Harrisonburg High School Band Minutes

August 30, 2010

The August 30, 2010 meeting was called to order by President Blakely.

The Treasurer’s report was submitted and approved.

The minutes were read and approved. All minutes since June 2010 will be submitted to the new web master for viewing on the new web site.


**There has been no success getting a freezer donation from a business or through Craigslist. Mr. Snow made a motion to purchase a chest freezer, the motion was seconded and carried. A new freezer will be purchased for use.

***President Blakely brought up the idea of purchasing additional canopies for Band camp and other uses. The size would be 20x20 for a price of $220. A motion was made to purchase 1 additional canopy. Motion was seconded and carried. President Blakely was taking care of the purchase of the canopies.

***Mr. Snow mentioned that per Karen Puckett’s request that any one wanting reimbursement for any purchase made for the HHS band MUST complete a Purchase/Reimbursement request. This procedure must be followed to maintain the integrity of the Band budget.


**It was suggested that on the Band camp form for meals, that a selection area be made for any vegans that may be in the band. This would make It helpful in providing food for those members. It was also mentioned that the Band camp potluck had the largest attendance ever with over 300 people attending.


**Andy will be calling for volunteers to help with the SVMI. He will be using parents from all grades.He will be selling burgers/dogs/chicken patties using a conveyor broiler.

**Andy also purchased a Cabinet food warmer from the RMH surplus sale. He has also found a new pop corn vendor.

**Andy also brought up the prospect of purchasing water bottles with the HHS logo on them for home games. After much discussion it was decided that it is a great idea that can maybe be utilized at a later date. Great as a marketing tool!!


***the moving cases for the drums are under construction, hopefully being done by the first competition.


**Tammy asked about the procedure and all that is needed is the head count and ordering of the pizza. She will get with Terry Hess. She feels she has enough help for the feast.


***Mr. Snow thanked Bob Steere and all involved for a great Band Camp.

**Mr. Snow also said that the fall scheudle3 was very busy.

Bridgewater Parade-09/04, first home game 09/10, first competition 09/18, SVMI 09/25.Through out September and October there will be homes games and additional competitions. The Veterans Day concert will be 11/11 here at HHS and holiday concert is 12/10.

**He also wanted to note that if there is a conflict with schedules, please have the students fill out a conflict form!!

The meeting was adjourned by President Blakely.