard copy sent to the Clerk. ALL
Clerk to distribute all documents to councillors and Clerk to advise Sandra Herbert of the delay to adoption. CLERK
15. Circular/newsletter/magazine
Various magazine and newsletter distributed to councillors. These are to be passed amongst councillors. ALL
16. Residence Survey
It was agreed this item would be removed from the agenda as no further action is required unless the situation changes.
17. S106 monies
Clerk spoke with Howard Collins at HDC and confirmed the following: £450 is available to spend on community development in the parish. There is also approx £3700 possibly available once the triggers to the monies are activated, for example the trigger could be the start of the development. There is also approx £4M possibly available in respect of the Agate Yard development. HDC suggested that Colgate Parish send a wish list for consideration should monies become available. The list with the S106 monies should be improved over the next few months so it is easier to understand.
Wish list for Colgate Parish would include the following:
Pedestrian bridge over A264
Replace temporary village hall in Colgate
Tarmac Faygate village hall car park and improve lighting
New speed limit sign on Forest Road
Clerk to advise HDC of the list. CLERK
18. Date of next meeting
It was agreed that the date of the next meeting would be 10th September 2012 at 7:30 at Faygate Village Hall.
The meeting ended at 9pm
Signed ………………………….. Date…………………
Subject to confirmation the dates for the next meeting will be 12th Nov, 14th Jan, and 11th March
Appendix 1
Mr Moreland was invited as a speaker at the start of the meeting to discuss with the councillors development proposal in Faygate.
Colgate Parish advised Mr Moreland that they remain neutral on the matter and signposted Mr Moreland to Horsham District Council to discuss the proposal with Mr Andrew Smith. The Parish council also stated that Faygate parishioners would need to be consulted.