
Mission Committee Meeting

May 3, 2011

Opening Prayer-Nancy Woodington


Nancy Rupp (Chair), Ralph Jones, Nancy Woodington, Mary Hunt, Wanda Castner, Pat Wales, Brian Gray, Maria LaSala, Jane Hindenlang

Approval of Minutes of April 5th Meeting (no minutes available for April).

Approval of Agenda

Old Business

Stony Point Conference follow up…where do we go from here?

Ralph Jones reported: Sunday, May 1 adult education class reported on Peacemaking Convocation. 5 tracks: Columbia, Israel-Palestine, Race relations/immigration/privilege, gun violence.

As a start the Church will switch to the use of Café Justo (justcoffee.org). Café Justo provides direct benefit to the growers/producers.

Q. Jane Hindenlang-Should there be a separate committee to focus on Social Justice? Maybe the committee should be named “Mission and Social Justice”.

Maria LaSala-Discussed actions that constitute “Social Justice” many of which already fall under the purview of the missionary committee (e.g. Columbus House, Abraham’s tent). Suggested small groups to focus on specific issues.

Ralph Jones-Drew the distinction that the focus of “Social Justice” is more on the transformation of society, whereas the focus of “Mission” is often on a particular problem.

Ralph Jones-Distributed a letter from “Connecticut Voices for Children” to Senator Lieberman and Blumenthal expressing our concerns re. the proposed budget from the U.S. House of Representatives. Requested that the Mission Committee, as a body, endorse and sign it, and forward it to the “Connecticut Voices for Children” for them to submit to the Senators from CT. Moved, seconded, and approved

Ralph Jones-Presbyterian Peace Fellowship distributed a statement prepared in response to the killing of Bin Laden.

Maria LaSala-is in communication with Rev. Perry and “Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice” re the War Memorial being constructed commemorating those killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The service is every first Monday of the month at the Civil War Memorial Park at the corner of Elm and Broadway. Next service is June 6 at 6PM. Suggested that those interested attend the next service and report impressions at the next Mission Committee Meeting.

Ralph Jones-reported that CCA has Facebook link to raise money.

Christian Community Action—Feinstein Challenge (March and April):

Total: 2 month: 427 items + $1000 donation

Connecticut Food Bank Walk vs Hunger May 1st 2011:

15 adults (raised $792) and 7 youths walked and (raised over $1000).

Abraham’s Tent Evaluation—May 12th 6pm

Will be held at the Unitarian Church on Ridge Road.

Nancy Rupp-raised the possibility that this is an opportunity to raise awareness at the state level for support for social programs such as Columbus House, CCA, and the food banks.

Earth Day. Nancy Rupp noted our Earth Day related activities. Lenten fast, ground cleanup, bird walk.

Pentecost (June 12), Pat Wales agreed to do the interpretation for the Minute for Mission for Pentecost offering

New Business

Offering of Letters May 8th: making foreign assistance more effective.

Friendship Hour May 8th: provide bread

Nancy Rupp-May 8. Offering of Letters.

This year’s theme is making foreign aid work better for poor and hungry around the letter. Ask that each of us compose and write a letter prior to Sunday. Sample letter can be found at Volunteers: Brian Gray, Jane Hindenlang, Wanda Castner, Nancy Rupp.

Bread makers (coordinated by Jane Hindenlang and Martha Smith): Wanda Castner, Jane Hindenlang, Mary Hunt, Martha Smith, SA. During the friendship hour, an assortment of breads will be available to reinforce the theme of the “Bread for the World”. The event will either be the topic of the minute for mission (Brian Gray), or as an announcement (Bill Goettler).

Friendship Hour for June and July

June 5 (Mary Hunt), 12 (picnic, no friendship hour), 19 (Nancy Rupp), 26 (Brian and Candice Gray, Wanda Castner)

July 3 (Pat Wales and Pat Murphy), 10 (Joanne Anderson, Jane Hindenlang), 17 (Ralph Jones), 24 (Nancy Woodington), 31 (Gary Cline) (July 10=Joanne (Refreshments for July=lemonade, crackers)

Looking Forward

Bulletin board

Abraham’s Tent application/PSNE

Maria received notification for PSNE that we can apply for a mission project.

Topics for next month.

Sthreshley update

No response from our email Suggested that we contact the world mission office at Louisville for advice.

Lobby Day Bread for the World -Washington, June 14th

Nancy Rupp will be attending.

World Mission conference June 30-July 2, Indianapolis

Suggested that Jim Phillips may attend on our behalf. Jennie Davis will be attending.

Mission co-worker visit-summer 2011?

Hunter Farrell (Head of the PCUSA’s World Mission), Chris Foster, and two other associates will be visiting New Haven and 1st Pres on September 9. They prefer staying in a home, rather than a hotel.

The following offered space: Pat Wales for 1, Mary Hunt for 2

With regard to additional support for Karla Koll. Maria LaSala suggested a college book fund for Karla’s daughter.

Disbursements. $500 to Bread for the World

Closing Prayer