Wednesday, June 9, 2010, 12 Noon, Room 804
PRESENT: Jeff Beckley Javier Gutierrez Tom Paine Val Rodgers Omar Ramos Angie Ruiz Judy Santistevan Maria Sell Todd Hansink
Craig Blek Allison Brock Vikki Carr
Michael Carr Janeen Kalin Melissa Vasquez
Walid Ghanim Efrain Silva Lucia Diaz
ABSENT: Andres Martinez (because of bereavement leave)
Val Rodgers called the meeting to order at 12 noon, and welcomed the adjunct faculty.
Efrain discussed how the Academic Services reorganization will be affecting the Business Division as a whole, his role as the Dean of Workforce and Economic Development, his working relationship with the Business Division, and his management style. Val discussed how the reorganization plans will affect the Business Division lab. As of July 1, all instructional labs will be under the direction of Taylor Ruhl, Dean of Learning Services and Instructional Technology. Val also explained that there is a plan, which will begin this summer, to move the lab to the 1600 Building and to remodel Room 913 into a CISCO classroom.
Program Review
Val informed the faculty that all Business Division programs will be responsible for completing a program review by next November. The review will include analysis of program data, identification of goals and objectives that will be assessed during the next cycle, and a summary of SLOs that have been completed for courses. The program review will also require the development of program SLOs.
Winter Session
Todd asked for clarification regarding winter session. Efrain indicated that winter session has been cancelled.
Academic Senate Representative
Jeff Beckley was elected the Academic Senate representative for the Business Division.
The division members thanked Javier and Lucia for all they have done for the division. With the reorganization, Javier’s position is moving under the Dean of Learning Services and Instructional Technology. It was noted that Javier’s primary assignment should be to the Business Division. Lucia is transferring to the University of California Irvine.
The meeting adjourned 1:20 p.m.
Business Division Minutes